"Look, there are a few murals here!"

Suddenly, Shan Haozi stared behind him and wiped the dust off the wall. Although the murals were eroded to a certain extent, the pictures and words on them could still be recognized.

In the picture, it seemed to be connected with the pictures we saw on the four walls of the stone tower just now. The monk in the mural seemed to have given up resistance.

But suddenly at this moment, the stone statue of the Buddha seemed to appear, and suddenly golden light shone brightly. Then the monster became very scary and uneasy, and was directly pressed behind the Buddha. The Buddha dug out the stone from his eyes, which was the stone with a ball of fire, and gave it to the monk. The scriptures say that stones can help you identify dangers and demons.

Then, the stone statue of the Buddha and the monster disappeared, and the strangest words were these few words left.

"I will let you keep the secret for a thousand years!"


Suddenly, the whole stone tower began to crumble, and finally, the whole stone tower began to tilt and fall down, and then I only heard a sound of earth-shaking collapse in my ears, and suddenly a cloud of dust rose up, and several of us were directly pressed under the ruins of the stone tower. My whole body was pressed down, and there was a smell of dust in my mouth.

"There are people inside!"

In a daze, I seemed to hear someone shouting outside, and gradually a little light appeared in front of my eyes.

"It's really a living person, still breathing."

At this time, more and more people came towards us, almost dragging us out of the ruins and putting us on the stones beside.

"Is it you?"

The people who came over were the instructor and Scarface.

"Ahem... water!"

Now I feel that there is dust in my throat, and if I say another word, it will smoke.

Afterwards, the soldier next to me took out the water bottle, and I gulped down several gulps directly, and then I was a little sober and not injured.

I just remembered them, and when I looked, they were lying next to me.

Fortunately, they were all fine, but the dust covered their entire bodies, and they looked completely unrecognizable.


I stared at these people in surprise.

"Congratulations, you completed the mission ahead of schedule." The instructor looked at the four of us at this time, and then ordered the soldiers to carry us back.


I was a little puzzled, but the scarred soldier didn't say anything else and ordered them to carry us out.


At this moment, less than a hundred meters away from us, there seemed to be an explosion there, and a ball of open fire directly enveloped the entire place.

Then there were bursts of screams.

Those soldiers were thrown out of the cave, their heads were broken and bleeding on the spot, and a powerful force gushed out of the cave.

"Damn it!"

The instructor cursed.

At this time, those people ignored us and drove directly to the place where the explosion occurred in front.

The stone tower was in ruins. There were a few soldiers guarding it, and there was no one else.

We were about to go over to see, when suddenly I saw a few soldiers guarding something. I went over to see, and it turned out to be... human corpses!

"It's that bald guy!"

I recognized it at a glance. On the piles of corpses, some parts of the body had obvious skull marks. These people seemed to be prisoners originally held in the camp.

"Go, don't get close to here."

At this time, one of the soldiers raised his gun and shouted.

We had to retreat.

Not far away.

It was a raised hill, but a cave was opened underground, five or six meters high, but the depth was unknown. After the explosion, a few dusty people came out from it, and they seemed to be still breathing. They held a map in their hands and said something to the instructor.

But it seemed that the instructor was very angry.

When we walked over, we found out that the people who went in were actually Mr. Hu and several other professors, but looking at their expressions, they all became very strange.


The people who went in with those professors were almost covered in a layer of dust.

"What's wrong?"

The instructor seemed to be very anxious to ask the professor again.

They slowly unfolded a map, which looked like a wrinkled sheepskin scroll, but the eyes of several people stared at it, and everyone's eyes showed a look of surprise.

The professor seemed to shake his head in despair.


Suddenly, in the distance, a gust of wind blew, and the surrounding yellow sand was lifted up, like a curtain covering the sky and the earth, sweeping towards us.

"Let's retreat."

Scarface seemed very worried, staring at the distance.

The raging sand in the distance was at the end of the sky, but it was constantly changing its shape with the raging wind, which seemed particularly creepy.

"No, continue to explore, since we have found the entrance, we must go in even if we die!" The instructor seemed to be determined, "Whoever takes a step back will be punished by military law!"

Then I heard a burst of gunfire.

"Pull that monster over..."

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