Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 9 9. Rowing the Boat

After selling the lobster, Ao Muyang stayed at home for two days.

On the weekend morning, he cooked noodles, cut pickled vegetables, sprinkled them with sauce soup made from crayfish heads, and chopped some millet peppers. This was his breakfast.

Ao Fugui came on time, and while picking noodles, he gave a thumbs up: "Where did your pickles come from? They are so delicious!"

"I took them from your pickle jar." Ao Muyang rolled his eyes.

Ao Fugui immediately shouted: "Impossible, how can my pickles be so fresh?"

Ao Muyang continued to roll his eyes: "The crayfish we ate last time didn't have a head? I took the head off to make sauce soup. If you like it, I'll give you a bowl later."

Ao Fugui laughed: "How can you be so embarrassed? Which bowl should I use? Is this one in my hand okay?"

"Your mother... your mother really raised a good son! This is a vegetable bowl in your hand, not a rice bowl!" Ao Muyang was forced to swear.

After joking about breakfast, Ao Fugui continued to sail and asked him if he was going to the city.

Ao Muyang shook his head. After Ao Fugui left, he packed up paper money, incense, candles and fruit offerings and went up the mountain.

The surrounding area is full of mountains. The mountain behind Longtou Village is called Dalong Mountain, and the ancestral tombs of the village are on the back of the mountain.

For generations, there have been thousands of tombs in the ancestral tombs. Ao Muyang didn't have to work hard and found the location of his parents' tombs.

Because his parents were buried at sea, they made a cenotaph according to the rules of their ancestors, and the two tombs were put together.

He came back this time to erect a monument for his parents, which was a big deal, so he quit his job and returned to his hometown.

After placing the tribute and lighting the incense, Ao Muyang hugged the general and sat on the ground and muttered to himself for a while, picking out some of the things that happened in the past few years.

After paying tribute to his parents, he took the general home.

The general saw that he was in a low mood. He lowered his head with his tail between his legs, drooped his ears and pulled his face all the way. The dog's face looked heavier than him.

Ao Muyang was amused by this. Seeing him laugh, the general immediately became cheerful and his thick tail swayed again.

When he returned home, Ao Muyang saw Ao Fugui's father, Ao Qianmao, sweating profusely, pushing a farm cart back.

He handed Ao Qianmao an ice stick and said, "Uncle, I want to repair the house. Who should I find?"

Ao Qianmao chewed the ice stick and said, "Yangzi, uncle, let me be frank. Why do you want to repair this chicken feather house? Just tear it down and rebuild it!"

Ao Muyang looked back at the house. This was their ancestral home. It was built when his grandfather got married. It was a common seaweed house at that time.

Seaweed house is a unique local building. Outsiders can't imagine that the roof of this house is not brick and thatch but kelp. Of course, it is different from the kelp that people usually eat. It should be a kind of kelp grass.

Since ancient times, local sea people have found that this kind of kelp grass has good heat insulation and is rain and windproof, so they use it to cover the roof.

However, the effect of kelp is still much worse than that of bricks and tiles, so the roof is covered with kelp very thickly, and old fishing nets are often used to cover it to prevent wind.

The completed seaweed house is very comfortable to live in. No matter whether it is scorching sun or howling cold wind, the kelp layer is heat-insulating and cold-insulating, warm in winter and cool in summer.

Moreover, kelp has strong wind resistance. Even if it encounters a storm, it still does not leak a drop of water or a wisp of wind.

Looking at the old house that has been thrown far behind by the tide, he smiled and said: "Don't rush to rebuild, replace the roof first."

Ao Qianmao said: "That's fine, there is no need to find outsiders. I will call a few uncles to get some kelp to clean up for you. You should prepare some cigarettes and alcohol by then."

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "Okay, then trouble uncle."

"Speaking in Malaysian currency." Ao Qianmao, like his son, is full of swear words.

This cannot be blamed on their lack of quality. This is a habit of fishermen, because life at sea is really tiring and boring, and cursing and swearing is also a way to vent.

There was nothing to do in the afternoon, so Ao Muyang decided to go out to sea again.

The small sampan of Ao Fugui's family was not used at ordinary times, so it became his vehicle for the time being.

Shaking the small sampan, carrying the general, carrying a fishing rod and some fishing accessories, he slowly went out to sea.

There were villagers on the small pier, and they greeted him when they saw this: "Xiaoyang, are you back to the village for vacation? Your life is pretty happy."

Ao Muyang smiled after eating a bite of ice cream: "Enjoy life, auntie, there is no need to play too hard, life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor are in the hands of God, enjoy the present."

The woman shook her head and said: "Auntie has no time to enjoy the present. Auntie's present is your brother. He is in college, tuition and living expenses, and he will have to buy a house in the city in the future. I have to work hard, and there is no way to be tired and hard."

Although she said "tired and hard", her tone was not heavy at all, but rather proud.

It is not easy for a fishing village to produce a college student. Fishermen also understand that knowledge can change their fate. They cannot make a fortune by relying on the ocean, so they can only put their hopes on their children who go to school.

Someone said sourly: "Sister Hua, Nanzai can't just study when he goes to college. The scholar from Qianyao's family studied so hard that he became stupid..."

The woman got angry when she heard this: "My Nanzai is just like Xiucai..."

Then there was a quarrel. Ao Muyang smiled and rowed the boat. The sun was shining brightly at noon, and the small sampan sailed against the waves into the sea.

When there were no boats around, he went into the water for a circle. When in the water, the golden elixir condensed water vapor faster, and his vision could see far through the sea water and directly see the situation on the seabed.

The situation near the coast is indeed bad. There are still some small fish and shrimps in the sea, but there are no fish schools that are slightly formed. Fishermen rely on fishing nets to catch fish schools for food. Small fish and shrimps are useless.

After going deeper into the sea, there are a few more fish. He saw a few black breams on the seabed and a small school of sea crucian carp.

Bream is a fish species with great economic value. It is common in China. It is distributed in Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea. They are warm-temperate bottom-dwelling fish. They like to live in reefs or sandy and muddy sea areas. They feed on small fish, shrimps, shellfish and annelids.

Ao Muyang brought chicken intestines. He hung a small piece on the fishhook and put it down, then waited for the fish to bite while absorbing water vapor in the water.

As a result, the snappers have learned their lesson. When the chicken intestines fell, not only did they not take the bait, but they all ran away...

This scene reminded Ao Muyang of the scene in the movie "Crazy Stone". At that time, the scammers played by Huang Bo and others were cheating on the urban rail. As soon as they set up their positions and showed the bait, the passengers ran away.

A trip to the sea cannot be fruitless. He looked for a reef area on the seabed and rowed his boat to move there and cast the hook.

The sea area with reefs and sandy mud bottom is suitable for fishing. Snappers, sea bass, mullet, etc. like to live in such places.

In order to catch more fish, Ao Muyang invested a lot of money and chopped some chicken intestines and threw them into the water to attract fish and shrimp in the surrounding waters.

His strategy was very successful. Soon some sea bass and snappers appeared in the field of vision, and a small school of fish came after hearing the news.

Just when he was about to do a big job, he suddenly found that the small school of fish had dispersed, and the fish attracted by the chicken intestines had all run away again.

"Is it a spirit?" Ao Muyang was shocked.

What shocked him even more was what happened next. The fish escaped not because they discovered the trap, but because a huge shadow appeared behind them. A big guy showed up!

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