Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 879 885. Take Action (4)

In addition to the two little marmosets, Lao Ao also helped, but he seemed clumsy in dealing with water lice and it was difficult to harvest anything.

Er Deng, who was passing by the lake, saw it and said, "Village chief, why are you wasting your energy here? At night, if you pull a light by the lake, five minutes will be equivalent to an hour of your time now."

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "I enjoy the fun."

Er Deng shook his head and said, "I don't understand you, okay, then you enjoy it first, I'll go back and find a strong light, and watch me do a good job tonight."

With the help of his pockets and trouser pockets, he had harvested a large bottle of water lice by the evening.

Then, he took the water beetles back to the village—he did not go home but went to the village committee office, took out the microphone, turned on the radio, flicked the microphone and said: "Ahem, ahem, all villagers please pay attention, all villagers please pay attention, I am the village chief Ao Muyang..."

"I am here to issue a notice, some villagers may have discovered that water beetles appeared in Ambergris Lake, and finally water beetles appeared again after many years. Here I am here to issue a notice, it is okay to catch water beetles, but it is not allowed to use lights to trap water beetles at night, only to catch them during the day..."

Hearing this, Er Deng, who was charging a large flashlight, was dumbfounded, and after a long time he said angrily: "I believed your lies!"

Using the phototropism of water beetles to kill water beetles in groups, this trick is too cruel, as long as the villagers go out together for one night, the water beetles in the entire lake will be extinct.

Ao Muyang has to keep these water beetles that have returned. They can be caught, but they cannot be caught indiscriminately, and they cannot be caught to extinction.

Jiang Xiaoyu was waiting outside the door. When she saw Ao Muyang coming out, she asked, "Village head, is this necessary? These water lice are not raised by anyone. Even if they are caught, it will not affect the ecology of our Ambergris Lake."

Ao Muyang said, "Who said it won't affect us? Now we feel it won't affect us. The impact on the lake ecosystem after it is extinct is invisible to us, but it does exist."

Jiang Xiaoyu said helplessly, "But you can restrict our village, not other villages."

Ao Muyang said confidently, "Don't worry, no one in other villages will dare to hang lanterns to catch water lice."

After saying this, he called Yang Shuyong while Jiang Xiaoyu was watching, asking Yang Shuyong to cooperate with him to tell the villagers of Wangjia Village not to exterminate these water lice.

Yang Shuyong's attitude was the same as Jiang Xiaoyu's, and he said, "Is it necessary?"

Ao Muyang said firmly, "Of course it is necessary. I don't care if you catch them with your hands, but you are absolutely not allowed to use lights to lure and exterminate them. If you don't care about your villagers, then I won't care about your village either. We two villages should go our own way."

Yang Shuyong had no choice but to say, "Okay, okay, I'll go broadcast it right away. I borrowed a headlight in the afternoon for nothing."

Ao Muyang said, "In addition to broadcasting to your village, you have to call Long Deshui and several other village party secretaries to tell them that The message was passed on to them. "

Yang Shuyong was not happy with this: "Fuck, Lao Ao, why don't you make this call yourself? Do you want me to be the bad guy?"

Ao Muyang said: "I will make this call too. Let's make it together. First, we will act together to show the status of our two villages in the surrounding area. Second, if we don't catch them, people from other villages will catch them all. What a loss, right?"

Yang Shuyong wanted to say no, but after thinking about it, he said: "Okay, let's make this call together."

Indeed, if people from other villages use lights to catch all the water lice, he would be very unwilling.

A bottle of water lice was taken back, and Ao Muyang pickled it with salt water. He found lemons and crushed the juice with a stone mortar and sprinkled it in, which could soften the shell of the water lice.

At night, when night fell, he and Ao Guangxiao quietly went to the lake. There was a street lamp at a distance from the lake, which would light up every time the sun set over the sea.

The street lights were not on tonight, and many tourists who were preparing to camp by the lake were very dissatisfied and kept complaining:

"What's going on? Why haven't the lights been on yet?"

"Call their village committee and ask. They used to be on by now."

"Who is it? Who touched me? Go away. It's so annoying."

Ao Guangxiao whispered, "Is this okay, village chief? We don't have much time."

He saw some tourists push away the flashlights, and beams of light appeared.

Ao Muyang said, "You and Brother Dong wait patiently, cover the box well, and don't let anyone see it."

They are here to catch the alligator turtle. This alligator turtle must not be allowed to survive in Ambergris Lake, otherwise it will cause great damage to the ecological environment of the lake.

The alligator turtle has not recovered from the electric shock in the afternoon. Ao Muyang dived into the water to find its location, and then tied a rope around its shell.

The carapace of the alligator turtle is long and thick, with three raised longitudinal ridges on its back. The 13 shields are like 13 hills, arranged in three rows. In addition, there are many sawtooth-like protrusions on the edge of their carapace, which can be easily fixed after being tied with ropes.

After tying it, he dragged the alligator turtle back to the shore. While no one was paying attention to them, he waved to Ao Mudong to bring the suitcase over and stuffed the big alligator turtle in.

Ao Guangxiao sent the cart up, and Ao Muyang and Ao Mudong lifted the suitcase up: "One, two, three, go!"

No more sound, they pushed the cart and shrunk their heads back to the village quietly.

The theft of the big alligator turtle cannot be exposed to the public. If tourists find out that they have stolen the released creatures, some people will definitely explode. Once this matter is made public, the image of Longtou Village will be greatly damaged.

But Ao Muyang didn't think what he did was wrong. It was illegal to release the alligator snapping turtle into Ambergris Lake. However, he couldn't communicate with the unreasonable woman at that time, and calling the police was useless. The woman was a rich and unreasonable rich woman.

Therefore, the best way was to let the woman release the alligator snapping turtle to seek peace of mind, and then they would catch the alligator snapping turtle to protect the environment.

As for why it was eaten? The country is still in the primary socialist stage, and food cannot be wasted. The alligator snapping turtle is originally a meat turtle. It has the same status as pigs in the market, and the price is about the same.

He consulted Li Ji and Su Penghui on this matter, and the two experts maintained the same opinion: the alligator snapping turtle must be caught and eaten.

The two of them said so and did so. Now they stayed at Ao Muyang's house to boil water...

Bringing the alligator turtle home, Ao Muyang locked the door and nodded to Ao Mudong: "Brother Dong, do it, kill it!"

Ao Mudong looked at this big alligator turtle that was not much smaller than a pot cover, and felt a little uneasy, so he said: "Dragon Head, isn't this all you do?"

The big alligator turtle's mouth was like an eagle's beak, and its two eyes emitted cold light, which looked very difficult to mess with.

Ao Muyang said: "I can't do it. If the matter is exposed, it will be said that you, a temporary worker, did it, so that we can explain it to the outside world."

Ao Mudong was not happy: "Then I won't do it, I haven't found a partner yet..."

"Why are you whining? Get out of the way, I'll do it!" Ao Fugui took the axe and rushed up, "Don't blame me for being cruel, blame you for that old woman who insisted on releasing you into the lake!"

Looking at the axe flashing with cold light, the big alligator turtle was scared to death: knock inside, old woman knock inside!

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