"Ah! Killing!"

There was a woman sitting next to the man who was beaten to death. The woman's scream could shatter the glass. She was desperately calling for help. Her face was completely distorted.

The fat man is really dead.

Beaten to death alive.

Guge seemed very satisfied with his current masterpiece. He wiped his bloody hands and then carefully tugged on the steering wheel.

The people in the cars next to her could clearly see what happened at this moment, and they were all dumbfounded. The woman got out of the car, yelled, and ran.


The crowd suddenly became excited.

The originally silent desert road actually became lively at this time. The cars in front looked back curiously, for fear of missing some important link.


Guge gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator.

His car is a typical all-terrain mountain bike in Europe, so its performance is extremely good. It can almost run rampant on the road. It seems that under the instructions of the boss, this car started to run wild on the road.

The car turned left and right, and the cars next to it were crushed.

Many people were even injured.

No one expected that such a car would come out.

"Alarm, someone broke through and evaded inspection!"

Suddenly, a traffic policeman appeared from behind the car, and sirens rang throughout the desert.


Gu Ge stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed forward like flying.

"Get 'em!"

someone shouted.

Most of the cars behind the car have been scrapped, and just one tire can crush the entire body of the car.

Some people were even crushed to death on the spot.


The whole road suddenly became very scary.

"What the hell are you doing!"

Muzi planned to grab the steering wheel while Guge wasn't paying attention, but failed every time. Now I didn't dare to move at all, I was completely controlled.

Soon, the car broke through the encirclement, and when it was about to exit, the warning cordon in front was knocked open.

"What is that!"

I saw what was blocked in front of me at a glance.

It seemed like a monster, with a very big body. It seemed like a truck was blocking the entire highway, so it was sealed.

The policemen with guns on the side were reporting how to deal with this huge body.

Just in time, I saw this big truck rushing out.


The men immediately pointed their guns at the windshield of the car.


Gu Ge didn't seem to intend to park the car here. He looked like a crazy leopard.


"If you don't stop, shoot!"

Those people gave a final warning.


Then more than a dozen submachine guns fired directly at the windshield, which was bulletproof glass. In an instant, the entire outside of the glass was turned into a hornet's nest, making it difficult to see the road ahead.

"Go to hell!"

Guge deliberately pressed towards the policemen.

Those people fled in a hurry and ran into the desert.



Mu Zi cursed.

The car started to drive towards the front of the desert road, and I finally figured out that they should be walking along the west side of the desert road, which is a mountainous area, and beyond the mountainous area is the national border.

They are preparing to leave the country directly.

No wonder he can be so unscrupulous.


But there was another car chasing after me.

It was a heavy passenger bus, and there should be many police officers on duty.

"Stop the car in front, otherwise we really can't guarantee your safety."

Those people delivered this message directly to us through loudspeakers.

But Guge seemed to be possessed at this time, getting more and more energetic, and even a little excited, "Hahaha, I haven't been this happy for a long time. Today, I want to play with you."

Those people seemed to be deliberately stalling for time.

Obviously, these police officers knew that they did not have the strength to compete with the big truck in front of them.

They were calling for backup, asking for help from search and rescue teams in the desert.

Sure enough, there was no movement for a long time, just following behind.

No matter how Guge accelerated, the car followed behind and made no more movement.

"court death!"

Guge sneered, and then he pressed an inconspicuous button. Suddenly, I heard a sharp sound coming from the rear of the truck. I looked through the rearview mirror.

Only then did I understand.

Countless white smoke actually sprayed out from behind the car, covering tens of meters of distance around it. It was like thick smoke from a fire that would not spread.

And then, the car behind was actually enveloped in smoke.

"You'd better hold on tight and don't get thrown off."

Guge said calmly.


The car deviated from the desert kilometers. Where was he planning to drive? Wasn't the final destination the end of the road?

Of course, I was wrong, because the car might be being intercepted at the end of the road.

Once the car entered the desert, it was also a small, uneven place, so it was shaking violently. I felt like my head was spinning and I was about to vomit.

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