Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 881 887. Watermelon Cave (1/5)

Chapter 881 887. Watermelon Cave (15)

Holding the jar in his hand, Cheng Deming didn't care about his image at all and sat on the ground to look at it.

Ao Muyang said quickly: "The ground is hot and humid, Brother Cheng should sit on the chair."

The old man didn't care. He said casually: "Oh, the hot air coming out of the soil is steam. I happen to have hemorrhoids. Let me steam it. It will promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. It's a good thing."

What could Ao Muyang say?

This jar obviously stumped Cheng Deming. He took out a magnifying glass to look at it carefully. After looking for a while, he knocked a few times and then listened attentively. He looked and listened, and he became more and more confused, and his brows wrinkled tightly.

Ao Muyang knew that he needed quiet at this time, so he didn't disturb him. Instead, he went back to the living room and took the naughty children away.

The weather was hot, and the naughty children didn't want to stay in the front yard.

The room was hot, but it was still manageable. Ao Muyang didn't turn on the air conditioner. Lu Zhizi had her period recently, so he was especially careful not to turn on the air conditioner.

The bear children were unhappy with this. They gathered in front of the air conditioner and kept calling. Youfu rubbed and rubbed and jumped on the top of the air conditioner. It used its claws to push open the air conditioner blades and peek inside.

There was no cold air coming out, and the bear children's tongues were longer and longer, like a group of hanged ghosts appeared in the house.

After waiting for a while, the air conditioner didn't turn on. The bear children were desperate. They began to find ways to cool down and get rid of the heat. The pool in the backyard was the first choice.

So under the leadership of the general, a group of cats, dogs and foxes hurried to the pool, and then jumped in unison, shaking the spring water and splashing everywhere.

Especially Wolf Two, after jumping in, he immediately turned into a crocodile, with only the upper half of his head exposed above the water. The water surface was the boundary, with their big nostrils above and half of their mouths below.

Except for the parts that must be exposed to the water, it hid the rest of its body underwater. It soon discovered that it only needed its nostrils to breathe on the water surface. In this way, it would only expose its black nostrils on the water surface, and even its ears and eyes were placed underwater...

Pocket and Pants Pocket were dumbfounded. Golden lion tamarins are too small. They don't like swimming, which is a very dangerous activity for them.

So the two of them followed their big brothers to the pool in the scorching sun, but they were the only ones who couldn't go into the water to cool down. The reality made them very desperate.

You know, the sun is scorching, and it's like being roasted by fire. They ran from the house to the pool before, and the process was like running away from poison, and they were running away in the poison circle, which greatly reduced their vitality.

There was no way, the two marmosets jumped back again, they were extremely dissatisfied with their experience, and they wailed while running, and the sound was quite shrill.

Ao Muyang had no choice but to get a chilled watermelon. He put the watermelon on the ground for the little marmoset to lean on, and said, "Here, let's cool it down first, and then I'll cut the watermelon for you to eat, okay?"

The two marmosets hugged the chilled watermelon like the ancestors in the flood era hugged Noah's Ark. They spread their limbs and clung to it, one on the head of the watermelon and the other on the tail of the watermelon, which was quite comfortable.

After enjoying the low temperature of the chilled watermelon, Yidou's eyes lit up, and it suddenly used its claws to pick up the watermelon rind and started to chew it: "Crunch, crunch..."

Ao Muyang smiled and said, "Yidou, the rind can't be eaten, I'll cut it open for you to eat the flesh later."

Yidou didn't care and kept chewing the head of the watermelon. In the pool not far away, Wolf Two, who came out of the water to take a breath, saw Yidou eating the watermelon rind and immediately became excited. Its head popped out all of a sudden, and then stared at Yidou and the watermelon rind, with a bright eye, as bright as a 250-watt light bulb.

It also wanted to nibble on the watermelon rind, but it jumped out of the water and ran two steps. It probably felt too hot, so it ran back and dived into the water.

Marmosets have sharp teeth. They can chew the branches of century-old trees into sugarcane residue, not to mention the fresh and tender watermelon rind.

With a click, Yidou quickly nibbled a small hole, revealing the bright red melon pulp inside.

After digging out the small hole, it stopped nibbling on the melon rind and instead put its head in to nibble on the melon pulp.

Ao Muyang smiled. The little marmoset was smart.

Wolf Erze, who was hiding in the water pretending to be a crocodile, shook his head. This little thing was too stupid. It was a pity that he didn't eat such delicious melon rind.

Contrary to Ao Muyang's expectation, Yidou continued to dig inside, but not to eat the melon pulp.

The little marmoset had a small stomach, and after biting a few bites of the melon rind and a piece of the melon pulp, it was full. Later, the little marmoset dug out the melon pulp and threw it away. It just dug a hole in the watermelon.

Soon, Ao Muyang understood its purpose. After digging a hole the size of an adult's fist, it stayed inside and squeaked comfortably.

Pants Pocket saw it and ran over to get into the hole, but it got an eye-blocking punch when it got in, and Yi Pocket punched it mercilessly.

This made Pants Pocket furious. It jumped and barked a few times at the entrance of the hole, then spit into the hole and ran back to the end of the watermelon, and also nibbled a hole with its mouth like Yi Pocket did before and started digging the hole.

Ao Muyang was amused by it. These two little things were not stupid. The inside of the iced watermelon was very cool, just like an ice cellar, and it was really comfortable.

But later they will regret taking so much trouble to get in, because the watermelon hole is not ventilated, and when the temperature returns to normal, it will become stuffy and hot inside.

But the pocket and the trouser pocket didn't know this. They dug a hole each and hid comfortably inside. Only the trouser pocket's head was hanging outside. It squinted its eyes and slightly opened its mouth. It looked so happy that it was about to fly.

The general noticed its expression and began to wonder, is there a female monkey hiding in the watermelon?

Ao Muyang took out his mobile phone to take pictures, and then he waited by the side, waiting for the two little monkeys to run out after they couldn't stand the heat.

But he didn't wait. After a while, Cheng Deming hurried into the house holding the jar.

It was more exciting to stay in the yard this day than taking a sauna. The old man was sweating profusely, and his hair was in clumps, just like taking a bath.

After entering the house, he said with a look of ecstasy: "I didn't make a mistake, I saw it right, this is a Longquan kiln plum green large mouth short neck Tianzi jar! I named it a Longquan kiln plum green large mouth short neck Tianzi jar!"

These words were spewed out like firecrackers, and Ao Muyang hadn't digested them yet. The old man saw the watermelon on the ground again, and he was even happier.

The watermelon skin was full of water droplets. Cheng Deming recognized it as an iced watermelon at a glance. He said happily: "Brother Ao, you are particular and specially prepared an iced watermelon for me? Okay, let's eat together!"

There was a watermelon knife on the ground. Ao Muyang took it out and prepared to cut the watermelon for the little marmoset to eat, but because the little marmoset got into the melon, he didn't do it.

This time he didn't need to do it. Cheng Deming grabbed the watermelon knife and cut the rotten melon with a quick knife, and inserted it in a snap!

"Fuck my monkey!" Ao Muyang had to swear!

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