"Fight the fire!"

In the middle of the night, I suddenly noticed that the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and I quickly shouted downstairs.

I rushed to the bathroom to get water to put out the fire, but I found that the faucet was blocked and no water could come out at all.

And the bucket of water I picked up last night was all spilled.

After Ah San and Li Dakui woke up, they quickly called for help downstairs.

The bad thing is that the floor we live on happens to be a wooden house, and the walls are just wood with a layer of plaster on the outside. The fire naturally became more and more intense, and I felt like the flames were about to reach my throat.

The people downstairs were startled when they heard the shouting.

They quickly prepared things to put out the fire.

"There's no water. Someone blocked this faucet."

"The water pipes were cut as well."

"Where's the barrel?"

The people below were all anxious.

"Jump down quickly."

Someone shouted from downstairs.

Only the outer railings had a few sparks, and the rest of the place was surrounded by fire.

"Quilt, hurry up."

The people below are preparing to lay down quilts for us to jump off.

However, the quilts stored in the store were also gone.

"No quilt."

"Damn it!"

Those people were extremely anxious.

There was a circle of people below. Some were shouting, some were watching the fun, and some were indifferent and indifferent.

"Jump down!"

The first floor is not high enough to fall to death, but we will definitely be burned to death if we stay inside.


Li Dakui climbed over the railing and landed on his butt.


It took him a long time to stand up in pain.

Ah San and I jumped off the railing one after another. At this time, the fire engulfed the entire railing and the wall on the second floor collapsed.

"What a pity..."

The people next to me were pointing.

A fire almost killed us.

Fortunately the floor is not high, otherwise how could we be so lucky?

It was obvious that someone had done something to set the fire on purpose, and they were targeting the three of us.

How could such a coincidence happen?

There was a fire, the water in the room stopped, the water connection was gone, and the water pipes in the entire accommodation area were damaged, and even the emergency quilts were stolen.

But what happened next made me even more sure that someone was behind it.

Da Kui went out on the street and was beaten with a bag over his head for no reason. Ah San almost died from poisoning while eating. And I was walking on the street when a brick flew over my head and hit me in the back. .

It seems they were just giving us a warning.

Moreover, in the end, when we went out, we always felt like someone was following us behind us, but when we turned around, no one noticed us. No matter where you go in Ducheng, you will be stared at.

The enemy is in the dark and we are in the light, which is really not a good thing.

We decided not to go out for a few days, bought some food, and ordered takeout when we ate.

This time, we learned a lesson and decided to use our tactics to force these people hiding in the dark out. As long as we can catch one person, then we can know who is behind it.

At night, the three of us lay down in the gap in the room and looked outside.

However those guys are really smart and don't show up.

And for several days, we didn't find their whereabouts.

But this is not an option either.

So, I decided to think of a way.

On this day, we ordered three takeaways in the afternoon, and within half an hour, the delivery person came to our door with the food. We checked his relevant information and determined that he is a professional food delivery person.

Just feel at ease.

When the takeaway boy finished delivering the food and was about to leave, I stopped him and said, "Brother, do me a favor. I'll definitely give you a tip."

I decided to change clothes with him, and I went out pretending to be a delivery boy, and then the three of them went out again. In this way, I hid in the dark and watched to see if anyone was following them.

I went out first.

Sure enough, no one recognized me, after all I was wearing work clothes.

I rode the delivery guy’s electric bike and squatted down to a position with a good view, pretending to read the orders on my phone, but actually observing in secret. Because next, Li Dakui, Ah San and the takeaway boy slowly walked out of the inn and walked up the main street.

They walked for about ten minutes, and sure enough, I found a few people hiding in the shade of the trees staring at Li Dakui and the three of them furtively.

And kept following.

It's them!

Now I feel confident.

There were about four or five people, and they all seemed to be squatting here, holding playing cards in their hands.

Seeing Li Dakui and the others going out, they reached out and took something out of their pockets, apparently ready to take action.

No, they are in danger.

I quickly got on my electric bike and bumped into those people.


Those people were all hit by me because they were paying attention to Li Dakui and the others and did not notice that there was an electric car chasing after them.

"Looking for death!"

The men roared.

"I'm sorry, I'm almost late for delivering the food, so I'm a little anxious. Sorry, I kept apologizing." I lowered my hat for fear of being recognized by them.

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