Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 963 970. I don’t eat (4)

Suddenly, the small building became lively.

Ao Muyang compromised with the head of state, waved friendly and took out a pack of dried fish to feed it and its cubs.

The leader of the Lu Zhizi Gang explained: "It is easy to understand that the female cat did not give birth in the small building. Think about it, the small building is full of the smell of wolves and dogs. How can the female cat dare to give birth here? And It’s the female cat’s business to give birth to kittens, and they must have decided to run away.”

Ao Muyang accepted this explanation, mainly because Lu Zhizi stopped crying. Looking at the young eagle and kitten, she became cheerful again.

It was time to eat later, and Black Dragon came to the backyard to help. Then when he saw two young eagles and a group of kittens suddenly appearing, he reached out and scratched the back of his head in confusion.

Because his younger brother arrived, Lu Zhizi personally cooked several dishes. There was an abundance of seafood in Kaihai Village just now, including fish, shrimps, crabs and mussels, filling the table.

Ao Muyang went out to look for Lu Wuyi. After the two met, Lu Wuyi pulled his neck and said sternly: "Where is my mobile phone? And you let me go quickly, otherwise..."

"Otherwise I will beat you. Your sister is not here right now, and no one can control me if I beat you." Ao Muyang said coldly.

Lu Wuyi understood the current situation, and he immediately softened his tone: "Okay, I'll give you face, I won't whimper in front of you, but face is given to each other, you let me go quickly, otherwise it won't be me who will be ugly. It's you!"

Ao Muyang pointed at his face and said, "Am I the ugly one? Do you know why your sister likes me? It's because I'm good-looking!"

Lu Wuji was speechless. He wanted to speak sarcastically, but he opened his mouth and didn't speak.

Don't have the guts.

"Let's go in and eat with me." Ao Muyang said.

Lu Wuyi smiled contemptuously and said, "I won't eat it."

"If you don't want to eat, just watch from the side." Ao Muyang pinched his neck like a chicken and carried him to the backyard. "When I meet your sister later, don't make her angry and sad, otherwise you will Let’s sleep with the black dragon tonight.”

"Are you threatening me?" Lu Wuyi said through gritted teeth.

Ao Muyang said: "Is this threatening you? This is for your safety! It is safest to stay with the black dragon. When the time comes, I will let the two wolves guard the door for you, and it will be safer."

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything later." Lu Wuyi said with a gloomy face. He secretly warned himself in his heart that a small impatience will ruin a big plan. A gentleman can tolerate what ordinary people cannot!

In addition, he warned himself that those who understand current affairs are heroes.

Lunch was very sumptuous, including red crabs, spicy stir-fried crabs, braised prawns, steamed croaker, grilled seabass wrapped in oil dough, grilled mackerel with salt, prawns with pickled vegetables, braised young hens with wild mushrooms, minced garlic A table full of oysters.

Most of these dishes were prepared by Ao Muyang before and were full of color, flavor and flavor. Only a few simple dishes were made by Lu Zhizi. The ingredients were all fresh seafood and full of flavor.

Lu Wuyi sat aside and looked at them coldly. Lu Zhizi wanted to say something, but Ao Muyang grabbed her and stuffed a crab into her hand, saying: "Eat, eat, eat. My brother is not hungry. Wait until he is hungry." Cook for him."

Lu Zhizi nodded silently and started eating tastelessly.

Lu Wuji also wanted to say something. He was very dissatisfied with the 'brother' Ao Muyang said, but the big wolf and the second wolf were sitting on both sides of him, like Qin Qiong and Yu Chi Gong, the two door gods. He opened his mouth and the two wolves looked up. He was so frightened that he had to snort and shut his mouth.

This meal was tasteless for Lu Zhizi, but Ao Muyang and Heilong devoured it. Before starting to eat, he called Yang Shuyong. Yang Shuyong then came to eat. He had a good appetite and ate more deliciously with his mouth smacking. .

Slowly, Lu Wuji's eyes straightened.

Young people don't like to eat breakfast. Lu Wuyi has a high vision. He thinks that he lives in the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties and is used to the delicacies of the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties. Naturally, he doesn't like the breakfast in Hongyang, a small fishing town, so he came here on an empty stomach.

According to his plan, he found Lu Zhizi in the morning. As soon as he showed up, Lu Zhizi would fly back to Jinling with him. If he acted quickly, he could make it back to Jinling for lunch.

As a result, the plan changed quickly, and he was detained here!

Without breakfast and a fright in the morning, he was already hungry.

However, he has the backbone and he will not eat the enemy’s food!

However, he did not expect that the taste of hunger would be so unbearable, nor did he expect that the food cooked in this small fishing village was quite delicious. What made him even more desperate was that this fishing village seemed to be full of restaurants, and when it was time to eat, the whole village was filled with all kinds of food. fragrance!

Even if he is not allowed to live anymore, the ambitious young man roars with grief and anger in his heart.

Lu Zhizi had been paying attention to her brother. She saw that he was hungry, so she waved her hand softly: "Come and sit, eat quickly, don't starve your body."

Lu Wuyi smiled coldly and said, "Why are you pretending to be a good person? I won't eat. I won't eat your food even if I starve to death!"

Ao Muyang said: "Good boy, ambitious! I like a good man like you who sticks to his word!"

He glared at Ao Muyang and said: "Don't worry, I won't eat your dog food. If you have the guts to let me out, I have plenty of money..."

"Whose naughty kid is this? Why is he so small?" Yang Shuyong opened his clothes to reveal a strong chest like cast iron and thick chest hair that looked like fertilizer.

Lu Wuji swallowed back the rest of his words. There are many unscrupulous people in poor mountains and rivers. This unruly person is a bit of a jerk. He dare not touch the atomic bomb.

In fact, he hoped that Lu Zhizi could persuade him a few more times, and then he would find a way to go down and eat something - but he swore in his heart that he would not eat too much, at most he would fill his stomach and not starve himself, he must teach Lu Zhizi a lesson...

Unfortunately, there was no back, Lu Zhizi sighed and said nothing more when he saw Ao Muyang speak.

Lu Wuyi was a little anxious, what kind of sister is this? Why doesn't she care about her brother at all?

In his impression, although his sister looks gentle as water, she is actually as fierce as a flood, and no one can control her when she overflows. But what's going on now, why is she so obedient to this fisherman?

He couldn't figure it out, so he could only stare at Ao Muyang in grief and anger.

Ao Muyang poured wine for Yang Shuyong and Heilong: "Come on, come on, one more person, this wine was sent by the army."

"Sent by that? Captain Ao, how did you get in touch with the navy? The one who came to your house is from our Red Ocean Navy." Yang Shuyong quickly raised the glass, "Hey, hey, hey, pour more, fill it up!"

Lu Wuyi sneered in his heart, bragging, you country bumpkins, drinking wine is really nothing compared to me.

No one cared what he thought, the three big men ate and drank until their mouths were full of oil, and the cats and dogs wandered around the table and had a full belly.

Lu Wuyi looked down at his stomach with grievance, he was too hungry, two of his six abdominal muscles were gone, and he had carefully cultivated them with protein powder!

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