Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 903 909. Sudden sound of artillery fire (3)

The soldiers rested for more than ten minutes, and with the squad leader's "Everyone has it", the group picked up their mood and got busy again.

Ao Muyang followed to help. Although the scene was busy, there was not much physical work. The labor-intensive work was done by machines, and people only had to operate the machines.

The mud and sand from the seabed were continuously pumped up, and with it came the conchs.

The soldiers were very friendly and asked the two of them to go and pick first. After all, they had been on the island for quite a long time and collected a lot of conchs.

Ao Muyang carefully selected, and in just half a morning, he picked dozens of them, two of which were yellow conchs. This kind of snail has a very beautiful yellow enamel. When you look at it carefully in the sun, it feels like there is sunshine hidden inside.

This kind of snail is very valuable. Its earliest identity was currency. Historically, early civilizations around the world have used it as currency for circulation, including ancient China.

From the Xia and Shang Dynasties to the Zhou Dynasty and even to the Qin Shihuang's unification of the world, it has been present in the history of thousands of years. Even in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period when copper smelting was developed, the scarcity of the yellow conch still made it valuable as currency.

In 1981, the post office issued a set of ancient Chinese coin stamps, the first of which was a currency coin, which was the yellow conch.

In addition to the yellow conch, Ao Muyang also found a black star conch. The charm of this conch is no less than that of the yellow conch. Its shell is round, the shell mouth is narrow, the shell surface is smooth and shiny, and the back of the shell to the periphery is white to light brown, with many black and brown spots of different sizes, as if wearing a tiger skin coat.

It was time to eat at noon, and Ao Muyang happily went to the cafeteria with these conches.

The yellow conch and the black star conch are more valuable for collection, so he did not eat them, but buried them in the sand to let them rot naturally, and then washed them as gifts.

Other conchs were not valuable, so Ao Muyang borrowed the pot from the cooking squad and steamed them directly. Then he took a chopstick and sharpened it into a big toothpick, holding the conch in one hand and picking out the meat with the other hand.

The meat of the conch is one of the most delicious among all the snails, but not many people have the opportunity to enjoy it, because the average value of the conch is relatively high, and most of them are used for viewing rather than eating after being caught.

Ao Muyang ate happily, and the squad leader and his team came with rice bowls to eat, so he waved enthusiastically and invited them to eat together.

The soldiers smiled and refused. They all had dark skin, and this smile made their teeth look particularly white.

The old squad leader said to him: "We won't eat this. As long as it's seafood, we don't want to eat it. We're tired of it."

The South China Sea is rich in fish resources. When the navy first arrived here, they must have cooked seafood according to local conditions. The soldiers ate a lot and they were tired of it.

Ao Muyang sighed in his heart while enjoying the conch meat.

This life is like a besieged city. People outside the city want to come in, and people inside the city want to go out. It is reflected in the fact that the people on the land around him all want to live in places like Dayang Island. The environment is pure and pollution-free, the blue sea and blue sky, the white gulls spread their wings, and you can watch whales and sharks from time to time. There is an endless supply of seafood to eat every day. What a great life!

But the soldiers on the island want to leave here. They are very tired of facing the blue sea and blue sky every day and eating seafood every day.

In the afternoon, Ao Muyang went to the beach again. This time he borrowed a boat to go out to sea.

Colonel Su was very good to the two of them. He was always willing to meet their requests. When Ao Muyang came to ask for a boat, he borrowed a navy gunboat.

When the gunboat went out, Ao Muyang put on a diving suit and prepared to enter the sea from the deck.

At this moment, the machine gun on the deck suddenly opened fire: "Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The muzzle flame flashed, and the thick brass shells sprayed out like water, falling into the collection box with a crackling sound.

The machine gun on this gunboat is a single 37 naval gun with a very fast firing rate. In just over ten seconds, dozens or even hundreds of shells were ejected.

At this moment, the God of Fire descended!

Ao Muyang was stunned. He quickly shouted, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Heilong was also shocked. He stared at the gunboat and swallowed his saliva. He didn't know if the firing of the naval gun triggered some memories in him. According to Du Yulong's previous introduction, the Saranala organization to which Heilong once belonged often encountered naval encirclement and suppression from Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other countries, and gunboats were the regular equipment of the navies of these three countries.

A soldier rushed up and pressed him to the ground, shouting, "You have to squat down at this time, squat down!"

Ao Muyang nodded hurriedly and also shouted, "What happened?"

The soldier did not answer. After he squatted on the ground, he returned to the cab.

After that, there was no sound on the wide gunboat. Ao Muyang looked at the sea blankly and did not find anything unusual.

Even if there was something unusual, he couldn't see it. His field of vision was all covered by the naval gun fire. With the firepower of this 37mm naval gun, even a giant squid emerging from the seabed could be smashed into pieces in an instant.

He carefully scanned the sea surface, and found nothing unusual. He then carefully went to the cab and asked, "Comrades, what happened just now?"

"We received news that there was an artillery assault drill." A soldier answered simply and clearly.

Ao Muyang sighed, "Is that so? This naval gun is really powerful. What kind of gun is it?"

He thought the soldiers would not pick up his topic, after all, this topic might involve confidential information.

As a result, another soldier quickly replied: "This is a single 37 naval gun. This gun adopts a lot of mature technology of double 35 anti-aircraft guns, and has automatic machines and external energy supply machines, so it has an advantage of high rate of fire, with a maximum rate of fire of 550 rounds per minute..."

"In addition, since the barrel of this gun is larger than the previous 76 series, the initial velocity is higher when using the same ammunition, and the effective range to air and sea is longer..."

There are some professional terms in the series of answers, which Ao Muyang can't understand.

He vaguely realized the purpose of the other party's assault drill. It may be a drill for him to see, so that he can get in touch with the power of naval guns in advance. However, what is the mission? Where is it carried out? There is even a gunfire experience!

If the navy doesn't say it, he can't find out, so he can only swim in the sea.

Fortunately, the underwater world of the South China Sea is really rich and colorful. As soon as he entered the water, he saw a group of colorful fish swimming towards him. They were not afraid of him and swam around him.

Ao Muyang looked underwater. The clear water did not hinder his vision, and the underwater world was in full view.

The surrounding seabed was a large piece of gravel, with large and small gravels evenly scattered on the ground, and some dark green seaweeds slowly drifting with the underwater undercurrent.

On the gravel, a group of small fish more than ten centimeters long were swimming. Ao Muyang looked at them and had not yet recognized their identities. A figure rushed past him. It was the black dragon swimming towards these fish.

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