Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 84 84. Support

The reason for choosing to dive in Ambergris Lake is that it is dangerous to go out on the sea today due to the wind and sea, Lu Zhizi’s diving skills are not good, and the reason for this lake bottom forest is because of it.

Underwater forests are natural wonders, and they are often found in the mudflats or bays along the coast of China, such as the coastal underwater forests in the southeast region, which will show their true colors every time the tide recedes.

But as Lu Zhizi said, these forests are all dead trees, and the trunks and branches are even rotten.

The lake bottom forests in Ambergris Lake are different. They are also dead, but there are water plants and aquatic plants attached to the branches and trunks. At first glance, they seem to be thriving under the water.

This scenery is amazing. Ao Muyang guessed that Lu Zhizi would like it, and he guessed right. Lu Zhizi would go to see this underwater forest as long as he entered the water.

From morning to afternoon, Lu Zhizi’s interest finally subsided a little.

Ao Muyang turned the sail sideways, and the sand boat slowly approached the dock.

He helped Lu Zhizi get off the boat. As soon as Lu Zhizi stood on land, her legs went weak and she said in panic: "Oh my God, I can't stand."

Ao Muyang had to hold her slender waist to help her stand steady, and said with a smile: "Let you show off in the water. I have already said that we can't dive anymore."

Lu Zhizi pouted and said: "I will dive, I will dive, I will dive..."

Ao Muyang immediately said: "Rat rat rat Hengyuanxiang, cow cow cow Hengyuanxiang..."

"Are you a repeater?" Lu Zhizi laughed.

The two supported each other and went home. It was inevitable that they met villagers on the way. Ao Muyang was embarrassed to say hello, but Lu Zhizi was much more at ease and would say hello when she met acquaintances.

Not only that, she sometimes looked back. Ao Muyang said, "Do you want to see who saw us hugging each other?"

Lu Zhizi said angrily, "Who is hugging you? This is called supporting each other - I am looking at the general, where is the general?"

Ao Muyang said, "It is watching the fish on the boat. It saw that I didn't take the fish away, so it stayed there to guard it."

He supported Lu Zhizi to the door. Ao Fugui, who was squatting in front of the door eating watermelon next door, was stunned when he saw this scene. The watermelon fell to the ground with a "crack" and shattered, just like his equally broken admiration.

"Wow, husband and wife follow each other, what are you doing?" Ao Fugui almost screamed, his heart hurt!

Ao Muyang said unhappily: "Sing you, go to the lake and get on a sand boat. There are some fish and snails on the boat. Bring them back for me. I'll make fish soup tonight."

After entering the house, he let Lu Zhizi rest, and then smiled: "I'm afraid there will be rumors about us in the village."

Lu Zhizi looked nonchalant: "You also said it was a rumor, what's so scary about it?"

"Rumors are scary."

Lu Zhizi snorted: "Miscarriage is scary, what's scary about rumors?"

Ao Muyang was speechless.

Ao Fugui came back with the fish and snails, and the general was staring at him from behind. During this time, he pretended to take them back to his home, and the general immediately blocked the door and grinned.

Teasing the general, Ao Fugui walked in and said, "Yangzi, how did you train the general? He was a stupid dog before, but now he is smarter than me."

"It's not that he is smart, it's you who is stupid."

Ao Fugui said, "Okay, okay, I am stupid, but doesn't the old saying say that stupid people have good fortune? Where is my good fortune? Especially good fortune for women, where is my good fortune for women?"

Ao Muyang said perfunctorily, "Don't you think the general is handsome? How about a fight with the general?"

Ao Fugui raised his middle finger, "Just squeeze me, I'll have dinner at your house tonight, don't even think about being alone with Teacher Lu!"

There are many dishes tonight, Ao Muyang slaughtered the crucian carp, fried half of it with oil, poured water and added a little ginger slices to stew, and made braised crucian carp with the other half.

Catfish can't be eaten for the time being, it is full of energy, so Ao Muyang kept them for the time being. Catfish is too nutritious, and the young man will feel uncomfortable eating it at night.

He pickled the snails and prepared to make spicy fried snails. This thing is a good side dish after it cools down.

It was still early, and Ao Muyang still had a lot of meat he bought from the town, so he decided to make dumplings, so that tomorrow's breakfast would be ready.

In summer and autumn, there are many mountain grasshoppers in the farmland, and Ao Fugui's mother picked up a pile of them.

Ao Muyang went to ask for two pieces of blanched wild vegetable balls, came back and mixed them with pork and peanut oil, seasoned them with dark soy sauce, vinegar and chicken essence, then kneaded the dough and rolled the skin, and made a lot of dumplings neatly.

Lu Zhizi came to help, but she was a little exhausted from diving for too long. After making two dumplings, her hands and feet were weak and she almost fell to the ground.

Ao Fugui said to Ao Muyang in grief and anger: "What did you do to Teacher Lu?"

Ao Muyang glared at him: "What are you thinking about? Teacher Lu went diving and was tired."

Crucian carp soup needs to be stewed for a long time. When the dumplings are cooked, it is almost done. The clear water in the pot has turned into a milky white thick soup, which is full of delicious fragrance as soon as it is opened.

Ao Muyang scooped a bowl and sprinkled some pepper in it, then handed it to Lu Zhizi and said, "Drink two bowls, have a good sleep tonight, and you will definitely be a lively man tomorrow."

Lu Zhizi took a sip and smiled with satisfaction: "So delicious!"

The fish soup was delicious, so she inevitably drank too much. When Ao Muyang found out, her belly was round.

This made him laugh helplessly: "You won't eat dumplings later?"

Lu Zhizi said disdainfully: "What's so good about dumplings? How can it be as delicious as this fish soup?"

The wild vegetable dumplings came out of the pot, and Ao Muyang found a small bowl and scooped a few for her.

The dumplings have thin skin and lots of fillings. The seasonal wild vegetables have a natural and fresh taste. Paired with the local pork and peanut oil he bought specially, they are fresh and fragrant. Ao Muyang took a bite, and the soup splashed out, filling his mouth with fragrance!

Lu Zhizi ate it in small bites, then stood up and strolled.

Ao Muyang asked in surprise: "What are you doing? Rest more."

Lu Zhizi said seriously: "No, I have to move around to consume energy, so that I can eat more dumplings-Fugui, leave that plate for me, I will eat it tonight before leaving!"

Ao Xiaoniu didn't come again, so Ao Muyang went to send some.

He felt that Song Qiumin and her son were in a bad mood recently, but if the other party didn't say it, it would be inconvenient to ask more.

Before leaving, Ao Xiaoniu sent him out. Ao Muyang asked him what was wrong. Ao Xiaoniu took after his mother and had a stubborn temper. He shook his head and said it was nothing.

Ao Muyang had no choice but to touch his head and said: "If you have any trouble, find Uncle Yang, don't make it difficult for your mother, okay?"

Ao Xiaoniu's face darkened: "Well, it's okay, Uncle Yang."

The weather cleared up, and Ao Muyang, who hadn't been out to sea for several days, drove his yacht to the sea again the next day.

He met Ao Zhiyi at the dock, who was maintaining the fishing boat and shouted: "Yangzi, come to the sea with me tomorrow."

Ao Muyang didn't even turn his head: "I'm not in the mood recently."

His target was still the garbage belt, one was to clean up the garbage, and the other was to sweep around to see if he could sweep out some more eels.

As a result, when he arrived at the garbage belt area, he saw several small sampans wandering in the garbage sea.

He asked, "What are you doing?"

The middle-aged man on the sampan snorted after seeing his appearance, "Just like you did a few days ago, picking up garbage."

A teenager next to him looked up and said, "Dad, aren't we here to catch eels? Why are we picking up garbage again?"

The middle-aged man scolded, "Don't talk too much, find bottles quickly."

Ao Muyang looked around and saw that the sampan was full of bottles and cans.

So he understood that someone must have heard that he had caught a lot of sea eels a few days ago, and then thought that he had been in the garbage belt that day, so he guessed that his eels were caught in the garbage belt.

Several boats were shuttling in the garbage belt, so he naturally didn't get anything, so he had to sail away and continue to go deeper into the ocean to see if he could encounter anything else.

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