The young man frowned, but he seemed relieved after saying this.

"Is it really opened?"

I was surprised, and asked, "What's in it?"

I felt that I had said something wrong, but he was silent for a while, and then seemed to be thinking about something, and didn't seem to be willing to answer my question, but I really couldn't guess what he was thinking.

"What's wrong?"

I asked quickly.


He replied, "You should go and see it yourself."

What, is there something shameful in the box? But it shouldn't happen, but he was standing at the door at this time.

"Okay, I'll go with you now."

I said.

Then I turned around, and then I was ready to pick up something and follow him out. What was in the box, maybe I really didn't know, but I knew from his expression that this matter was definitely not that simple.

"Let's go."

At this time, I was about to turn around, but I saw that the young man seemed to have disappeared.

"Strange, this kid..."

I suddenly had a very bad premonition, was he teasing me? Damn it, but I didn't find where the boy went after searching for a long time.

Not really, right?

I thought about it. I was also startled when he appeared just now. Now he left without any sound, just like a gust of wind, without any footsteps at all.

Could it be a ghost?

Damn it!

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but tremble all over. It was the middle of the night, not only was the cold wind strong, but my heart was almost suffocating, and it was all in my throat.


But at the moment when I was confused, the boy's face was almost directly on my face, and I was so scared that I turned pale. I felt that I was about to be scared to death.

But I saw that the boy...

was dead!


I saw his body, and the whole person was cold from head to toe. Yes, I touched his pulse, and he had no breath, and his body seemed to be stiff. Obviously, this person should have been dead for several hours, but why could he still appear in front of me and come to me?

Could it be related to the box?

A haze enveloped my eyes, and I was frowning at the moment.


I comforted myself, because I was sure that what I saw just now was this boy, and I was also sure that it was not a living person.

So who was the person who spoke to me just now?

I forced myself to calm down, because I found that the more panicked I was, the more uneasy I felt.

"Let's go check the box first."

It suddenly occurred to me that since he said that the box was open, he must not be lying. I found the key on the boy's body, and then carried his body into my room and put it on the bed. I locked the door and left here in a hurry. Before the cause of death of this boy is clear, I will definitely not leave here. Perhaps it is because of this strange box, otherwise this innocent person would not have lost his life for nothing.

Thinking of this, I felt more and more uneasy.

"Knock knock!"

I walked to the boy's door and found that the door was closed and locked.

I knocked on the door subconsciously, and then I suddenly realized it.

I took out the key I had prepared in advance and opened the door directly.


Unexpectedly, after I pushed the door open, I smelled a suffocating musty smell, as if there had been no one in the house for more than ten years or even longer, and it was full of dust and mold.

"Yes, it's here?"

I even suspected that I had taken the wrong path, but the house number and the scene inside told me that it was here, no doubt.

"How did it become like this?"

I found his house very strange. As long as it was iron, it was basically rusty. Those discarded antiques and some messy things were all moldy or rusty, just like an abandoned garbage dump.

There were no weeds on the ground, and there were many footsteps on the soil in the backyard.

That should not be left by the teenager, because the shoe mark was very long, it should be a middle-aged man, no, many.

"Did someone break in here?"

I wondered.

I grabbed a weapon for self-defense, because I was not sure if the guy had left. Could it be that after the box was opened, someone had targeted the boy, so the boy was killed, but in this house...

How to explain?

The more I thought about it, the bigger my head got, and the more it hurt.

I walked from the front yard to the back yard, but I didn't see anyone, except those hateful footprints.

"Where's the box?" I realized that the box I was looking for was gone. Was it stolen?


If that's the case, everything will be in vain!

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