As soon as he opened the door, he realized it was glasses. Then he carefully told me that he had got the key to the infirmary. Would you like to go and take a look? Although the old antique's body was found, there is always an ominous feeling in this weird infirmary.

"How did you get it?"


There is another person standing behind the glasses. He looks elegant, with neat hair and clothes, and the whole person looks like a scholar. The glasses introduced that this person is a mountain rat. He can sneak the door and pick the lock, so of course he doesn't say anything. Underneath, it is clear at a glance what key and keyhole are. Although his behavior is a bit despicable, he is now a man who does not stick to trivial matters when it comes to big things.

Mountain Mouse tells us this.

So, with my strength, the four of them tiptoed towards the infirmary.

Although it is said that there is a round-the-clock duty, it is pure nonsense. It is true in the first few days, but recently, especially at the end of the training, almost everyone snores like thunder at night, and except for the searchlight at the iron door, no one can be seen. What a shadow.

"Move quickly!"

we urged.

Shan Mouzi skillfully took out the iron wire and pried open all the locks in front of him in ten seconds.


Several of us were stunned.

Once inside, close the door.

There was a very strange smell in the infirmary, like some kind of potion, rotten smell, and musty smell mixed together, it was indeed a bit unpleasant.


reminded vigorously.

A few of us carefully took out our flashlights and shined a light on them. We felt indescribably sick at once. The infirmary was very large, fifty or sixty square meters, with rows of medicine cabinets and operating tables. However, there were some raw materials on the table. The rusty needles and the colorful liquids in the bottles looked disgusting.

"Damn, how long has this been abandoned?"

Glasses pinched his nose.

The smell of those potions was very pungent.

" this over here?"

I walked over and saw that there seemed to be piles of garbage under the gap of the last medicine cabinet, covered with a black curtain, and there was a stench.

"That fucking stinks."

The glasses couldn't help but they were still curious and opened the curtain...



Unexpectedly, all in front of me were the rotting corpses of uniformed soldiers, and the smell was particularly unpleasant. Some unknown potions were poured around, so I couldn't completely smell it. I had to walk closer to find out. I suddenly thought of the injured soldiers who were carried back that day. Were they dead from the beginning?

There were about ten people here, all of them miserable, with blood flowing all over their bodies, and their flesh and skin already moldy.

"Let's go quickly!"

"What the hell?"

Suddenly, Dali seemed to have tripped over something, and when he shined the flashlight...

This seems to be some kind of iron chain. Yes, it is a chain that binds the hands and feet. There are barbs on it, but the chain is too big, and the holes can almost trap an elephant's legs and feet.

"What is this for?"

"Isn't it to deal with prisoners?"

I muttered.

"Look, there's blood on it."

Sure enough, at the barb, there were pieces that looked like protruding blades, but there were liquids of different shades solidifying on them, turning them black, and even the chains were rusty.

"Let's get out of here quickly, I always feel very evil."

The mountain rat shivered.

"Let's go!"

Dali also urged.

However, when we were about to exit, suddenly, a medicine cabinet in front of us fell down without warning and pressed down on us.

"Get out of the way!"


There was a loud noise, and all the bottles and cans in the cabinet were smashed to pieces. There were some liquid and powdered medicines everywhere on the ground, mixed together, colorful, and constantly corroding the ground and making bubbles.

Fortunately no one was hurt, but the noise might have been heard.

"Mountain rat?"

Glasses shouted, the flashlight just now fell off, and it was so dark that he couldn't see anything. Even after closing the door, he didn't even know where the door was.


Glasses screamed, and then heard footsteps.



Is there anyone else besides the four of us?

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Suddenly, a strange face came in front of him. Almost half of his head had been cut off, there were some scars on his face, and he was chewing something at the corner of his mouth. It was...

Suddenly, I thought that on the piles of corpses just now, most of the corpses were missing arms and legs. It seemed that they were not cut off, but bitten by something. I thought there were rats in the house, which was not surprising. But looking at it now...

The man was holding on to my shoulder tightly. Suddenly, I felt as if something was piercing my arm into my body. It hurt so much that I didn’t dare to struggle at all. The more I struggled, the worse the pain became.

And the weirdo gradually lifted my body, and I saw something seemed to be beating continuously in that half of my head!

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