Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 868 874. Pirate Flag (3)

After eating and drinking, Song Qiumin brought another plate of fried cicada monkeys.

Ao Muyang pinched one into his mouth and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, why didn't you take it out earlier?"

"Xiao Niu didn't touch many, and if he took it out earlier, it wouldn't be enough to be a dish. Now it's a snack for you." Song Qiumin smiled and touched her son's head.

Zhu Zhu's mouth moved like a war machine, but the war machine produced chariots, while she stuffed cicada monkeys into her mouth one by one.

Ao Muyang also touched her head, but she slapped him away: "Don't, it's like touching a dog's head. You did this when you touched the general and the heads of Wolf Da and Wolf Er."

Wolf Er came up and placed his head on his knees after seeing it, insisting that he touch it. If he didn't do it, Wolf Er would be unhappy. He stretched his neck and howled, and his tone was very resentful, which made Wolf Da want to bite him to death.

Ao Muyang had no choice but to touch its head, but Wolf Two suddenly raised his paw to slap his hand away, and then tilted his head to look at Zhu Zhu, not knowing whether it was a salute or a demonstration...

In short, Wolf Two's thoughts were very jumpy, which made Lao Ao unable to understand.

He took a nap at noon, and when the weather was a little cooler in the afternoon, he drove the sea fishing boat out to sea.

This sea fishing boat was a bit old, and it was already rusty when Ao Muyang got it from the scammers. It was unknown where it came from.

It had been with him for three years, and it had been in the wind and waves for three years. Its life was almost coming to an end.

Fortunately, he got two outboard motors from Wang Dongliang two years ago and replaced them, otherwise it would have to be retired now.

Now Ao Muyang has enough money, he is going to buy a speedboat again, and if possible, a yacht.

He doesn't plan to buy a house in the city, he already has a Mercedes-Benz car, and now all he needs is a good boat for the fisherman.

In addition, this time he was going to search the seabed again to see if he could find a real sunken ship. If there were a lot of gold, silver, blue and white porcelain on the ship, wouldn't he become a rich man immediately?

The speedboat was far away from the coast. He saw that there were no ships around, so he called Tiger to the side and gave Tiger a little gold drop.

Tiger was very excited to chase the fishing boat out to sea. It had been a while since it took Ao Muyang to fly over the seven seas, which made it a little uncomfortable.

Just like a guide dog would be depressed if it couldn't guide people, Tiger now has a sense of responsibility.

Ao Muyang wanted to transfer his thoughts to Tiger, but after he sprinkled the gold drop into the water, Tiger just opened his mouth and hadn't started eating. A shadow quickly came over, snatched the gold drop close to the water surface, and then quickly dived.

Tiger, furious!

Ao Muyang was shocked. This is a sailfish!

Previously, the big fish approached the sea surface and snatched the golden drop very quickly. It showed a dorsal fin like a flag and flashed in the sea, which was very magnificent.

Sailfish are migratory fish. They swim fast and migrate in the seas around the world. From October to March, they migrate more in the seas south of 10° south latitude; from April to September, they migrate in the northern seas.

This fish was also lucky. It was swimming under the sea fishing boat at that time. The tiger was eager to eat the golden drop and did not pay attention to it. After it discovered the existence of the golden drop, it suddenly robbed and successfully snatched the golden drop.

The tiger was very angry and the consequences were very serious.

Killer whales are the number one hunter in the ocean. Their nickname is the invincible golden-toothed ocean tyrant. They have always been the only ones to snatch food from other people's mouths. Who dares to snatch their food?

So when the golden drop was snatched, the tiger was angry and immediately chased the sailfish.

Ao Muyang jumped into the water and looked down. He saw that the big swordfish was also smart. After snatching the golden drop, it quickly swam to the bottom of the sea, trying to use water pressure to protect itself.

Swordfish may be the fastest fish in the ocean, with a speed of 110 kilometers per hour, which is faster than many cars running on the highway.

And they have strong diving ability, and can dive to the depth limit of 800 meters in a short period of time.

Killer whales also have strong diving ability, but they are still inferior to swordfish. Ao Muyang didn't let the tiger kill the swordfish because he found that the swordfish was actually the best clone.

So he released the golden drop to call back the tiger, but the tiger just hesitated, and its huge body swam in the sea water for a circle, and then resolutely chased the swordfish.

This time it was really angry!

The golden drop failed to attract the tiger back, but it attracted another sailfish. This sailfish was smaller than the previous one, only about two meters long, but its body color was particularly gorgeous, as if a layer of colored paper was pasted on its body. The sun shone through the sea surface on its body, making it shine!

This is a male fish that has entered the mature reproductive period. The male fish in this period have gorgeous body colors, and once they enter the stage of germination, the star stripes on their bodies will become scattered and uneven.

Ao Muyang let the sailfish eat the golden drop, and then he quickly climbed back on the boat and lay quietly in the cabin, while stretching his arms out to release another drop of golden drop in the water.

The sailfish that had eaten the golden drop before was about to leave, and then it discovered this new golden drop, and was immediately overjoyed, and hurried back to grab food again.

There is no good end to greed, and foodies are likely to become dead goods!

After eating the second golden drop, the big sailfish suddenly calmed down, and its body was occupied by Ao Muyang's consciousness.

After returning to normal, Ao Muyang felt the warmth and coolness of the sea water. He shook his head and wagged his tail, then accelerated all at once.

With a whoosh, the sailfish suddenly rushed out more than ten meters. The starting speed was like a formula car, which was very exciting!

Ao Muyang swam close to the water surface. He first felt the direction of the water flow, and then opened the huge dorsal fin on his back like a sail.

The dorsal fin of the sailfish has a very powerful ability, which is to use the wind and water power to accelerate itself. They are like sailboats, and their dorsal fins are like sails. When swimming upstream, the dorsal fins are folded, and when swimming downstream, the fins are opened.

Only when swimming downstream can the sailfish with open fins exert their greatest ability and swim at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour.

Sure enough, this time Ao Muyang accelerated again, and the speed was faster. The sea water rushed past his body on both sides. His pointed mouth was like a spear breaking through the sea water, and his streamlined body reduced the resistance of the sea water to the greatest extent. The speed was like flying!

He swam for a while and gradually mastered the skills of the sailfish swimming.

At this time, a strong current surged up from below. He looked down - he didn't need to lower his head, and the swordfish couldn't lower its head either, but its eyes had an invincible vision, better than the large balcony of the sea view room, and then he saw a giant swimming slowly up.

Oval head, slender mouth, high and curved dorsal fin, black and white big head, oh, tiger, isn't this my little baby tiger?

Ao Muyang habitually waved, but he had no hands, and this consciousness only exchanged for the shaking of the pelvic fin.

And this action was very different from his waving, the tiger did not feel his friendship, nor did he discover his true identity, so things were a bit serious.

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