As for some of the things the professor said about rhythm or even phonology, I don’t know anything about it, but it seems that he made some very important discoveries from his description. Sure enough, he told us that if this ancient sound could be studied, it would shock the world at home and abroad, because it is a miracle of history.

"The sound was at least more than a thousand years ago, but the exact year is unknown and further research is needed."

Hou San and I were stunned.

The professor also said that if this ancient sound is thoroughly studied, a more ancient history may be unearthed. And up to now, he vaguely feels that there is still a blank in this research in China, so the professor is getting more and more excited now. .

"I'm looking for that woman now too."

I have every reason to believe that there are more secrets in that woman.

However, I don’t seem to have much interest in more research. If the professor knew that I had a scripture in my hand, it could almost change the entire human race. I can already imagine how surprised he would be.

"Professor Zhang, do you know what that sound is used for?"

I asked.

Professor Zhang frowned, then stared at the computer screen and said, "That sound comes from a very ancient legend. I once heard such a legend when I was a child. Deep in the desert, especially at night, there is a very ancient and strange sound. The sound spreads around, and once you hear that sound, you will have hallucinations and even feel that you have entered a very scary world.”


This can't help but remind me of Mo Lan's state, those auditory hallucinations, and terrifying sounds.

And we were on the first floor of the museum. After the witch appeared, we all heard that weird sound, which sounded like it was in a primeval forest or in front of an ancient sacrificial altar.

"Then... why is sound recorded on porcelain?"

Hou San asked again.

Until now, we cannot explain or even imagine that sound can be transmitted from the porcelain as a carrier.

"Sound spreads in waves, and they dissipate quickly, but there are many ways to record it. The earliest sound recording is the artificial recording carrier, which is a wax cylinder. Its recording and pickup principles It’s the same as later records, which use the vibration of sound waves to drive the engraving knife to carve out sound grooves to preserve the sound.”

The professor explained, "But using porcelain directly as a carrier is very strange."

The professor said it was very likely that the porcelain contained some kind of magnetic field or could be preserved as a carrier of sound.

Is that weird?

I regret not taking a closer look at that porcelain and what it was all about.

"Now that I have officially decided to study this topic, and the application has been approved, I hope you can help me realize this research." The professor looked at us with a smile and said, "I believe you will not refuse, right?"

Seeing our hesitation, the professor said, "Don't worry, funding is not a problem."

"Professor, you misunderstood us. It's just that now that the porcelain is missing, we don't have much time. We have to find the woman, so we are a little anxious."

I told the truth.

"That's no problem, I can help you."

The professor smiled and said, "I have a student who is now in the boating business. He works at important gateways and sea areas in the city. He also has a group of people, so it should be no problem to find someone."

"That's... great."

"Don't worry, as long as we can help, we will do our best." I said.

We found the professor’s student, named Wu Zhixue. He was indeed a boating businessman, but he was kind-hearted, and everyone in the group was familiar with her, so I told them the truth about that woman.


There's something different about those people.

I smiled and said, "She's probably not a monster, maybe she's just different from ordinary people."

Maybe it's because there hasn't been any shocking news in this city saying that the witch killed someone or disemboweled someone, so everyone didn't take it to heart.

The coastal city has really beautiful scenery.

But now I am not in the mood to enjoy such a view.

However, business seems to be very good these days. Many people choose to travel by boat. Maybe it is economic convenience, but there are also many people from other places who have classes and travel by boat.

On weekdays, Wu Zhixue and the others are mainly responsible for transporting some large goods. In their free time, they also take people to travel around.

"You two little brothers, why don't you take a walk?"

asked the people next to Wu Zhixue.

"No, we still have a lot to do." I smiled sheepishly.

"Business is pretty good."

I said something and saw many people coming and going not far away.

"Well, in the past two days, all these people have actually become Buddhists. They went to Muxin Island to worship the gods and pray for peace." The waiter said without saying a word, "My bitches are also following the example of others. , No, I also followed, alas!”

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