Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 870 876. Deep Love (5)

Ao Muyang swam slowly following the squids. Compared to the swordfish, the swimming speed of the squids was indeed slow.

The swimming process of the squids was very interesting. Their bodies were like a cloth bag. There was a part called the mantle cavity. The mantle cavity was connected to an organ called the funnel tube. When their muscles contracted and the water in the mantle cavity was ejected from the funnel tube, the reaction of the water flow could make them move backwards.

Therefore, their swimming was a process of moving backwards. The swordfishes were chasing them fiercely behind them. They looked back at these natural enemies and then swam backwards.

Ao Muyang felt that this was a bit cruel. The squids watched their natural enemies rush in again and again to capture and eat their kind. Sometimes they had to watch their natural enemies capture themselves...

I don't know if the squids have thoughts or feelings. Lao Ao was thinking in his heart. If they don't have them, it's okay. If they do, it would be miserable. Killing people is just a nod. Death is not scary. What is scary is to face death and face death.

Lu Xun said - Lu Xun really said: A true warrior dares to face the bleak life and the blood.

Warriors don't have to face death, but squids do.

Lao Ao sighed and said that he was bored and did this. Anyway, there was nothing to do chasing squids, so he might as well study the habits of marine life.

The female fish that was traveling with him seemed to be the spouse of his swordfish body. Anyway, the relationship between the two was not ordinary. When she found that Ao Muyang did not go to hunt squids, the female fish sent the squids she caught to him many times.

Ao Muyang had no interest in squids. He didn't feel hungry, so he didn't eat them. Instead, he stayed behind the squids to observe the predation and occasionally sighed.

After a while, he found that something was wrong. The predation was still going on, but the identities of predator and prey had to change.

The sea suddenly became extremely agitated, and the swarm of squids that were fleeing began to disperse. The ink they sprayed dyed the sea area black, making it impossible for Ao Muyang to see what appeared in it.

However, it can be expected that this is a big fish, a fish bigger than the sailfish, otherwise the sea water would not suddenly be so agitated.

So he stared at the sea water covered by black fog vigilantly, and headed down ready to escape at any time.

As the squids fled around, and as the sea water diluted the ink sprayed by the squids, a huge body appeared vaguely in his vision.

The sailfish also fled around, their huge bodies tumbling in the water, suddenly rushing to the surface of the water, and quickly shot towards a sailfish.

When it left the black waters, Ao Muyang saw its appearance clearly: black eyes, huge mouth, sharp teeth and ferocious jaws, the head of this fish is like a piranha magnified hundreds of times!

Man-eating shark! Also known as the great white shark!

Ao Muyang was not surprised to encounter a great white shark here. Great white sharks have an amazing sense of smell. Their olfactory bulb nerve organs account for 14% of their brain capacity. According to scientific reports, they can smell the smell of blood diluted to 1/500 of its original concentration 1 kilometer away.

Many sailfish were preying on the squid school. If there were man-eating sharks around, they would definitely find their traces, because both sailfish and squid are delicious food for great white sharks.

This great white shark was very big. Ao Muyang estimated that two of them were not as long as him. It must be at least close to five meters. It pounced on a big sailfish. The sailfish had previously been dominating the squid school and had no rivals.

But after encountering the great white shark, it was scared and twisted its tail to run away, and it leaned over to drill into the deep sea.

It seems that this is a common skill for all sailfish when encountering sharks and whales, using their stronger adaptability to changes in water pressure to get rid of their natural enemies.

The swordfish reacted very quickly, but just as it leaned down, several big fish rushed out from the water below.

These fish are bigger than swordfish but smaller than great white sharks. They have thick and short bodies, high and nearly square heads, and gill slits on both sides of their mouths, which are the unique mark of sharks. When the mouth is opened, it shows that it is also full of sharp teeth.

Seeing the big fish rushing up from the bottom of the sea, Ao Muyang's eyes are almost wide open. These small ones are tiger sharks, and they are not the broad-lined tiger sharks and fine-lined tiger sharks, which are more common in the Red Ocean. They are tiger sharks, but they are commonly called tiger sharks!

This is an interesting misnomer in oceanography. Tiger sharks themselves are not tigers, and they are not ferocious. For example, broad-lined tiger sharks and fine-lined tiger sharks are only one meter long, which is considered a good baby in the shark family.

The tiger sharks mentioned by the fishermen are not them, but the tiger sharks that Ao Muyang saw now, which can grow to five meters long. Ferocious sharks!

Ao Muyang was surprised to see tiger sharks and great white sharks hunting together. This was something that had never been discovered in marine scientific research.

The sailfish was even more panicked. The inertia of the sailfish was too strong. It kept diving down and had no time to turn its head. Several tiger sharks surrounded it at once.

This was like Kato Ying, Minami Kaya, Mukaiyama Yu, Shimizu Ken and others surrounded Momotani Erika. They were definitely going to kill her!

Several huge mouths quickly approached, without any sound, and the two-and-a-half-meter-long sailfish was dismembered...

Ao Muyang was terrified, and then he quickly realized that he was watching nothing, and ran quickly. Now he was not a king, but a bronze brother, and a bronze brother targeted by a group of kings and stars!

To his surprise, the great white shark, the king in his eyes, also ran away. When the great white shark saw the tiger shark group appear, it immediately rushed to the squid group. It messed around in the squid group like a pig digging cabbage, and ran away with a mouth full of squid.

Ao Muyang suddenly realized that this was a coincidence. The great white shark and the tiger shark group did not come together to hunt.

This made him feel relieved. The hunting circle formed by the great white shark and the tiger shark group just now scared him. If the great white shark and the tiger sharks could cooperate in hunting, it would be troublesome!

The tiger sharks ignored the great white sharks that left. They stared at the marlins with their bulging eyes. After tearing the first big marlin into pieces, they did not eat, but looked at another marlin.

As luck would have it, the marlin they were staring at was Ao Muyang.

Ao Muyang was not afraid of them. I can even run away from the killer whale, let alone you tiger sharks? Come, come, come and chase me. I'll take you to see Brother Killer Whale. That's not the king, that's the king butcher who defies the heavens and the earth!

He shook his head with high spirits, and then launched like a torpedo, and flew out in a flash.

Lao Ao was confident that he would not be caught up by these tiger sharks, but he was unlucky. The female sailfish with him swam in the opposite direction. Originally, the female sailfish ran away, but when it saw the tiger sharks staring at Lao Ao, it swam back!

What should Lao Ao say? There is true love between fish?

What does this female fish mean? If you can't live together, you must die together? Why refuse to die if you can become a pair of flatfish? Envy the mandarin ducks instead of the immortals?

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