Golden Fishing Village

Chapter 980 987. Fishing for agar (1/5)

Chapter 980 987. Fishing for Gelili (15)

This autumn rain has been brewing for three or four days, and it has also fallen for three or four days.

The rain was not heavy, just sparse, and it continued until mid-September.

When the rain stopped and the clouds dispersed, the blue sky was revealed.

When Lu Wuji went out, he looked up and saw the spotless, heart-piercing blue sky that shocked him subconsciously: "Oh my god, the sky is so transparent and beautiful today."

Ao Muyang said: "Where are you?"

Lu Wuyi said with a smile: "Each one has his or her own merits."

As the old rule goes, even in mid-September there are still autumn tigers showing off their power, but an autumn rain has brought a chill to the day.

There are more and more tourists. After midsummer, autumn is coming, and the golden season of tourism has arrived.

It happened to be the weekend, and Ao Xiaoniu ran over and handed him a bag of young leaves and said, "Uncle Xiao Yang, here are the red sweet potato tips for you. My mother braved the rain to pick them from the fields two days ago."

Red sweet potato tips are the tender shoots in the leaves of sweet potatoes. There is little land in fishing villages and the yield of sweet potatoes is high, so people have been growing them. The sweet potatoes grown in the village are roasted one by one in the stove in winter. Not to mention how delicious they are.

Sweet potatoes are good things, with high yield, high calories, and delicious taste. They can be eaten raw, roasted, steamed, cooked with porridge, or steamed and dried into sweet potatoes.

Not only that, its leaves are also edible. Every spring and summer, when sweet potatoes have dense leaves, villagers will pick some tender ones and steam them with flour. After steaming, they are delicious when dipped in garlic paste.

The red sweet potato tip is the tender leaf at the top of the stalk on the ground after the sweet potato has matured. When you pinch it, water will flow out, which is called a water spirit.

Ao Xiaoniu sent these red sweet potato tips with water droplets on them. The crystal clear water droplets paired with the green leaves and buds make people happy to see them.

Ao Muyang smiled and said: "Your mother is really able to endure hardships. Why are you working in the fields when it's raining?"

"I'm helping my mother." Ao Xiaoniu also laughed. "My mother said that after the autumn rain, the red sweet potato tips disappear. She picked a few during the rain. The uncles and aunts who came to play all liked it."

The boy has entered the period of voice change, his voice is deep and hoarse, and his voice is quite energetic.

Ao Muyang went to get him some wild pears and said, "Take this back and make pear juice for your mother. It can cure coughs."

Ao Xiaoniu waved his hand and said: "No need, Uncle Xiaoyang, my mother's cough is much better. A few days ago, she went to the big doctor in the village to see her. He said it was an old problem with the trachea. He prescribed some medicine and it was cured. about there."

"It's still not completely cured. Here, take some wild pears back to stew." Ao Muyang touched his head.

He asked again: "I heard from Teacher Lu that you did well in school?"

Ao Xiaoniu smiled reservedly and said: "I took the grade entrance exam a few days ago, and I was the first in my grade."

Ao Muyang patted him on the shoulder and said, "What a good boy. He is much better than your uncle back then, and he is almost the same as your Uncle Wenchang."

Ao Xiaoniu started to hum. It seemed that he wanted to say something but was embarrassed to say it.

"What's wrong? Did you talk to your girlfriend at school?" Ao Muyang asked.

Lu Wuyi interrupted and laughed: "Stop joking, can this little black boy get a girlfriend? What the hell, little brother, are you studying in a school for the blind?"

Ao Xiaoniu gave him a simple evaluation: "This Shabi."

He then said to Ao Muyang: "Uncle, I don't want to learn from Uncle Wenchang, but I am still willing to learn from you."

"Brother Wenchang is lying down. I'll go tell him what you said." Lu Wuyi ran away happily.

There were not many people he could hang out with in the village, and Ao Wenchang was one of them. He thought Ao Wenchang had a sharp eye, so Ao Wenchang was willing to cooperate with him when he was showing off, while others ignored him.

Ao Muyang shouted: "Come back, I took you out today for something else!"

"Oh, let's go get some Gelidium." Lu Wuyi muttered.

After hearing his words, Ao Xiaoniu's eyes lit up: "Uncle Xiaoyang, where can I find Gelidium?"

Gelidium is a good thing. It is also called eucheuma and chicken feet. It is a very valuable seaweed. It is rarely seen in the market and is mostly supplied to big hotels or sea jelly workshops.

This kind of seaweed becomes transparent after soaking, like jelly, and has a refreshing and crisp texture. It is the first choice for cold dishes. If it is soaked and then cooked over high heat, it can be made into jelly. The red sea jelly is called sea jelly. It is darker in color than pea jelly and more delicious.

In the past, when Ao Xiaoniu was resting, he would look for Gelidium. One kilogram can be sold for 50 yuan in the market. They are seaweeds and grow together. Once they come across, they become one piece and the harvest will be good.

Ao Muyang said: "There is a beach with Gelidium growing on the seaside at Laolanggou. Do you want to go with us?"

Ao Xiaoniu said happily: "Okay."

"Then I won't go?" Lu Wuji asked expectantly.

Ao Muyang said: "Get out of here..."

"Okay." He immediately wanted to run.

"Get lost, don't even think about it, you still have to go along." Ao Muyang finished what he said.

They sailed over and got on the sampan. Ao Xiaoniu took the initiative to paddle. Lu Wuji lazily lay on the side of the boat and played with the water with his hands. Ao Muyang said: "Xiao Niu, come here and let this little uncle like you go." boating."

Lu Wuyi jumped up excitedly: "Why should I row a boat? Also, what about a little uncle? An uncle is an uncle, why do you add a little one? It's just one little one, why two little ones?"

"Because your name is Xiaoxiao." Ao Muyang said, "Don't you know why I let you row the boat? I brought you out to let you vent your strong energy. If you don't vent your energy, you will find trouble, so, old man Go boating honestly.”

Ao Xiaoniu suddenly asked: "Uncle, what's your zodiac sign?"

"I'm a dog, what's wrong?"

"Then you must be a husky. You have to take it out for a walk every day. If you don't walk enough, you will be full of energy and will destroy the house and commit suicide." Ao Xiaoniu suddenly realized.

Lu Wuyi roared angrily: "Do you believe me if I beat you up?"

Ao Xiaoniu has eaten well in recent years and has taken in a lot of nutrition. He has changed from a dark and thin child to a lean young man. He stood up and showed off his muscles, saying: "I don't believe it!"

Lu Wuyi really didn't dare to do it. He had seen the scenes of the young people in the village playing basketball and football together. All of them could run all over the field like wild dogs. During the game, they didn't rely on skills but relied on physical savage collisions. He once estimated that in terms of combat effectiveness, he was equivalent to the level of 13 or 14-year-old children in the village, bronze level.

Ao Xiaoniu is also 13 or 14 years old, but he is the king among 13 or 14-year-olds. Counting down to Star Glory, Platinum, Gold, Silver and other levels, it is bronze.

The children in the surrounding villages are indeed very fit. They have been out to sea to fight the wind and waves or climbing mountains to hunt pheasants and rabbits since they were young. They are all in good shape.

Laolanggou is a piece of old mountain mudflats, surrounded by rugged rocks, hidden reefs in the sea, poor land, and overgrown with weeds. Usually, not many people come here.

But there are large areas of agar-agar living here. When they were rowing in it, they saw a lot of brown-red seaweed under the water.

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