Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 896 902. Ship Collision (1/5)

Chapter 896 902. Ship Collision (15)

The shark nets were torn to pieces one after another. The huge and sturdy nets were like a circular Great Wall, locking countless fish in them, just like the Great Wall pickup truck suppressing the Jiangling pickup truck in the sales list.

All of this was no match for the sperm whale. The sperm whale rushed forward without even opening its mouth. It only needed to crash into the fishing net and surge up and down. The shark nets that could block sharks were just a pile of rags to it, which was easily torn apart.

The fish schools surrounded in it were very entangled. They didn't know whether they should be excited or panic. Anyway, there was a big guy wandering in front of them, and they had a chance to escape.

One by one, the fish schools escaped. They found that the huge sperm whale did not prey on them, so they hurriedly shook their heads and tails and rushed to the open sea. Some swam to the surface of the sea, and some burrowed into the seabed. For a while, the whole sea area was very lively.

As he went deeper, Ao Muyang found that there were many cages in the seaside fishing grounds, and there were also various seafood in the cages, including prawns, mantis shrimps, shrimps, crabs and abalone.

In short, there were many cages and many seafood in them.

Seeing this, Ao Muyang became energetic. No doubt, he worked hard.

These cages were quite large, and the largest one looked like an underwater prison, hundreds of meters long, dozens of meters wide, and several meters high. Because there was no need to worry about whales and sharks breaking into this position, although it was a cage, its toughness was not as good as the shark net.

Ao Muyang crushed it in one breath, just like an underwater storm passing through, and the whole fishing ground was in a mess.

He worked from ten o'clock to two or three o'clock in the morning. If there were things like the May Day Labor Medal in the sea, his tireless enthusiasm would be enough to ensure that he could harvest one.

After destroying the fishing grounds, he began to return.

In the distant ocean, the fishing boats also began to return. Sun Beilong is now very cautious. His boats will not go out to sea during the day, but will catch fish and shrimps in the near sea at night.

These boats are only more than ten meters long, not big. After all, their goal is to catch small fish and shrimps with a net, and a small boat can complete this task, so there is no need to send a large boat.

When the two met, Lao Ao dived into the bottom of the boat without saying a word, and then suddenly soared into the sky.

The small fishing boat was shaking, and several young people on the boat were yawning. Someone muttered: "Fuck, it's finally dawn, go back to sleep quickly, staying up late every day is not healthy."

Suddenly, the shaking of the fishing boat intensified.

The young people didn't care. The fishing boat was sailing on the sea, with the sea breeze blowing and the waves beating. It was normal for the hull to shake. They were used to it.

But soon, everyone panicked: the boat was shaking more and more violently, as if a pair of giant hands were pinching the bow and stern of the boat and shaking it!

"What's going on?"

"Fuck, there's something underwater!"

"Is there? I can't see clearly, Magobee, hurry up and catch me!"

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the huge monster under the water swam out of the water. It was much bigger than the fishing boat, and much bigger than the people on the boat. When its figure surfaced, everyone was stunned!

The body of the sperm whale hit the fishing boat. Its skin was smooth, and the bottom of the fishing boat was also smooth, so it didn't lift up the fishing boat, but after a side slide, its body hit the hull from the side, and the fishing boat was overturned.

In a series of tragic exclamations, several people on the boat fell into the water, and buckets and boxes of fish and shrimp fry on the boat also fell into the water, like rain, splashing on the water.

Most of the fish and shrimp fry were dead, but there were still some alive. The live fish and shrimp fled in panic driven by the desire to survive, and the underwater became more and more chaotic.

Someone reacted quickly and grabbed the fishing boat, so he was not thrown into the water. He screamed at the top of his lungs: "Ahhh! Help! Ahhhh! Come and save us! Iron, come and save us!"

The sound was quite shrill!

The fishing boats returned together, not far from each other. Seeing that the boat suddenly capsized, the other boats were surprised and quickly surrounded it.

They didn't know what happened, so they turned on the searchlights and shouted:

"What's going on? Old Snake, what's wrong with you? Did you hit a reef?"

"God damn, hit a reef! Where is the reef here? What's wrong with you? Did you all fall asleep?"

"Stop talking, saving people is important! Save people quickly!"

Ao Muyang originally wanted to leave after crashing into a boat - at most crashing into two boats. After all, his current identity is a sperm whale, and he can't specifically crash into fishing boats. That wouldn't make sense.

But then he found that other fishing boats approached one after another, and he didn't know whether they were really here to save people or just wanted to watch the fun.

Anyway, he was happy when he found the fishing boats approaching. Now he had a reason to take action: the sperm whale was surrounded by fishing boats, and after being frightened, it struggled in the sea, unfortunately hit and swept these fishing boats, and then the accident happened.

Ao Muyang stirred up the underwater storm, and the searchlight came over. The figure of the sperm whale could no longer be concealed. The people on the nearest ship clearly saw its huge shadow:

A large area of ​​water surface turned pitch black, and this black was swimming rapidly with the waves, and it was not simply swimming, it also stirred up huge waves...


There was another dull loud noise, and another person on a fishing boat screamed: "Ah, blue whale, there is a blue whale underwater!" "It's not a blue whale, it's a killer whale!" "Fuck him, help! Come and save people!"

The small fishing boat, which was only half the length of the sperm whale, was like a wooden doll on its back. It could do whatever it wanted, which was easier than crushing the shark net.

The second fishing boat was knocked over.

The sperm whale continued to show off its power around. It swam around in the water, buoyed up and down, swung its tail and shook its head. From time to time, it made loud noises, as if it was scared crazy.

One after another, four small boats overturned on the sea.

The other boats were frightened, and the bosses on the boats quickly commanded to escape:

"Don't forget to go ahead, that killer whale is crazy!" "What the hell is a killer whale, how can a killer whale be so big?" "Why do you care about these? Don't get close! Don't stimulate it!" "Yes, yes, let it go, let it go quickly!"

The other boats were no longer approaching, so Ao Muyang couldn't chase them and hit them one by one. He could only choose to swim south. There were two more boats in this direction. The two boats were on the same route, and he could try harder.

Not all of them are cowards. Someone on the boat stood at the bow with a harpoon in his hand. His eyes were glaring and his muscles were tense. He was really a hero!

But the sperm whale was too big. It was no exaggeration to say that he was trying to stop a car with his arms. The sperm whale dived into the water and hit the bottom of the fishing boat with its head. The man seized the opportunity and threw the harpoon down.

The harpoon shot into the fish, but it was useless compared to the sperm whale's nearly 20-meter-long body.

"Splash", with screams, another boat capsized.

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