"By the way, little brother, come here and I'll tell you..."

At this time, the old man seemed to have something important to say to me. I was wondering why this old man was talking to me. Could it be... But when I walked over, I suddenly felt that my neck went soft, and I was completely unconscious this time. .

When I woke up, I realized that I had been plotted. I didn't let this old man go. But after thinking about it carefully, I realized that they must have some secrets that they didn't want me to know.

"What's the reason?"

Maybe what happened when they were young will never be told to outsiders.

"Ouch." I found that my neck had been stabbed twice in the same position, and I felt that my neck was about to break.

"I'm so mad."

I cursed.

"Where is the person?" I discovered that in this dim woodshed, the old man had disappeared. It seemed that he had been taken away, leaving me alone.

Could it be that he was...

I felt a little unhappy.

At this time, I found a dagger, which seemed to have fallen into the woodpile. I picked it up, and it seemed that the old man had dropped it.

At this time, I was cautiously preparing to escape from the woodshed to see if there was any chance. I tentatively looked outside. At this time, there seemed to be only a few burning woodpiles, and no one was holding them.

"Where have everyone gone?"

I looked at the sky and saw that it was probably getting late too.

"No, my things..."

Sure enough, I found that the thing in my arms was missing.

"What, that rock?"

Damn, although I still don’t know what the stone does, I know that their purpose seems to be the stone in the box, and it must have been stolen.

No, I have to find it.

I actually easily pushed open the door of the woodshed. Yes, this door was not closed. No wonder, after I walked out, I found that this was an incinerator, and there were some nameless small towers around it, which should be some monks. It was built after his death.

This temple is indeed not that big. It should be on the mountainside, because I can see the bright lights of the county town not far away. It is simply a city that never sleeps, completely comparable to any big city.

"Where are the people?"

I looked left and right, but saw no one.

In front is a purple bamboo forest, which is probably a small Buddhist garden, with creeks and some pools, and animals and plants such as lotus and turtles.

I walked forward but didn't find anyone.

It seems like everyone here has disappeared.


Suddenly, I heard a heavy sound of ringing a bell.

Every hour, the sound of ringing bells comes from the temple. It seems to be a signal, but now I can clearly hear it, it seems to be a warning. I couldn't help but quicken my pace, and walked through the purple bamboo forest to each temple. Although it looked very simple, a discerning person could see that this temple must be thousands of years old. It has hardly been repaired and is still in good condition.

There are only a handful of such temples in the country.

At this time, I heard a strange sound of footsteps, as if there were many people busy.

Soon, I followed the place where the sound came from, and sure enough, there seemed to be many people busy not far ahead.

The sound was getting closer.

At this time, I found that in an open square just below the largest palace of the Main Hall, there were many monks sitting on the ground, sitting cross-legged and clasping their hands.

He kept banging the wooden fish.

The sound was extremely shocking.

On the steps of the Main Hall, there seems to be a pillar in the wide area. Around it, there are some people who are like eminent monks, and they are obviously older.

Their eyes were closed and they were mumbling words.


Suddenly I saw the master tied up on the steps.

He seemed to be struggling.

"He is not a senior brother to the people here, so why is he still tied up here?" I was a little surprised.


As the last sound of the bell fell, the surrounding sounds suddenly stopped.

Everything returns to tranquility.

It feels eerily quiet around me.


But what surprised me even more was that the steps of the Main Hall began to shake, as if it was an earthquake. I quickly took a few steps back.

I seemed to feel obvious shaking throughout the county.


I can't believe it.

Soon, the steps actually cracked from the middle, and it was a straight line. I suddenly realized that this should be a kind of mechanism, and there seemed to be a secret room below. The shock just now triggered this mechanism, and the monks below were also stunned, perhaps seeing it for the first time.


The steps were still moving slowly, and the surroundings were extremely noisy.

Everyone stared at the bottom of the steps.

The steps soon cracked with a hole about ten meters wide, and there seemed to be an unfathomable abyss under the entire main hall.

My scalp became numb as I watched, and I broke out in cold sweat. What on earth is underneath this?

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