The village is less than a hundred meters away from us, and right at the entrance of the village, a wooden archway appears in front of us. We can no longer read the words on it clearly, but behind it, we can see the whole village clearly. Surrounded by mountains, the low village is almost hidden. The tall trees block the sun, making the village look gloomy all year round.

When we went in, we didn't find anyone.

The layout of the house here is very particular. The eight trigrams are spread out radially in four directions, which just fills the valley.

The most exquisite thing is the trees in the four directions of east, west, north and south. They are willow trees. You can tell at a glance that they are hundreds of years old. The four directions lock four crypts. According to Feng Shui and numerology, this place is a place of death. hole!

With people living there all year round, sunlight is scarce and water sources are low, it is easy to get sick and in serious cases die suddenly.

How could it be possible to live there?

I reminded them to be careful. As archaeologists, first of all, they need to explore caves. Of course, they mainly rely on some geological structures of Feng Shui. More importantly, they start from Feng Shui, because the ancients paid attention to the laws of nature and paid special attention to Feng Shui. The construction of the Yangzhuang during his lifetime required the power of the Golden Dragon. The caves and tombs after death are even more particular.

At the moment, although there is no sunshine, the surroundings are still bright. Just standing at the entrance of the village and looking out, the inside is gloomy, like a dark scene at dusk.

The surroundings were extremely quiet and lifeless.


When we walked in and took a look, we realized that there was actually a temple in the center where all four sides gathered. It was very simple and did not fit in with the structure of this place at all.

"That's the Earth Temple."

I saw the three words on the archway at a glance. I wondered why there were so many earth temples in the mountains, and the things I experienced in the earth temple made me a little afraid of these three words.

Li Dakui was also frightened when he saw it and did not dare to say a word.

"I quickly contacted the people from their rescue team."

As soon as they entered the village, they took out the equipment, turned on the antenna, and searched for signals. The signal machine buzzed, which sounded a bit scary. After adjusting for a long time, they finally showed a glimmer of hope on their faces.

"Team No. 5 Zhang Chao is requesting support."

he said quickly.


However, there was still a buzzing sound coming from the receiver, but no human voice came from it.

"Ask for support!" Zhang Chao almost shouted at this moment, but apart from the noisy sound from the microphone, there was no other sound.

"It's impossible, there is a signal on the display..."

The two of them wandered around for a long time, but they didn't hear anyone's voice. At this time, they were completely desperate.

"Hey, are you asking the police for help or..."

Li Dakui frowned and said, "Most of the police today are unreliable!"

"No, it's the person who sponsored this trip to the mountain!" Zhang Chao blurted out, but the other person rolled his eyes at him, seeming to have let the matter slip.

"Hey, forget it, I don't want to know either!"

Li Dakui said.

It seems that there are people secretly supporting Professor Li and the others when they go into the mountains this time. It is not as simple as national archaeology. If I guessed correctly, they directly stole my pawn ticket and took back the box that grandpa pawned. It must be The people behind the scenes told them the secret about it all.

Who is it?

They should know who grandpa is and what he has been through, even more clearly than I do.


Suddenly, I was brought back to reality by a series of sounds. At some point, there were about ten villagers standing at the entrance of the village. Each of them looked a little weird. These people were all strong men in their thirties and forties, wearing coarse cloth, and their eyes looked a little sinister.

"Monster...we just met..."

Li Dakui's speech and reading became a little hesitant at this time.

The villagers looked at us coldly and looked at each other. But in the blink of an eye, their expressions became cold and stiff again, which was indescribably strange. I didn’t know what was wrong, but it always felt weird.

They didn't seem to be planning on letting us into the village.


Suddenly, what people didn't expect was that something fell from the sky and landed in front of us, hitting a wooden shed. In an instant, the wooden shed collapsed.


It's a person!


I couldn't help but gasp, because I saw a hand exposed, bloody.

In front of them, the villagers actually made a creaking sound. One by one, they slowly approached the wooden shed, pulled back the thatch, and finally saw the man's face clearly.

It's him!

One of the students in Professor Li’s archaeological team!


Zhang Chao suddenly screamed.

"What?" Li Dakui thought he had heard something wrong, and his whole jaw was about to drop. When he looked carefully, he saw that it was really that person!

"How could it fall from the sky!" I couldn't believe it. "Is it the crazy sand we just saw? The strange clouds with monsters?"

However, when we saw the actions of the villagers next, we were completely crushed...

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