"Ghost... ghost..."

Although Mr. Huo was still holding the firearm tightly with both hands, his mouth was shaking more and more, as if he was shouting something, but he couldn't pronounce the words clearly.

"Bring the stuff."

At this time, he seemed to be enlightened and stared at the metal box in my hand.

"Bring it here."

When he spoke, these two words were the most clear.

"Do you remember us? Mu Shi and Muna?"

Mu Shi seemed to be trying to awaken this person's memory, but Mr. Huo was just staring at the metal box in my hand at the moment.

"Bring it..."

The man still said coldly.

"Okay, if you want it, I'll give it to you."

I tried hard to calm Mr. Huo's mood, for fear that his trembling hands would accidentally go off and fire.

"Old guy! Get out of the way!"

Just when I was about to throw it over, I didn't know that two people appeared behind Mr. Huo, each of them strong.

They pushed Mr. Huo away directly.


The gun actually went off, but the firearm just fired a shot into the sky.

We quickly took a few steps back, and the two fat men grabbed Mr. Huo directly, and then put the dagger directly on Mr. Huo's neck. Mr. Huo had no strength to resist at this moment. The whole person was in a trance.

"Don't act rashly."

I reminded.

It seemed that these two fat men were not in Huo Lao's suffocating mental state.


The two men smiled and said, "Bring me the supplies."

"Brother, we are all grasshoppers on a rope now, so don't act rashly." I tried to comfort them.


The two men sneered and said, "Damn it, we were brought to this desert island. There is only one outcome. Only by killing you can we survive."


I was stunned.


I can't believe it.

"Yes, this is our mission."

After finishing speaking, one of the fat men threw out a parchment with only a few words on it.

"Kill four companions."

What's the meaning?

What on earth are the people behind this doing?

"Because if we don't follow the instructions, we will all die, so for everyone's safety, I am offended."

After saying that, one of the fat men raised the rusty 38 pose fiercely.


I quickly stopped.

"Look, since Mr. Huo has discovered the Type 38 rifle, he has probably found the secret base. Maybe we can go out along that base. Those people want Mr. Huo to keep the secret, so they have to You go kill people and silence them.”

I analyzed.

Obviously, this was deliberately arranged by those people to kill someone with a borrowed knife. Every step, even when we could find supplies, and just when we were about to leave, this person came up to us, obviously thinking carefully about every step.

"I can't control that much. I only know that if I kill you, I can survive and get your supplies."

Those two fat men seemed determined to kill a few of us.


The 38-meter rifle was unexpectedly pulled.

But at this moment, it exploded directly from the chamber of the firearm, and the fragments directly stabbed one of the fat men in the face.


The fat man covered his face.


Taking advantage of this thousandth of a second, I rushed forward and kicked them away. Brothers Mu and Shi also rushed over and held down the fat man.

"Damn it."

The fat man was very strong and kept struggling.

Several of us were almost struggling and twisting and fighting together.


Suddenly, one of the fat men foamed at the mouth.

"Get out of the way!"

I suddenly saw that something was wrong with the fat man in front of me, because their bodies seemed to have been hollowed out in an instant and they were motionless.

And there is a very strange symbol just above their heads.


Just when we were about to get out of the way, the two fat men exploded like bombs all over their bodies.

All of us are covered in flesh and blood.


Mu Shi and Muna vomited out their whole bodies.

Because there were puddles of flesh and blood everywhere on the ground.


Only Mr. Huo seemed a little crazy and was struggling to stand up.

"Quick, let's catch up."

Mu Shi reminded.

Because the old Huo in front of him subconsciously seemed to be preparing to escape to a very strange place without any hesitation.

Mr. Huo seemed to be going very fast, and we could hardly catch up.

"Why is this old man walking so fast?" I even had doubts. We almost didn't have any strength left, but fortunately, Mr. Huo stopped at the corner of a hillside.

Then he kept looking around.

"What does he seem to be looking for?"

"Don't disturb this old man yet."

Mu Shi whispered.

"Quick, he's going down."

A few minutes later, Huo Lao rushed directly down the hillside.

After we rushed down, we saw what looked like an abandoned garbage dump. It was surrounded by garbage, which seemed to be in a serious state of decay. It was dark and sticky, and a disgusting smell spread everywhere.

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