Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 875 881. Stealing from the Village (5)

It was almost noon, and his revenge plan had just taken shape. Ao Wenchang hurriedly came to him and said, "Longtou, there is news that there is a fish-stealing boat in the village."

Ao Muyang asked in shock: "Is there a fish-stealing boat in the village? Our village? Our own village has a boat that goes out to sea to steal fish?"

Ao Wenchang nodded helplessly: "Yes."

Ao Muyang suddenly slapped the table and stood up, asking: "Where did the news come from? Why didn't I know this news?"

Ao Wenchang said: "I also saw it from the surveillance camera. I had nothing to do in the morning, so I called up the surveillance camera and checked it again. Then I found that there was a fishing boat in the village that set off at midnight and came back in the early morning. It was the Daming family's boat."

Daming's full name is Ao Muming, he is of their generation but older.

Families in the fishing village have two main options. One is to stay in the village and engage in fishing, and the other is to go to the city to work. Ao Daguo and Ao Mudong all took the first path, and Ao Muming and his family took the first path. is the second way.

Ao Wenchang continued: "In addition, I asked Dongzi to find someone to inquire about it. Daming's boat goes to Hongyang Wharf every morning to sell fish to traders, quickly sells them, and then quickly returns to the village. No one in the village suspects him. If there are doubts outside, he will use Longtou Village as a pretext, but no one dares to cause trouble for him. "

After hearing this, Ao Muyang immediately frowned and said, "Wait for him tonight."

Protecting the ocean is the job of the Fisheries Bureau, and it is also his vision. He wholeheartedly hopes that the ocean fishery resources can gradually return to normal, so he does not hesitate to offend Sun Beilong.

As a result, there are people in the village holding him back, and that's absolutely not okay.

Due to the sea closure, fresh seafood is now very popular in the market. The fish-stealing sellers will not send the seafood to the regular market. They just find a few residential areas and place it at the door, and it can be digested in half a day. seafood.

Recently, the Fisheries Bureau has also joined forces with the urban management to crack down on these illegal stall businesses. However, the urban management is far away from the Fisheries Bureau and does not follow the instructions very much, so the results are mediocre.

At midnight, a family of six people came out of the village. The six people were divided into two teams. One team boarded the fishing boat, and the other team boarded the wooden boat. They used the wooden boat to pull the fishing boat away from the dock for a distance before launching the fishing boat.

In this way, the fishing boat is far away from the village, and the sound of the engine is disturbed by the sound of the waves, and the village cannot hear it.

The engine was turned on, and the fishing boat was ready to set off. At this time, several speedboats parked at the dock suddenly started, their headlights shining, and shining lights shining on the fishing boat.

In the snow-white light, the panic expressions of the four people on board were very clear.

Ao Muyang walked out with a sullen face and said, "Uncle Qianyong, why are you getting on the boat so late?"

There were two men, two women, and two couples on the boat, namely Ao Muming, his wife, and his parents.

Seeing Ao Muyang and his party appear, Ao Muming's father Ao Qianyong was nervous and embarrassed. He rubbed his hands and said, "It's nothing, Xiaoyang, we, that..."

"Mu Yang, I'm going to the city with my parents. You know my cousin is in the city. He has something urgent over there. Let's go there quickly." Ao Muming took the words and said, "Look at me if you don't believe me. Cell phone, my cousin just called, I can call you, you listen to what he said."

Ao Qianyong came to his senses and nodded: "Yes, yes, yes, his cousin Zhichao encountered something urgent. Our whole family hurried over to take a look."

"Is the matter quite urgent?" Ao Muyang asked with concern.

Ao Muming nodded and said: "Yes, I am very anxious. If Mu Yang has nothing to do, please help me and come with us to have a look. You know many people..."

"Okay, stop acting. What are you going to do? Don't you have a good idea? Go to the grave and burn newspapers to fool ghosts. Is it interesting?" Ao Mudong said irritably.

Ao Qianyong quickly said: "I'm not fooling you guys. They are all relatives who have not been out of the fifth server. They are all our own people. Xiaoyang, when your parents died, I went to deliver the yellow paper."

Ao Muyang said: "Uncle Qianyong, you also know that we are all relatives who have not been out of the fifth server, so why are you making things so difficult for me? Are you in an emergency? Are you carrying the Internet to the boat in an emergency? After boarding the boat, why are you so embarrassed? Drag it out with a wooden boat?”

Ao Muming still wanted to explain, but Ao Muyang waved his hand and said: "Okay, Brother Ming, there's no need to fool me. Is it interesting for you to do this? Maybe you just came back from the city and didn't know that we have surveillance on the dock. I I’ve seen it. You’ve been out at midnight every day since last week. Is this what’s wrong with your cousin every day?”

The family refused to admit it. They knew it was illegal to steal fish, and they would be in a lot of trouble if they admitted it.

Ao Muyang said: "Okay, you don't admit it, right? Then I'll find someone to stare at you. I don't have evidence of you stealing fish now. This is a good thing. It doesn't look good if we tear our faces apart. I'll find someone to stare at you." Damn you, let’s see what other tricks you can do?”

Upon hearing this, the father and son were helpless.

Ao Muming looked directly at Ao Muyang and asked: "Muyang, what about it? Leave a way for our family to survive."

Ao Qianyong's daughter-in-law also said: "Xiaoyang, your uncle and I have watched you grow up. The sea is so big, what if we just open a small boat and go out to catch two nets? You see, everyone in the village is getting rich. We don’t want to make a fortune, but we just want to make a small amount of money. Isn’t this okay?”

Ao Muyang said: "It doesn't matter if it's illegal. As long as it's legal, you can make money however you want. I won't say more. Auntie, we are from the same village. I don't want to make things too ugly. Do you continue to go to sea or go back by yourself?"

Ao Qianyong gritted his teeth and said, "What else can the fishermen do if they don't go out to sea to fish? Humph, we will go out and see what you want to do. If you have the guts, send your uncle and aunt to jail!"

Ao Mudong was angry. He rolled up his sleeves and said, "Your family is really stubborn. The leader has given you so much face..."

"You have nothing to do here. Dongzi, if you and others come up in groups, it will be a mess. I'm afraid your parents will lose face." Ao Muming said sternly.

Ao Muyang held Ao Mudong, and then said to Ao Wenchang, "Go to the loudspeaker to broadcast, let those who are still awake and awake in the village come to the dock and send them out to sea together. By the way, I have something to inform everyone."

Ao Wenchang nodded and left. Ao Qianyong couldn't hold his composure anymore and said angrily, "Xiaoyang, do you really want to tear your face? Do you want to force your uncle and aunt to death?"

Ao Muyang didn't say anything. He stood on the dock with a gloomy face and looked into the depths of the ocean.

There was a lighthouse on the Hongyang direction, but it was pitch black. There was no moonlight tonight, and the only sound was the sound of waves on the sea, but no trace of them.

Soon the loudspeaker in the village sounded, and Ao Qianyong stamped his feet and said, "Okay, let's go home, let's all go home."

Ao Muyang nodded, and Ao Mudong went up to stop them and said, "It's come to this, why go back? Wait a minute."

It was already late at night, and every household turned off the lights and went to bed, but some people slept lightly, and when they heard the broadcast from the loudspeaker, they put on their clothes and went out to the dock.

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