Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 892 898. Please follow me (2)

The meeting lasted from morning to afternoon and ended in the evening as usual.

The main topic in the afternoon was to study an instruction just issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Transformation of Fisheries and Structural Adjustment."

The meeting was about to end. Dai Zongxi stood on the rostrum with a serious face and summarized the meeting: "Everyone, our city's fishery is facing severe challenges today. Compared with the fishery structure of developed countries and regions, our problems are highlighted as: development The methods are extensive, facilities and equipment are backward, and there are hidden dangers in quality and safety. The supply of aquatic products cannot adapt to the upgrading changes in consumer demand, and benefits continue to decline. There is excess fishing capacity, serious water pollution, and fishery resources are increasingly depleted. The pressure on resources and the environment to achieve sustainable and healthy development of fisheries is intensifying. …”

"These outstanding contradictions and problems force our fishery to transform and upgrade. We must accelerate the transformation of development methods, improve fishery quality, efficiency and competitiveness, and achieve sustainable development. This concerns everyone here and future generations, so we must not Careless..."

"I want to tell you clearly here that there are still 20 days left before the sea closure ends, but this does not mean that everyone can fish as they please. Starting from this year, the fishery administration vessel and our Fisheries Bureau will conduct a rigorous investigation for at least one year. I hope everyone will not be stubborn in engaging in illegal activities, otherwise I will never tolerate it!”

After the meeting, Ao Muyang saw that it was getting late and said to Ao Wenchang, "Okay, hurry up and leave. We won't attend the dinner party tonight."

Ao Wenchang nodded, packed up the meeting notes and walked out.

Ao Muyang went to the toilet first, but when he came out, he was blocked by two young men with tall bodies and lean faces. One of them asked: "Are you Comrade Ao Muyang, the head of Longtou Village? "

The two of them were wearing loose sportswear. Wearing such clothes on such a hot day would definitely be baggy, but the two of them were neatly dressed.

Ao Muyang could tell at a glance that these were two soldiers, at least people who had received strict military training.

So he stepped back cautiously and asked, "I am, are you?"

The two looked at each other, and one of them took out an ID and handed it to him and said, "Please come with us, our leader wants to communicate with you."

This ID was an active military officer's ID. Ao Muyang checked the photo and found that everything was correct. The guy's name was Su Dapeng and he was a sergeant.

Ao Muyang thought they were meeting in the theater, but Su Dapeng took him directly to a car. This made him more cautious and said, "I'll tell my companion first, and also tell Director Dai of the Municipal Ocean Bureau." individual."

Su Dapeng said: "Comrade, you can say goodbye to your companions, but you cannot reveal information about our existence. The same is true for Director Dai."

His expression was solemn, and Ao Muyang felt heavy in his heart. What did the navy want to do with him?

After saying goodbye, the black car carrying him drove to the Navy's Hongyang Base. This reassured him that it was not Sun Beilong or anyone pretending to be an active soldier to deal with him.

After entering the naval base, the car went directly to the seaside training ground and stopped in front of a deep blue swimming pool. Then a middle-aged soldier with a gold star on his shoulder was waiting with a smile on his face.

Ao Muyang recognized it at a glance. This was the Li Ke he had met before. The year before last, he had killed a group of smuggling gangsters and helped Li Ke recover the stolen things. The two parties had had contact before and had a good impression.

When he got off the car, Li Ke happily held his hand and shook it: "Xiao Ao, we meet again. I heard that you are now the head of your village. You are very, very good. You are young and promising. I didn't have it back then." At first glance, you are a young hero!"

The other party's enthusiasm completely put Ao Muyang's heart at ease, and then Li Ke took over his hospitality and reached out to lead him to an office by the sea.

On the way, Ao Muyang asked in a low voice: "General Li, why did you call me here this time? This matter is very confidential. Is it serious?"

The smile on Li Ke's face faded, and he said: "Xiao Ao, don't ask too many questions first. The leader will meet with you soon. Well, I hope you understand that our army is not like society and has more rules and regulations."

Ao Muyang said: "I understand."

Li Ke was very talkative. Seeing that Ao Muyang was nervous, he whispered again: "Don't think too much, we want you to help find something in the sea, but this is something that will happen later. We invited you here today because we want to see it." It depends on your ability.”

After a pause, he added: "I hope you will perform well later. This time it will be more troublesome, but if you can succeed, I can guarantee that the harvest will be greater than you can imagine."

The office is very spacious, and there are already more than ten people waiting inside.

These people are all young or middle-aged people under the age of forty. They sit in two distinct areas. Those sitting against the wall in the south sit straight and expressionless, while those sitting against the wall in the north sit in various postures and whisper to each other. .

Li Ke brought Ao Muyang in. The soldiers sitting against the wall in the south suddenly stood up and saluted him. Li Ke returned the salute and said: "Sit down!"

With a swish sound, seven or eight young soldiers sat down again.

Ao Muyang consciously sat to the north. He had an acquaintance here, a tall and handsome young man, Wen Yirui.

Wen Yirui is also a diver, and a well-known diver in their circle. He has some connections with the military and police, and often helps the military and police deal with underwater problems.

Seeing Ao Muyang, Wen Yirui waved hurriedly, and then moved a seat to him respectfully.

Seeing this, the remaining four or five people stopped chatting and looked at Ao Muyang curiously.

These people were also divers. They knew that Wen Yirui was arrogant and could treat him with such respect. Ao Muyang's identity and ability aroused their speculation.

Li Ke went out for a trip and came back soon. Two soldiers came back with him, both of whom were senior colonels.

Although Li Ke is higher in terms of military rank, the two colonels are higher in terms of status. This can be seen from the attitude of the soldiers. As soon as the two came in, the soldiers stood up again and held their heads high. Chest out, eyes sharp.

Li Ke introduced: "These two are outstanding leaders of our navy. This one is Colonel Zhu Xingshan, and this one is Colonel Du Yulong. Everyone, the next work will be handed over to these two leaders. I hope you will cooperate." ”

Du Yulong looked kind and said: "Welcome all outstanding diver friends to our naval base. In this way, we are not treating guests to dinner. We will avoid some red tape and courtesy. Let's go straight to the topic. Today we want to ask you to do One competition, respectively, is a diving competition and a swimming competition.”

After saying that, he stretched out his hand to signal everyone to follow him out. Not far away was a natural swimming pool. Soldiers took them to the swimming lane, where swimsuits were already prepared.

At the same time, the competition events have also been told to them. The first event is the 1,500-meter freestyle.

Du Yulong looked at his watch and said: "You have two minutes to change clothes and do warm-up exercises. Please hurry up and the game begins."

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