Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 957 964. Convoy (3)

Whether it was a psychological effect or not, the September sea breeze was indeed cooler.

Ao Muyang sat on the boat and enjoyed the gentle sea breeze. He felt like he was sitting in a cradle. The waves hit the sampan, pushing the boat to sway rhythmically.

He picked up a salted peanut and threw it into his mouth. In the distance, a large ship passed by the sea. Seagulls flew close to the sea. They were very cunning. They knew that the large fishing boats would put a lot of fish on the deck when they were about to collect the nets. So when they saw the large ship, they chased after it and waited to grab the fish.

Yang Shuyong said while eating edamame: "By the way, Captain Ao, I was fired as the village chief."

Ao Muyang was slightly surprised: "What happened? Is it because you got into trouble with those unfilial descendants some time ago?"

"I guess so." Yang Shuyong said nonchalantly, "I drove them away and forced them to work in other places. Damn it, what kind of shit is it? Staying in the village corrupts the atmosphere!"

Ao Muyang personally opened a bottle of beer for him and said: "Anyway, Lao Yang, you are the most suitable person to be the village chief in my heart. Come, I toast you a glass."

Yang Shuyong was rarely humble and said: "Hey, you can't say that. There are still capable people in our village. The village chief is not the head of the team. We can always find the right person to do it."

Ao Muyang didn't know what to say for a moment, so he had to say "It's all in the beer" and then swallowed a glass of beer.

No wonder Yang Shuyong didn't lead the people in their village to catch mosaic crabs. It was probably because the new village chief drove him away. After all, Yang Shuyong still had great prestige in Wangjia Village, which was a challenge to his status.

After a while, Yang Shuyong said, "Old Ao, open another bottle for me."

Ao Muyang said, "Forget it, let's go to my house to drink later. There's no need to drink here to relieve your sorrow."

Yang Shuyong laughed and said, "What kind of drinking is this to relieve your sorrow? What's there to worry about? Who do you think I am, Old Yang? A little villager who is greedy for power?"

Ao Muyang was embarrassed to say that Yang Shuyong really had this image before. Of course, everything has changed now. He raised his thumb and said, "Old Yang, you are open-minded, but don't drink anymore. Drink later."

Yang Shuyong said, "It's okay. This bottle is for celebration. Celebrate that I became the village party secretary of our village..."

"What?!" Ao Muyang's face was full of question marks.

Yang Shuyong said, "Didn't I tell you? I'm now officially appointed as the village party secretary."

Ao Muyang raised the beer bottle: "Get out of here, or I'll cut your head off!"

Yang Shuyong grabbed a handful of edamame and stuffed it into his pocket, grabbed a bottle of beer and some hot and sour dried radish, then jumped on the speedboat and ran away.

Ao Muyang also had the opportunity to be the village party secretary. It was not a big problem for him to join the party now. There were many people who could introduce him to the party. The old party secretary Ao Zhiming could be his party introducer, but he thought it was good to be the village chief. Anyway, he was temporarily acting as the village party secretary.

Ao Zhiman came to him to borrow the speedboat and said, "Village chief, since you are useless today, can you lend it to us grandparents to go out to sea?"

Ao Muyang asked, "Are you going to fish for sea amber again?"

Ao Zhiman smiled and said, "Take Fuwa out for a walk."

Ao Muyang saw that he was unwilling to answer, so he didn't say much and nodded to signal him to drive the boat away.

Ao Zhiman made a bed for him, and he owed the old man a big favor in this regard.

The work of catching poisonous crabs lasted for three days. The villagers searched the beach in the form of plowing, and basically confirmed that no poisonous crabs had escaped.

It happened that the first weekend of elementary school arrived, so Ao Muyang took Lu Zhizi to the town to watch a water show again.

Ao Qianlai was rowing a boat to sell snacks, fruits, drinks and some homemade side dishes. His business was good, because the three villages and five villages and even tourists knew that he was the most practical in business.

After seeing Ao Muyang, Ao Qianlai rowed over and forced two handfuls of boiled water chestnuts to Lu Zhizi: "Teacher Lu, try it. The braised water chestnuts made by my wife are delicious. Many people like them."

The water chestnuts were separated by a knife, and some ingredients were added when they were cooked. The taste was well integrated into it. It tasted a bit like braised eggs, but the taste was sweet and sticky.

Ao Muyang asked: "Uncle Qianlai, aren't you and my aunt ready to have a baby? Why haven't you heard from me for so long?"

Ao Qianlai was about to hand him some spicy fried snails, but when he heard what he said, he immediately took the snails back and muttered: "I won't give them to you."

Ao Muyang was helpless: "What's wrong with me?"

"You're more annoying than my grandma." Ao Qianlai yelled, "My grandma keeps asking me to have a baby. Who doesn't understand the principle that a man should establish a career before starting a family? Am I not busy with my career?"

Ao Muyang was confused by his words. What does establishing a career before starting a family have to do with having a baby? Aren't you already married?

After a while, Ao Qianlai passed by in a boat and finally gave him some fried snails, and said with a stern face: "I don't bear grudges, hum."

Ao Muyang had nothing to say.

There are still many activities after entering September. In addition to the opening of water plays in the first half of the month, Hongyang's car show and yacht show also opened one after another.

Ao Muyang had no interest in the auto show, but the villagers were very interested.

They had made money in the past two years and wanted to buy a car. Now the idea of ​​buying a boat had faded because the villagers found that buying a boat to fish was not as profitable as opening a fishing homestay.

But the last time they bought a car, the villagers were deceived and bought a black car, so this time they specially asked Ao Muyang to go with them.

Ao Muyang was helpless. He explained that there was nothing wrong with the cars at the auto show, but the villagers didn't listen, especially some people in their 40s and 50s. They had to go with him to feel at ease.

The Hongyang Auto Show was held in a gymnasium. From the basement to the upper floors, there were four floors in total, divided into several areas. The scale was quite huge.

Cheap domestic cars were on the bottom floor. The higher the floor, the more expensive it was. There were Bentleys, Rolls-Royces, Ferraris and the like parked on the top floor.

The fishermen in the village went to see it with their arms around each other. When they saw a Ferrari with a price tag of nearly 10 million, they immediately showed awe and didn't even dare to take a photo with the car.

In the end, they bought domestic cars, and the unit price was mostly below 100,000, and at most 150,000.

The villagers thought it was very good. Ao Mudong bought an SUV. He stroked the body and said, "This car is good. Porsche's car worth more than one million looks similar to this one."

Ao Muyang said, "When you change the Porsche logo, it will look more like it."

Jin Hong did this.

Ao Daguo also bought an SUV, a Landwind that looked very similar to Land Rover. He went to see Land Rover and saw the lowest price of 500,000 yuan. In the end, he still chose this one: "It looks similar, it drives similar, that's for sure."

After having these two cars, the villagers looked at his Mercedes-Benz G-Series with less respect: "This car is not much better than Dongzi's Porsche and Daguo's Land Rover. The price is probably about the same."

Ao Haisheng, the only one who knows cars, sprayed a mouthful of yogurt on the car, and Ao Muyang followed up and said: "It's about the same."

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