Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 850 856. Hornet's Nest (5)

Ao Muyang specializes in catching squid and octopus. The squid will spit out ink when it encounters a crisis, so he is in trouble. However, the harvest is good. The squid and octopus left after the low tide are very fat. I can make a bowl tonight when I go back. Eat fresh octopus noodles.

The tourists can only watch helplessly. Fortunately, the villagers no longer rely on traveling to the sea to support their families. Most of them come to join in the fun, pick up some random things and then go ashore. If tourists come up to borrow the treadmill, everyone will lend it out.

Each tread trough has a name or mark on it, so there is no confusion, so you can borrow it with confidence.

Children want to play. The treadmill itself is not dangerous, but it takes a lot of effort to push and operate it. If it is not controlled well, it will easily roll over. The children lack strength and have a poor sense of balance. One child knelt on it and did not mark a few meters. Far away, it suddenly rolled over and fell into the mire.

This guy was also unlucky. His head was down when he got in. If there were not villagers nearby who were looking for conches and pulled him out in time, this kid might have been in danger.

Seeing this scene, parents did not dare to let their children mess around anymore. They pulled their children ashore one after another and let them play on the beach. Then they knelt on the treadmill and started sliding on the beach.

The children had nothing to do, so they had to gather together in groups to pass the time.

A chubby young man took out a slingshot from his schoolbag and said excitedly: "Shall we go hunting for birds? There are many birds on the mountain behind the village. Let's go hunting for birds and roast them to eat."

The other children perked up, they didn't care what they ate, they just cared about what they could play with.

Suddenly, a dozen children formed a group. They surrounded the fat boy and marched toward the back mountain together.

There are many trees in the village, and there are also birds on the trees, most of which are sparrows. The fat boy found that he was so angry that he opened his bow like a full moon, just like Hou Yi shooting at the sun. He aimed at the sparrows and opened fire!

‘Whoosh’, the projectile passed through the crown of the tree and knocked down a few leaves, leaving the sparrow unharmed.

A young man said with a smile: "Little fat brother, you can't do it. You just know how to show off. Come on, give me the slingshot and let me do it for you."

The fat boy was very dissatisfied, glared at him and said, "The slingshot is mine, why should I give it to you to play with? Go and play with it yourself!"

After just one shot, the youth league was in crisis of internal strife.

Fortunately, the teenagers all came from the city. They all went to key primary schools and were considered to have relatively high emotional intelligence. Someone came out to break up the fight, and the team that was about to collapse reunited.

There are also teenagers who carry guns, but they are only plastic guns that cost 20 yuan each. They are useless, and they are not as effective as a slingshot for shooting birds.

The teenagers took turns aiming their guns, and as a result, a lot of leaves fell off the trees, and not a single feather fell off the sparrows.

This made them very hurt. After that, the fat boy fired his bow many times but got nothing. He became so angry that he finally found a sparrow's nest and couldn't hit the target.

"What are you doing?" With a sharp shout, the fat boy was startled. His wrist flicked and the projectile missed and flew past a little girl's ear, making the little girl scream in fright.

The fat boy quickly explained: "It's none of my business. Someone is scaring me. It's him, it's him. Who are you?"

Ao Xiaomi glared at him angrily and said: "Who I am has nothing to do with you. What do you want to do? Is it right to beat a bird's nest? If you dare to beat a bird's nest, I will beat your bird until there is no nest left!" "

Conflicts among the teenagers came inadvertently. As expected, foreign war is the best channel to divert internal conflicts. The youth groups who were still in internal strife worked together to fight against the children in this village.

But before they could say a few harsh words, more children from the village came running, one, two, three, four, five, eight, or ten. The young people from the village quickly gathered and scared the children of the Youth League.

It was mainly the teenagers from the village who came with dogs. How had the city children seen such a scene? There were dogs involved in this fight? Did they arrive at the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau? Did they encounter Tibetan compatriots who were hunting with Tibetan mastiffs?

Ao Xiaoniu and his party were not here to fight, and they didn't know there was a conflict here. They just happened to come here, shouting happily as they ran: "Let's go, let's poke the hornet's nest!"

When Ao Muyang first built a new small building, a beehive appeared outside the door, and a spring was dug out in the backyard. At that time, the villagers said that he was going to "become a bee and the water would rise."

The beehives gradually became larger, so Ao Muyang found a way to move them to the back mountain. Now the beehives are getting bigger and bigger, and they have become the dominant one in the back mountain.

Because this hive was transplanted by Ao Muyang, and Ao Muyang did become prosperous after building the small building, the villagers were a little superstitious and thought it was the hive that contributed to it, so even though the wasp swarm was overrun, no one was there to deal with it. it.

The students were not happy. This conflicted with their interests. There was also a beehive in the school playground. They raised bees in extracurricular activities to observe and harvest honey. The wasps would persecute the bees, so when the summer vacation came, the primary school students organized spontaneously. A bee exterminator team was formed.

The bee extermination team was organized by Yang Shishi, with Ao Xiaomi as the backbone. Their sixth-grade students thought that they were about to say goodbye to their alma mater, and wanted to do something good for their alma mater before leaving.

However, after three years of development, the hornet's nest is now one meter smaller in height. There are wasps shuttled inside day and night. The teenagers are quite frightened. After Ao Xiaomi's suggestion, they went to find foreign aid, that is, Ao Xiaoniu and his party. .

Hearing that they were going to poke a hornet's nest, the eyes of the children in the city lit up. This was a childhood activity that only existed in legends. Now that they were bumped into, what was this but fate?

The teenagers lowered their attitude and asked to join the team. Ao Xiaoniu was quite resistant to this and said, "Hornets are very dangerous. The swelling won't go down after they sting you for several days. You city kids are too delicate. Don't take risks."

The teenagers were unhappy when they heard this. They all puffed up their chests and patted their chests: "We are all men with the same head and two balls. How can we be delicate?"

"That's right, let's go together. More people means more strength."

"Brother, look, I have two packs of Oreos here. I'll give you one. Take me with you."

Ao Xiaojun patted Ao Xiaoniu on the shoulder and said, "Niu, take them with you. We are friends when we meet. We are all friends."

"Yes, yes, yes." The city kids nodded like crazy.

Ao Xiaoniu said embarrassedly, "But you don't have any tools."

They showed their raincoats and motorcycle helmets. Some even brought towel blankets. They had to be armed to the teeth to poke a hornet's nest.

The city kids are smart. The fat boy thought for a while and said, "The helmet is easy to solve. I saw someone selling watermelons. Let's go buy a watermelon and put it on our heads after eating. How about that?"

"What about clothes? Are you going like this? If you go like this, you will all be the same size as this fat guy after a round." Ao Xiaoniu pointed at the fat boy and said.

The fat boy was very smart and said, "Why do we need clothes? Let's go to the beach and roll around. When the mud on our bodies dries, it will be a piece of armor. It's practical and impressive!"

"You are really a talent." The village kids couldn't help but admit it.

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