Golden island

Chapter 118

Lin Jiang'an excitedly entered the castle and took a turn.

Ha ha.

I'm a man with a castle myself.

I have always looked down on the castles of the West before.

Now it's a turn.

I can only say that it smells so good.

Especially in this desolate area.

A place full of wild beasts all around.

This defensive nature of the castle.

It can indeed be called a true fragrance.

It's just that.

"There's only the castle, and there's no defense material of any kind.

After Lin Jiang'an finished shopping, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.


I sold myself such a castle.

I didn't sell any of the supporting facilities to myself.


Lin Jiang'an secretly sighed that this system is really pitiful.

Originally, it was a really fragrant sentence.

Now it's time to make a discount in half.


Lin Jiang'an sighed.

Stand at the top of the castle walls.

Looking towards the Great Lake.

Look out at the thousands of miles of fertile soil surrounding the Great Lake.

I couldn't help but feel a burst of excitement.

If it is so many thousands of miles of fertile land.

All of them were planted with crops.

What a great pen that would be.

Take a deep breath.

Lin Jiang'an does not stop doing it.

Take the dire wolf directly to the waterfall.

Arrive at the location you selected during the previous survey.

"Chose to buy a small hydroelectric power station. "

Spend 30,000 achievement points. Although

Lin Jiang'an was distressed.

However, you can only choose to buy it.

You can't build a hydroelectric power station with your bare hands.


Accompanied by the roar of a machine.

A new, shiny small hydroelectric power station appears in the chosen location.

"Bang bang bang ······

". Lin Jiang'an looked at this new and shiny small hydroelectric power station.

The little heart was pounding.

It's just beautiful, it's perfect.

It's full of mechanical beauty.


Lin Jiang'an swallowed hard.

into a small hydroelectric power station.

I looked inside, rummaged around, and found the instruction manual.


Take a closer look.

I have a rough idea of how to use it.

At least.

Know where to switch.

Take a deep breath.

Press the on/off key.


Boom rumble ······

A roar of machinery rang out.

In the ears of Lin Jiang's ears, it played an extremely beautiful movement.


That's the smell.

"Next time, I'll have to bring in enough cables.

Lin Jiang'an narrowed his eyes.

Rubbing his hands excitedly.

Would love to stay here a little longer.


I looked up at the sky.

It's almost evening.

Lin Jiang'an could only sigh.

Left the power station.

Before leaving, the switch was turned off.

Then the entrance was locked.

Only then did he take the dire wolf and quickly walked down the mountain.

"Roar, roar, roar, ······

". All the way down the hill.

The dire wolf, who had always looked relaxed by Lin Jiang'an's side, suddenly lowered his head.

Hair all over the body.

There was a constant roar.

His eyes looked coldly into the depths of the mountains and forests.

Lin Jiang'an saw the dire wolf like this.

If you don't know what's going on, it's a curse.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Lin Jiang'an immediately turned over and jumped on the back of the dire wolf.

"Get out of here. Lin Jiang'an yelled.

Dire wolves also know danger.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Athletic limbs flipped quickly.

Rush as fast as you can towards the outside of the mountains and forests.

"Roar ······

". There was a long roar in the forest.


The mountain forest, which had been calm for a long time, suddenly rushed out more than a dozen velociraptors.


What surprised Lin Jiang'an was.

On the way out of the mountains and forests.

There were even some velociraptors in ambush.

Several times I was almost bitten by a velociraptor that suddenly rushed out.

Fortunately, the dire wolf dodged in time.

Only then did Lin Jiang'an avoid the attack of those ambushed velociraptors.

"Bastard, this group of velociraptors is too much, Ma De, have you taken a fancy to Lao Tzu?"

"I really thought that the master was afraid of you." "

You're waiting. "

There's a kind of sturdy log cabin that you've chased all the way to my shore. "

There are a hundred ways to kill you, sir.

Lin Jiang'an lay on the back of the dire wolf.

Looking at the velociraptors who were screaming behind and kept catching up for a moment.

Angry whoast whoa.

I really want to go down and kill these velociraptors.


Reason still prevailed.

I suppressed the sensibility.

"Mader, it's really bad luck to come across this group of velociraptors. "

It's just a bunch of dog skin plasters. "

Grass, it's better to meet this group of velociraptors than to meet a Tyrannosaurus rex.

Lin Jiang'an said scoldingly.

The last sentence is not finished.


Suddenly, the roar of a beast rang out from the shore.

The voice is powerful and powerful.

Extremely penetrating.

As soon as I heard it, I knew that the owner of this roar must be a big guy.

Lin Jiang'an couldn't help but be taken aback.

Even the fast-running dire wolf shuddered with fright.

"Roar, roar, roar, ······

". The velociraptors, who had been chasing after Lin Jiang'an, let out bursts of roars from each other at this time.

It's as if they're talking to each other.

The corners of Lin Jiang'an's mouth were stunned for a while.


Lin Jiang'an saw a scene that he will never forget in his life.

I saw a wounded velociraptor running towards him from the shore in embarrassment.

And behind that velociraptor with a belt.

A behemoth.

In the afterglow of the setting sun.

appeared in the field of vision of Lin Jiang'an.

"Tyrannosaurus rex. Lin

Jiang'an saw this behemoth appear in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Suddenly, a feeling of death rose in my heart.

the groove.

It turned out to be a Tyrannosaurus rex.


Or an angry Tyrannosaurus rex.

The velociraptor that escaped in embarrassment.

Lin Jiang'an can guess.

This Tyrannosaurus rex shouldn't be here.

The Absolute Rush was deliberately lured by the velociraptor dragon.

"In order to eat me, these velociraptors really thought of a lot of ways.

"This method of killing a thousand enemies and inflicting eight hundred self-losses has been used.

The corners of Lin Jiang'an's mouth twitched.

I really hate these velociraptors in my heart.

In front of it there was the fierce, furious Tyrannosaurus rex.

Then there is the insidious and cunning velociraptor of the molocier.


It's not good to fall into anyone's mouth.

Think about it.

I still think the Tyrannosaurus rex should be better.

After all.

No matter how bullish this Tyrannosaurus rex is.

That's just one end.

It's better than so many insidious and cunning velociraptors in the back.

Just when Lin Jiang'an was about to pat the head of the dire wolf and tell the dire wolf to rush over.

The wounded velociraptor suddenly let out a scream.

A stumble.

Fall to the ground.

It's just a matter of moments.

You have to get up first.

But he hasn't gotten up yet.

The Tyrannosaurus rex behind it accelerated suddenly.

He opened his mouth and bit the head of the velociraptor directly.

"Click. "

Huge bite force.

Make the velociraptor crunch.

Biting the head directly.

Click, click, click.

Soon the entire velociraptor was torn to shreds.

See this bloody scene.

Lin Jiang'an couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat in his head.

the groove.

This is the overlord of the age of dinosaurs.

Tyrannosaurus rex.

It's horrible.

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