Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 95 95. South River Bank

The stream is not very small. The widest part of the river is three or four meters. There are bluestones on both sides. Usually, women in the village step on the bluestones to wash clothes here. In the past few years when the water quality was better, people could even use river water to wash rice.

The rain fell, the water level of the stream rose, and the bluestones were submerged. Ao Muyang wanted to find a piece to step on. As a result, as soon as he bent down, there was a "plop" sound beside him, and a large wave of water splashed on him, all over his head and face.

He turned his head helplessly and saw the general who had just jumped into the water, with only his head exposed, looking at him timidly. Obviously, this naughty kid also knew that he had caused trouble.

The clear stream was flowing with waves, and the general's yellow head suddenly appeared on the water. From time to time, there were waves hitting it, and rain flowed down the dog's hair. It looked stupid, like a statue.

Ao Muyang couldn't help laughing. Seeing this, the general immediately threw away his worries after getting into trouble and wandered in the stream with his tail wagging.

After the general stirred it up, some small fish on the water surface fled in panic and disappeared without a trace.

Ao Muyang simply rolled up his trouser legs and stood in the stream. The water covered his calves to his knees, and it was cool and refreshing.

He looked up and looked downstream. There was a small stone arch bridge there. The bridge was nearly ten meters long and more than three meters wide. It was made of granite and was very solid.

Like the Zhaozhou Bridge, there was no bridge pier under this bridge, only a large arched bridge hole. Now the rolling stream flows through the bridge hole. The two sides of the bridge hole were blocked by stone slabs, making a large pool from it.

Looking at this strange and familiar hometown bridge, Ao Muyang's mind was a little trance.

Speaking of which, although he had a hard life in elementary school, he actually had a lot of good life. At that time, they learned "Let's Row the Oars" while rowing on the Fu boat, and when they learned the text "Zhaozhou Bridge", they learned it at the bridge head.

It happened that a few children ran out to play in the rain. They climbed down from the bridge head, took off their clothes and jumped into the bridge hole.

The pool there was like a swimming pool. The water was deep, and there were stone slabs blocking the rapid water flow, so the water flow was gentle, which was very suitable for playing in the water.

Looking at the children laughing happily, Ao Muyang's melancholy mood because of recalling his youth improved. He shouted: "The water is deep today, be careful!"

The children laughed: "Okay, Uncle Yang." "No problem, Uncle Yang."

The general also swam over, and the children chased it in the water, caught it and drowned it in the water, and they were very happy for a while.

The green water plants in the river were swaying, and there were large groups of small fish living among the water plants.

In rainy weather, the water pressure and air pressure were abnormal, and the small fish came out of the water to breathe. Standing by the river and looking down, you can see a school of small fish everywhere.

This is Ao Muyang's goal, clear water fish.

It is hard to say what kind of fish it is. There are crucian carp, grass carp, carp, black carp, and other small fish, collectively called clear water fish, because they can only live in places with clear water.

They are all fish fry and fish fry, living in groups in the river, all year round, countless.

Because the fish fry are too small, Longtou Village is close to the sea and the big lake, so no one is interested in these fish fry. At most, children will catch them to play or feed chickens and ducks. At other times, everyone ignores them, allowing their population to continue to expand.

Ao Muyang came here this time to catch these small fish fry and then make a dish of iron pot baked fish.

Catching small fish fry is an immoral thing anywhere. This is called fishing in a pond, but it is not a big problem here.

The Nanhe River flows out from the Ambergris Lake, and the fish fry come from the Ambergris Lake. Eventually, the river water flows into the ocean, and the fish fry will also enter the ocean downstream.

And they are all freshwater fish, and they will definitely die if they enter the ocean, which means that even if no one catches them, they will not grow up.

You don't need a fishing net to catch clearwater fish, just use a discarded mosquito net or screen net.

Ao Muyang shouted, "Hey, come here."

Several children ran upstream with laughter. Even if the river water surged due to the rain, it was only up to the belly, which was nothing for the children of fishermen who were familiar with the water.

"What are you doing, Uncle Yang?" asked a child named Ao Xiaomi.

Ao Muyang handed him the screen net he brought and said, "Help me catch some clearwater fish, and then I will treat you to spicy strips and soda."

"Who still eats spicy strips now? Everyone eats ham and potato chips." Ao Xiaomi rolled his eyes.

"We don't drink soda anymore. We drink Coke, yogurt, and arteries." The boy named Ao Xiaojun next to him laughed.

"It's a pulse, not an artery, haha." Another child laughed.

Ao Xiaojun was annoyed: "I made a slip of the tongue, okay? Ao Xiaozhi, if you laugh again, I'll beat you up!"

Ao Muyang waved his hand to signal them to be quiet, and said: "Then I'll treat you to sausages, potato chips, Coke, and Pocari Sweat, okay?"

"And you'll also treat us to the Internet." Ao Xiaomi began to negotiate conditions.

Ao Muyang sneered: "You're trying to get ahead of yourself, right? Okay, what day is today? Aren't you supposed to go to Mr. Lu's cram school? Why are you all playing in the river? Did you skip class?"

Several children were stunned: "Uh, Uncle Yang, keep your voice down, just eat sausages and drink Coke, you want clearwater fish, right? We'll help you catch it right now."

Ao Muyang snorted and laughed: "You're smart."

This job is very simple, two children share a screen net, each holding the two corners of one side of the net with two hands, then holding the net on the water with one hand and pulling the net to the bottom of the river with the other hand. In this way, after pulling it in the river for a while and putting it away, there will be clearwater fish in it.

Ao Xiaomi and Ao Xiaojun were fishing, and the other children also had their own ways.

After the clearwater fish floated on the water, they could be caught without tools. The children stood quietly by the river. After a while, the water calmed down and the clearwater fish floated on the water again.

At this time, they quickly bent down and splashed the river water onto the shore. Some small fish that did not have time to escape were splashed onto the shore along with the water.

Ao Muyang picked up the water bucket, and with the screen net, he collected half a bucket in a short time.

This was enough to eat, he blew a whistle and waved his hand, saying: "Let's go, let's go to the supermarket together."

The children cheered immediately, without drying their bodies, they put on their clothes randomly, and set off on the road wetly.

The owner of the small supermarket at the entrance of the village is called Ao Mucheng, who is of the same generation as Ao Muyang and a few years older.

After Ao Muyang went in, he took a towel to wipe his head, and then paid a hundred yuan on the counter and said, "Let them eat and drink, I'll pay the bill."

Ao Mucheng laughed and said, "What are you doing? Going to catch freshwater fish?"

Five or six naughty kids were so happy that they each took a bunch of snacks and drinks and ran to the supermarket entrance, sitting on a small bench and eating and drinking and making noise.

Ao Muyang paid another hundred yuan, and Ao Mucheng said, "You are so generous. They helped you get some small fish, and you spent so much money?"

The oldest Ao Xiaomi was embarrassed and said, "Uncle Yang, we won't take it."

Ao Muyang said, "It's okay, take it, take whatever you like to eat and drink, don't be polite to uncle. There are also melon seeds and peanuts, which are also delicious. Come on, everyone, don't throw the melon seed skins and peanut skins around, put them in this bag."

"Uncle, we love you to death." The children were immediately overjoyed.

After they were full and satisfied, Ao Muyang drove them all to the mountain primary school like driving cattle.

Lu Zhizi saw the naughty kids and immediately raised her eyebrows: "Where did you go at noon? Why did you come back so late?"

"They went to the river to take a bath. How dangerous." Ao Muyang pretended to be frightened, "Luckily I ran into them and caught them for you."

Lu Zhizi thanked him: "Thank you."

Ao Xiaomi and his group were so angry that they were about to explode: "Uncle, we hate you so much!"

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