Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 900 906. Training begins (5)

After arriving at the naval base, Ao Muyang's communication was still free, and he quickly received a call from Ao Wenchang.

Ao Muyang looked ugly. Liu, Zhu Xingshan and Du Yulong came with a few soldiers. When they saw him standing in front of him with a pulled face, they asked: "Xiao Ao, what's wrong with you?"

"I ask to go back to the village." Ao Muyang said, "Chief, you also know that our fishing village often has conflicts at sea due to fishing resource issues, and there are many enemies. This time, when some enemies saw me leaving the village, they came to seek revenge. ”

Du Yulong immediately asked: "You can't stay in the village every day, right? Why did your enemies come to visit you as soon as you left the village this time? Is it too much of a coincidence?"

Ao Muyang said: "It may be a coincidence, or it may be that I told the villagers that I would cooperate with the Coast Guard to perform patrols in the South China Sea. The enemies found out about this, so they couldn't wait to come."

Du Yulong wanted to say something else, but Liu waved his hand to signal them to be quiet. He frowned slightly and glanced majestically at Ao Muyang, and then said, "Lao Zhu, come up with a plan!"

Zhu Xingshan stood at attention, saluted, and said in a loud voice: "Yes!"

Liu smiled at Ao Muyang and said, "Comrade Xiao Ao, can you rest assured now? If you still have any questions, just raise them together and we will solve them for you!"

Ao Muyang said: "There is no other problem, as long as those gangsters don't go to our village to cause trouble."

Liu looked at him meaningfully and said nothing.

He came over to receive Ao Muyang and arranged a room for him. It was a private room with air conditioning, a kitchen and a bathroom. It was a pretty good sea view room.

After the arrangements were made, Liu and others left, leaving only Zhu Xingshan and four capable soldiers.

After Ao Muyang packed up and came out, Zhu Xingshan handed him a piece of paper and said, "This is your training plan for the next three days. Comrade Ao Muyang, I hope you can study hard and learn as many of these skills as possible as soon as possible."

Ao Muyang looked at the paper and saw unarmed fighting, grappling, saber fighting, hand rifle shooting, emergency communication, coded communication, learning common Bont languages, English courses...

He swallowed and asked, "Are these all things I can use in this operation?"

Zhu Xingshan nodded.

Ao Muyang asked again: "In this operation, there will be a fight, right?"

The corner of Zhu Xingshan's mouth twitched. He was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "It's not a fight, throw away this folk thinking, it's a fight, a fight!"

Ao Muyang asked: "Do I have an assistant? Is it just me who will carry out the mission?"

Zhu Xingshan shook his head and said: "Of course not, we will provide you with an assistant, but you can't see him now."

Ao Muyang immediately said: "I want one more assistant, an assistant that I absolutely trust. His name is Heilong. He is a young man from the Bayao tribe. He has no tongue, can't speak, can't write, and is extremely confidential!"

He knew the seriousness of this operation, and the army would definitely not allow him to add people casually, so he introduced the Black Dragon as quickly as possible.

Zhu Xingshan categorically refused, but Ao Muyang continued: "This black dragon's underwater skills are very good. He is the only underwater talent I have ever seen after me. He also has some advantages over me, that is, finding items underwater, Water combat and firearms use.”

Hearing this, Zhu Xingshan hesitated and asked, "Can you be responsible for your words?"

When Ao Muyang saw that there was a door, he immediately puffed up his chest and said, "Of course!"

Zhu Xingshan asked for the photo and location of Black Dragon, and then signaled the four soldiers to start training Ao Muyang.

The four soldiers did not introduce themselves. They saluted Ao Muyang seriously. Ao Muyang wanted to return the salute, but two of the four soldiers immediately took action, one punched and the other kicked.

Ao Muyang was completely unprepared and was knocked to the ground when he went up.

His chest and thighs were burning with pain. A young man raised his index finger and said: "First of all, you must be on guard at any time and be ready to attack or counterattack at any time!"

Ao Muyang took a deep breath and raised his head, saying: "Training starts now?"

The young man Bancun signaled his comrades to stop. He walked over and stretched out his hand to Ao Muyang and said, "I just gave you one..."

The two of them clasped their hands, and Ao Muyang reversed the golden elixir and exerted force, dragging the Ban Cun soldier to the ground.

The soldiers thought that there were no routines for their actions, but in fact they also had routines. Ao Muyang was the best at finding routines as he battled wits and courage with several naughty kids and Lu Zhizi all day long.

The thick-headed soldier originally wanted to use all his strength to sneak attack him, but Ao Muyang struck faster and his speed, explosive power, and strength were all top-notch. Although the soldier was on guard, he was still dragged to the ground.

After being dragged down, he immediately fought back, grabbed a handful of sand and threw it at Ao Muyang's face...

"Holy shit!" Lao Ao's eyes suddenly stung, and tears couldn't stop flowing down. "You want to blind me? Are you using this method on me?"

The flat-headed soldier said: "Remember, be on guard at any time and fight back at any time! You have to think that you are in a desperate situation at any time and anywhere!"

"Grass!" Ao Muyang cursed.

Anyone who gets sand thrown away will be angry.

The soldiers used fresh water to rinse his eyes. Ao Muyang reluctantly opened his eyes and stepped back: "I don't believe you!"

The thick-haired soldier grinned and said: "Brother, you performed very well. We just gave you a blow just now. We didn't really want to hurt you. We will wash your eyes first, and then we will set a rule. Don't worry, it won't be the case this time." I want to teach you.”

A soldier took a kettle to rinse his eyes. After the sand was washed away, the shaved soldier handed him a cigarette and said, "Come on, time is urgent. Let's set a rule for one cigarette, and then continue training."

Ao Muyang shook his head to indicate that he did not smoke. The shaved soldier lit it and held it in his mouth and said, "This cigarette is prepared for you. We are not allowed to smoke, but if you don't smoke, it's okay for us to smoke two."

After exhaling a puff of smoke, he said, "There is only one rule. As long as we say training starts, you treat us as enemies. As long as we say learning starts, you treat us as comrades. If you want, it's better to treat us as teachers. Do you understand?"

Ao Muyang nodded and said, "I understand."

This way he felt relieved and knew when to simulate the battlefield situation and when to be in a learning state.

As soon as he nodded, the shaved soldier threw away the cigarette and said, "Training begins!"

The four people rushed up together!

Ao Muyang threw the sand he had prepared in advance on their faces, then turned around and ran into the water.

The ocean is his home court!

About an hour and a half later, a grass-green helicopter flew into the base, and then two soldiers came out with a dark-skinned young man.

Ao Muyang, who was enjoying a massage from a shaved soldier, was amused when he saw this. He raised his head and laughed, "Heilong, you are so miserable!"

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