In other words, when he was just a monkey, he tried every means to learn and learn, hoping to be immortal like a god and have the power to reach heaven.

So he traveled thousands of miles across the ocean to learn his skills in places where gods lived.

After asking people all the way, I finally arrived at the entrance of a cave.

Those are the words written on it.

Legend has it that it is in this cave.

Maybe there are gods in this cave?

A few of us looked at each other in shock, and no one dared to move, but it was pitch black inside the cave and we couldn't see anything. What we could see was the mountain fire not far from the entrance of the cave.

At this moment, the wind was blowing, and the mountain fire became more intense at this time, spreading in all directions. In less than an hour, the mountain fire would completely burn towards here.

But those people refused to leave. They probably wanted to go into the mountain to look for something after the mountain was completely burned by fire.

"Let's not go in yet, stay here until daybreak."

The entrance to the cave is slightly cooler and has a clear view. You can clearly see the specific movements in all directions, and there is no threat from other animals.

The beasts in the mountains in all directions are also at their most active, fleeing in all directions.


"We take turns keeping vigil."

Zhaosi said.

They went to bed first.


Suddenly, at this time, there was a whimpering sound from all around the beach.

It turned out to be their signal.

Sure enough, at this time, a group of fully armed people came down one after another from the ship. Each of them was wearing armor and wrapped themselves tightly.

Those people seemed to be discussing something, and then they went uphill along a mountain road not far away.

Did they discover anything else?

The direction they are heading in is exactly opposite to ours.

It doesn't look like the direction into the mine.

I decided to wait until daybreak, when they relaxed a little, to see if I could pick them up and get into the boat, so that we could leave without anyone noticing.


At this time, a terrifying chill emanated from the cave, which was really penetrating.

"Hey, they're catching up."

Suddenly, I felt drowsy. I don’t know when I fell asleep. I just felt that I couldn’t stand it anymore in the middle of the night, so I fell asleep.

I was shaken awake.

"Keep your voice down."

A few of us were lying at the door of the cave, watching what was going on below.

After I woke up, I saw that the people below seemed to have discovered us.

"Catch them and leave no one alive."

Someone shouted below.

"Oh shit."

I cursed.

A few of us shrank our heads and asked, "What should we do?"

"Take it one step at a time. If it doesn't work, let's go in."


The people below began to climb up the cliff.

The bottom of the cliff is almost vertical. They directly shot the climbing rope with a hook and embedded it directly into the gaps in the stone.

They climbed up towards us in small groups.

It was already dawn at this time, and almost all the surrounding mountains and forests had been burned by fire, and smoke was still rising everywhere.

But there was no open flame anymore.

But the forest around the cave is still very dense, with trees more than ten meters high like huge buildings, hiding the sky and the sun.

Therefore, even in the daytime it is gloomy here.

"Are there so many of them just to arrest the five of us?"

Move four is a bit unbelievable.

I saw the people below were preparing to climb up one after another. There were about sixty or seventy people. How could there be so many people trying to catch the five of us?

"Hey, how could I forget."

I smiled lightly and looked at the cave behind me, "They came here for this, but they just happened to find our hiding place."

Yes, they seemed to be trying their best to find this place, but they didn't expect us to be hiding here.

"Go up."

I saw one of the people holding a picture in his hand. He looked very nervous. There were also some people around him holding compasses in their hands and looking for position.

It seems that there is definitely something inside this cave.

"Damn, what should I do?"

Zhaosi was a little panicked. At this speed, they would climb up in less than half an hour.

"I want to give you a good look."

Suddenly, one of the miners opened his pants and peed underneath.


The few people climbing up below did not expect it and were blinded. A few others slipped down directly and fell heavily to the ground. They were stunned for a long time without taking a breath.


Then, a few of us picked up a few stones and threw them down. Although a fist-sized stone looks inconspicuous, if it falls from a height of more than ten meters, the acceleration of gravity can almost kill a person half to death.

Soon, people fell down from the mountainside one after another.

Some people even fainted directly.

"I see you guys are still coming up."

Zhaosi cursed, "Damn it!"

"damn it."

I saw a few people running around anxiously below.

"Quick, get on...they are all losers, these people can't even deal with them!"

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