Wild turbot is very precious. Even farmed fish can be sold for hundreds of yuan per kilogram in seafood markets in coastal cities such as Hongyang. In inland areas far from the ocean, its price is even higher.

Ao Muyang recalled that most wild turbot in Chinese hotels are imported from abroad. The initial price is more than 200 yuan per kilogram. After entering the hotel, the price has to double. It is common to have 400 yuan per kilogram.

And most imported turbot are frozen fish. The cost of transporting live fish is too high. If live wild turbot enters the hotel, one kilogram or two thousand yuan is a conscience price.

Sitting at the stern, he pondered that wild turbot is very rare in China. This is not their natural habitat. Most of them cannot survive in the wild.

It is a coincidence that this batch of turbot can survive in the sea around the reef. Turbot needs to eat crustaceans during its juvenile stage. It likes small shrimps, crabs and clams. There happens to be a population of flower crabs living in this reef area. The young flower crabs feed the young turbot.

In addition, turbot likes to live in shallow waters in cold water zones. The seawater around the reef is very deep and cold, and the existence of the reef causes a shallow water area to protrude from the seabed, allowing the turbot to survive.

Seeing these turbots, Ao Muyang understood why the flower crab population on the reef side was not very large. It turned out that there were natural enemies.

Relatively speaking, the economic value of flower crabs is greater than that of turbot. He decided to catch a batch of turbot, which can not only make money, but also help the flower crabs expand their population size, so that he can make more money in the future.

In Europe, turbot is caught with bottom trawls. This type of net has a large range and goes directly to the seabed, which can catch all bottom-dwelling fish, shrimps and crabs.

Ao Muyang did not have this type of net on his boat, but there were many ground dogs. He saw that it was still early and decided to use an inefficient but effective fishing method: sea fishing!

There are several fishing rods and many fishing spots on the boat. After all, this is a sea fishing boat, a type of yacht specially used for fishing.

Ao Muyang used all the fishing rods, hooked the ground dog, threw it to the bottom of the sea, and then inserted the handle of the fishing rod into the fishing position, and he just harvested it directly.

The fish hooks fell into the seabed one after another, and Ao Muyang poked his head in the water, monitoring the fish schools on the bottom of the sea like a voyeur.

Under artificial breeding conditions, turbot mainly eats high-energy granular feed, but in the natural environment, they are carnivorous fish and cannot live without meat.

Turbot likes to eat meat, but when the ground dog is above their heads, they don’t hunt, but gradually bury their bodies in the sand.

"What is this for?" Ao Muyang muttered, "Did their ancestors receive training in the farm? Do they know that they can’t eat food that is delivered to their door?"

Several ground dogs appeared above the heads of the turbots. As long as the turbots swim and open their mouths, they can eat, but they just don’t do this.

Ao Muyang frowned and thought hard. Suddenly, he had an idea. He let out the fishing line and shook the fishing rod, dragging the ground dog on the sand.

Just when the ground dog passed by a turbot, the big fish, half of its body hidden in the sand, suddenly poked its head out, opened its mouth and swallowed the ground dog into its mouth like a poisonous snake attacking!

After a successful attack, Ao Muyang immediately shook the reel and began to fight wits and courage with the hooked fish.

While pulling him, he smiled bitterly. He really guessed that turbot has the ability to ambush and prey. They like to use protective colors to wait for food to come to the door, and then launch a fatal attack.

On the other hand, if the food is just floating in the sea water above their heads and does not enter their attack range, they will not take the initiative to hunt, but will wait patiently.

This made him sigh: "Fuck, knowledge is power, knowledge is money, I still have to study hard when I go back!"

Seeing him collecting the fishhook, the general wanted to jump into the water to catch the fish.

Ao Muyang quickly stopped it: "Don't do that, it will kill you if you go down, you should spare its life."

The general is a dog with self-esteem. He could help but he was not allowed to do so, which made him anxious. He turned around and around on the boat, whimpering in dissatisfaction.

Ao Muyang had no choice but to put the handle of a fishing rod into its mouth: "Come on, bite it."

The general bit the fishing rod, he stuck the reel seat, threw the general into the sea, and let the general play tug-of-war with the big fish on the hook.

Suddenly, the fishing line was straightened, and the general was dragged around on the water like a small boat, with a confused look on his face.

When the turbot is grown up, the body length of a large one is 70 to 80 centimeters. This kind of fish is very strong underwater, and it is not easy to catch them.

The general went to consume the fish's physical strength, and Ao Muyang took another fishing rod to fish.

He already knew the routine, so the rest was much easier: drag the ground dog to the bottom of the sea, and as long as he passed by a big turbot, there would definitely be a fish to take the bait.

After catching another one, he retracted and released the reel and began to compete with the fish that had taken the bait.

Soon the big fish that the general had been waiting for ran out of strength, and then it swam back with the fishing rod in its mouth. Ao Muyang exchanged the fishing rod with it and sent it back into the sea, and then the general was dragged and swam in the sea again.

Ao Muyang easily shook the reel, and the fish had been tossed to the point of being weak and powerless. After leaving the water, it barely wagged its tail, and then could only helplessly accept the ravage.

Turbots are only valuable when they are alive, but the fishing boat is so small and there is no pool available. How to deal with the turbot so that they can be kept alive until they are sold?

Ao Muyang scanned the fishing boat from head to tail, and finally his eyes were fixed on the fishing net that he had cleaned up before.

He injected some golden elixir water into the big fish and threw it into the fishing net, which was then tied to the stern of the boat and put into the sea. In this way, although the big fish could not move freely, it would have no problem surviving.

After dealing with this fish, he put bait on the hook and threw it into the water, and soon another fish was caught.

At about the same time, the general swam back again. Ao Muyang stuffed the fishing rod into its mouth and let it continue to fight wits and courage with the newly hooked turbot: "Sayunala, let's go!"

In this way, he dragged the bait to fish first, and after catching the fish, he stuck the reel seat and handed the fishing rod to the general, letting the general hold the fishing rod in his mouth and enter the water. The turbot went crazy and would drag the general around, which could consume the turbot's physical strength.

When the turbot ran out of energy, the general dragged the fish back to the boat with the fishing rod in his mouth. Ao Muyang gave him another fishing rod, then collected the exhausted fish, injected the golden elixir water vapor into the fishing net, and repeated the cycle...

From morning to afternoon, Ao Muyang caught more than 50 turbots.

At this point, he decided to stop. First, the turbots struggled after being hooked, and the fish school was frightened and scattered, making fishing more difficult; second, he stopped while he was ahead and didn't want to exhaust the fish; third, the general was so tired that his eyes were straight...

Tightening the fishing net, Ao Muyang drove the boat to drag the net back. He waved to the general: "Come, hardworking boy, come and help Dad with some work."

The general turned over and exposed his belly, his limbs curled up in front of his chest, motionless, his eyes closed, his tongue drooping, if it weren't for his belly still rising and falling, he really looked like he was dead.

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