Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 88 88. Complaint

Ao Muyang led several young people in the village to transport the desks to the school. These single desks are light, yet very strong and have multiple functions. The height of the desks and chairs can be adjusted.

An old gentleman and female teacher Zhu Chunhong followed them to the classroom. Looking at the brand-new house and brand-new tables and chairs, the old man couldn't help but sigh: "Oh, our school is so good!"

The old man's name is Ao Zhisheng. He is the earliest private teacher in the village and is now the village clinic doctor. He is so respected that people under the age of fifty in several surrounding villages have to call him teacher.

Zhu Chunhong patted Ao Muyang on the shoulder and said, "Muyang, you are a good boy."

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "Hey, Teacher Zhu, this is what I should do. It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people. If our village wants to develop, the education of children is the top priority."

Ao Zhisheng said to him: "It would be great if Zhiyi had the same consciousness as you, that guy, huh!"

Sighing again, the old gentleman shook his head repeatedly.

After putting the desks and chairs in the classroom and arranging them, Ao Mupeng was amazed when he saw them: "You said it's good to have money. The desks and chairs used by this child are really good."

Ao Muyang helped Lu Zhizi arrange them, then stood on the podium to see the orderliness. He looked down and saw a French book on the table.

So he raised his head and smiled at Lu Zhizi: "Boujour, Mademoiselle, Commentallez-vous?"

Lu Zhizi looked at him in surprise: "Bonjour, Monsieur. Je-vais-bien, merci."

Ao Muyang continued to smile: "Le-fran?ais-vouspla?t-il?"

Lu Zhizi nodded and said: "0ui, beaucoup..."

"What are you doing?" Ao Fugui was confused, "What are you mumbling? What are you talking about? Cantonese?"

Lu Zhizi said: "French, um, brother Mu Yang, have you ever learned French?"

Ao Muyang said: "I used to work as a chef in the capital. You also know that French chefs are very good. I followed a few of them and learned French by myself."

"Then what were you talking about just now?" Ao Mufeng asked curiously.

Ao Muyang said casually: "It's a very simple thing. Hello, did you eat it? How are you? That's not the point. Come on, open the windows to disperse the smell. These new tables and chairs still smell..."

The soldiers and horses will go ahead before the food and grass are deployed. After the food and grass are deployed, the next step is to officially start the war.

Lu Zhizi walked around the classroom a few times with his hands behind his back, then turned and smiled slyly at Ao Muyang: "Classmate, why are you standing there? Go back and sit down, do you want to stand as a punishment?"

Ao Muyang chuckled and said, "I don't want to be forced to stand, I want to stay in class for tutoring."

"Okay, there is also a punishment of detention after class, do you want it?" Lu Zhizi's smile suddenly became bright and charming.

Ao Muyang was flattered: "Huh?"

"Ah what?" Lu Zhizi continued to smile charmingly. She pointed out and said, "Teachers Ao Zhisheng and Teacher Zhu Chunhong will be responsible for after-school detention. Then you can study hard with them."

Two teachers were outside visiting the renovation of the campus. Now less than half of the project has been completed, and the school is still in full swing.

Ao Muyang immediately shook his head: "Forget it, I am a good student, I don't need to stay in class."

Lu Zhizi said: "If you don't want to stay in class, then you should be more serious in class. Come, sit down, and the general. Ask the general to sit down too. I'll try to find out what it's like to be in class first."

The general who was lying on the ground to enjoy the coolness was dragged to the table. Ao Muyang tossed him a lot, making him sit upright on the chair and put his front paws on the desk to prevent him from moving.

After two days of dispersing the tables and chairs, Lu Zhizi decided to open a cram school. He teamed up with Ao Zhisheng and Zhu Chunhong to go door-to-door to count the children's school ages and arrange the courses.

Ao Muyang usually goes to sea when he has nothing to do. This time he has one more place to go besides the trench waters, which is the reef waters. He has to go and see the situation of turbot fish and flower crabs around the reefs.

In mid-July, the school's cram school was about to start. It didn't have anything to do with him, so he just went to sea and tidied the vegetable patch in the yard when he had free time.

He had just returned from the sea at noon. He was weeding the fields, and the deer came with the purple wind and the fire, bringing with it the heat all over his body.

Ao Muyang brought her a glass of iced juice and said, "Drink some water. Have you been busy these days?"

Lu Zhizi breathed a sigh of relief: "Everything else is fine. There's just something wrong with Ao Xiaoniu. This naughty kid said he wouldn't go to school. He didn't listen no matter what he said. I was so angry."

Ao Muyang was stunned: "What? How old is he and he stopped going to school?"

"Yes, he said he wanted to go fishing with you, and said there was no future in school." The deer held his purple teeth and chewed them to bits. "You won't listen to me no matter what, you naughty kid!"

Ao Muyang said: "Don't be angry, didn't you tell me earlier?"

Lu Zhizi glared at him angrily and said, "Why did I tell you earlier? You are the teacher and I am the teacher? This is the teacher's job."

Ao Muyang said: "It doesn't matter whose job it is, if anyone makes you unhappy, I will beat him until he is beaten to make you happy!"

After hearing this, Lu Zhizi almost spat out his orange juice, choking and coughing.

Ao Muyang patted her back and calmed down: "What's wrong? Why are you so excited?"

"How can I not be excited now that I have a guard knight? I'm becoming a little princess." Lu Zhizi joked, then she became serious again, "But this matter really depends on you. I came to you to complain, but you can't hit him. Go and have a good talk with him. The child listens to you."

Ao Muyang nodded, and Lu Zhizi said, "What are you waiting for? Go, my knight!"

"The emperor doesn't need hungry soldiers, and the knights also have to eat. We're not in a hurry. Come, have lunch. You haven't eaten well recently." Ao Muyang went to the kitchen.

He steamed crabs and prawns, peeled and cut the meat to make a platter, and put some sea tofu to set off, making it a cold dish.

He wanted to do something else, but Lu Zhizi shook his head: "Don't work hard, don't work hard. It's too hot recently, and I really have no appetite. It's just right for losing weight."

Ao Muyang said: "Then I'll cut some fruit for you to make a salad. Losing weight is not the same as this. If you don't eat and work hard like this, you will have to devote yourself to the cause of supporting education in a short time."

"Go to hell, I will devote myself to you until I die." Lu Zhizi laughed and punched him.

Ao Muyang scooped some sea jelly from Ao Fugui's house before. Lu Zhizi thought it was good after eating two bites, and ate all the half bowl of sea jelly he left.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang said: "Do you like to eat sea jelly? Then I will make you a pot later. This thing is easy to talk about."

The two hadn't finished their meal yet, and Ao Mupeng came in a hurry: "Brother Yang, huhu, are you eating? Teacher Lu is also here?"

"What's the hurry?"

"Huhu, stop talking, there's something important, you don't eat first, or you can eat first? It's not..."

"Damn, just say what you want to say, you are drifting after turning so many corners? What's the important thing?" Ao Muyang was depressed.

"There are strangers blocking Sister Qiu Min's house, it seems to be a loan shark..."

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