Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 889 895. Fishing Season (4)

After working in the paddy field for nearly an hour, Ao Muyang returned home with a full load.

What he harvested the most was crayfish. This species actually has a strong reproductive capacity and tenacious vitality, but the Chinese are too sentimental about it and can always catch it all.

Followed by crucian carp and loach, the golden eel was the least harvested, with a total of five fish.

The afterglow of the setting sun fell on the ground. Ao Muyang walked back, and the general followed beside him with a bamboo basket in his mouth and wagging his tail. The sun shone on one person and one dog, making the shadows grow long.

The farmers in the village laughed when they saw it and said, "Village Chief, how did you feel today?"

Ao Muyang chuckled and said: "It's not bad, I got a few dishes to go with the wine."

The farmer said: "You got this from my paddy field. This is my private property, so what? Isn't private property sacred and inviolable?"

Ao Muyang thought for a while and pointed to Ambergris Lake and said: "Second brother, this lake has been contracted by me. I put a lot of fry in it. Some time ago, the leader of the Fisheries Bureau also sent me American shad. I want If you don’t, go fish in my lake and treat it like I’m paying you back.”

The farmer waved his hand and said: "I'm just joking. Don't take it seriously, village chief. But if you really ask me to go fishing, I will really go there. It's not that I want to catch anything. The main reason is that I haven't cast a net this summer." , my hands are itching."

Ao Muyang thought about it and found out that it is true that fishermen make a living by fishing. It would undoubtedly be more difficult if they relied on this to make a living, but it would also be uncomfortable if they did not touch the fishing nets for a long time.

After the sea was closed, fishing boats in the village were unable to leave, and Ambergris Lake was contracted by him again. The villagers knew that he contracted the lake not for themselves, but for the village, so they paid great attention to protecting the fish resources in the lake, except for tourists and children. We go fishing, but most people don't go to the lake.

After thinking this through, he said to the farmer: "Second brother, you can rest assured and go to the lake tomorrow. It's okay for the whole village to do it. It won't be August soon. From now on, we can have an August fishing season." Fishing and shrimping in Ambergris Lake should be a warm-up preparation for the opening of the sea in September.”

When the farmer heard what he said, he immediately beamed with joy and asked, "Can it be done?"

Ao Muyang smiled happily and said: "Absolutely, but you are not allowed to catch small fish, you can only catch big fish."

Some time ago, tourists released a lot of fry into the lake to pray for blessings. If the villagers catch the fry, it will definitely be true and make tourists dissatisfied.

After he returned, he announced the matter over the loudspeaker of the village committee. Anyway, you can fish and catch shrimps in Ambergris Lake in the next week. As long as they are big fish and shrimps, there will be no problem in catching them.

The water and the soil support the people. Ambergris Lake has not been fished cleanly for hundreds of years. Now that he is stocking fish fry in it, the fishing capacity will naturally be stronger.

In the evening, he made crucian carp soup at home. Aunt Lu Zhizi had just left, so he happened to drink crucian carp soup to replenish his health.

Early the next morning, the village was in turmoil.

Because of Ao Muyang's restrictions, the fishermen in the village did not go poaching. Fish fry, shrimp fry, and crab fry were always put into Ambergris Lake. It was difficult for the villagers to do anything. They had not cast a net in the past two months, and every one of them felt itchy. , now that they can go fishing with Ao Muyang's permission, they naturally can't be idle.

Ao Muyang not only allowed people from his own village to fish, but also allowed people from other villages to fish, but again, the fish, shrimps and crabs caught were all of a certain size, and they were not allowed to deal with seedlings.

It was lively now. It was still bright early in the morning. Taking advantage of the cool weather, some fishermen who got up early dragged their fishing nets onto the raft.

The villagers have made money from tourists in the past two years. Their thinking has changed and they have a protective attitude towards the resources in the lake, mountains and sea. They rely on these resources to attract tourists to make money, rather than relying on the resources themselves to make money.

After casting a few nets in this way, most of the villagers stopped casting the nets and found other ways to catch fish.

After all, the fish in the lake are mainly the four major species of fish, mostly grass carp, carp, bighead carp and the like. For fishermen, this kind of catch is not attractive and is not worth setting the net to catch.

Everyone turned to various methods to catch fish. Women were wandering around the lake with their trouser legs rolled up. They were holding bamboo baskets in their hands. When they saw fish, shrimps and crabs, they would cover them and then stir up the bamboo baskets. Scare fish, shrimps and crabs.

When the swimming fish are frightened, they will dive into the water. At this time, the women turn the bamboo basket over, and the fish will fall into it and cannot escape.

An old man was driving a small boat across the lake. In front of the wooden sampan was an old fisherman wearing a bamboo hat for shade, and at the stern were a few cormorants. From time to time, cormorants would get into the water, and when they came up again The old man can fish out one or two fish from their mouths.

Ao Muyang blinked when he saw this scene, and asked: "Which village does this old man come from? Sure, he is quite stylish."

Ao Mudong coughed and muttered: "A man with a coir raincoat hat is alone in a boat, fishing alone in the snow in the cold river."

Ao Wenchang suddenly laughed: "Brother Dong, you have to deal with it. One bottle is not full, half the bottle is swaying. This poem is a good poem, but it is inappropriate here, right?"

Ao Mudong was not convinced and said, "Just say something."

Ao Wenchang smacked his lips and stopped talking. He was a science student and he was not good at poetry.

Ao Muyang happened to think of a poem, and he pretended not to care and said: "At this time, it is not appropriate to fish alone in the cold river snow, but this poem is good. Crickets sing in the wild autumn, and cormorants gather in the cold sand. The official residence is a yellow thatched cottage, People have bitter bamboo fences.”

This is a rather unpopular poem. He knew that the others would not be able to pick up the poem, so he added: "Hey, hey, this is not appropriate either. The scene of this poem is rather desolate and lonely, and the tone is too sad. It is not appropriate, not appropriate."

A wise man should not pretend to be a taciturn person. He praised his own talent.

Lu Zhizi asked with a smile: "So, the cormorants outside the door are not coming back, and we suddenly see each other on the sand. From now on, I know what people mean, and I must come a hundred times a day. How about this poem?"

Imitating Lao Ao, she continued: "This poem is not very suitable, and it cannot show the leisure of the fishermen. Let's change it to another one. The farmhouse is by the clear river, and the wooden door is beside the ancient road. The grass is deep and the market is lost, and the remote place is lazy. The willow branches are weak, and the loquats are fragrant. The cormorants are shining in the west, and they are drying their wings on the fishing beams..."

A group of big men ran away in shame: "Let's go fishing, let's go fishing." "That's right, if we don't catch fish and recite poems here, it makes us fishermen look unprofessional."

There are many fishing tools and methods. Usually, everyone fishes sporadically and it doesn't show anything. Now, fishermen from several fishing villages are on the water, each showing their skills, and some of their special skills have come out.

Moreover, the fishermen were also eager to compete, so they all showed off their skills with great energy, and the lake suddenly became lively.

Ao Muyang was amused. He felt that the fishermen had nothing to do, so he organized a so-called fishing season, and he did not have any hope for it. As a result, it seems that this activity is going well.

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