Golden island

Chapter 144

waited until Liu Shuangxi drove into the villa gate with broken bread.

Look at the garden in front of you where the flowers are blooming, lush and koi fish swimming.

Su Yumei felt that her eyes couldn't see it.

As long as it's not a fool.

When you see such a beautiful garden, you know that this garden has taken a lot of effort and money from the owner to create.

thought of what Lin Jiang'an had said before.

Su Yumei took a deep breath.

A sickly blush rose on his face.

"Xiaolin, ahem, Jiang'an, you mean, this villa was really bought by you?"

Su Yumei opened her eyes wide, turned her head to Lin Jiang'an and asked.

Lin Jiang'an put Qin Muxue, who was asleep, on the sofa in the living room.

Cover with a summer quilt.


smiled at Su Yumei and said, "Mom, didn't I say it before, I bought a villa here."

Su Yumei heard Lin Jiang'an's affirmative reply.

Pleasantly surprised.

I almost dropped my jaw.

Lin Jiang'an, a son-in-law who has always been looked down upon by himself.

A Lin Jiang'an who only relies on seafood restaurants to make money.

There is money to buy a villa in Hualong Community.

It's just shocking.

"It won't be rented.

Su Yumei took a deep breath and asked Lin Jiang'an with a cold face.

"Of course not.

Lin Jiang'an shrugged his shoulders and said to Su Yumei.

Qin Baohong laughed at this time.

Turning his head to Su Yumei, he said loudly: "I knew that I didn't see the wrong person, I knew, haha, now I know that I didn't see the wrong person."

Qin Baohong hadn't laughed so happily for a long time.

Su Yumei saw her husband smiling so happily.

I couldn't help but have red eyes.

Tears swirled in his eyes.

This is the Hualong community.

The highest point in the entire river city.

Even Old Man Qin dreamed of moving here to live.


None of them did it.

Instead, I did it first.

I really want to see how those people react after knowing that they are now living in the Hualong community.

It must be cool.

"Mom, Xue'er has drunk too much, it's inconvenient for me to take care of it, and I'm going to trouble you more today.

Lin Jiang'an said to Su Yumei.

Su Yumei heard Lin Jiang'an say this.

looked at the frowning baby daughter lying on the sofa with a distressed face.

angrily said angrily at Lin Jiang'an: "Since you have made so much money, why don't you tell her, and let her suffer so many crimes." Su

Yumei suddenly asked back.

Lin Jiang'an was a little confused.

Want to refute.

But I don't think it's interesting.

I could only nod my head.

Turn around and go out.

Qin Baohong hurriedly stopped Lin Jiang'an at this time.

"Xiao Lin, what are you going to do?"

Qin Baohong controlled the electric wheelchair and came to Lin Jiang'an's side.

For this father-in-law who has always taken good care of himself.

Lin Jiang'an is still very respectful.


said to Qin Baohong: "I'll go find that Mr. Tao and have a good chat with him."

Qin Baohong smiled slightly.

knew that Lin Jiang'an wanted to go to Mr. Tao to prevent future troubles.

He smiled wryly and waved his hand.

"Although the boy should be strong, he should not be too impulsive. "

A Tao is nothing.

"Don't move yet, wait until the Mu family behind Mr. Tao makes a move." "

Static braking.

Qin Baohong said to Lin Jiang'an.

Lin Jiang'an saw that his father-in-law said so.

I could only nod my head.

A little worried, he said, "What if Mr. Tao wants to retaliate?" "

Then you don't have to worry, these days, I will ask Twilight Xue not to go to work first."

"When it comes to Sunday, I will invite the people of the Qin family to come to my place for dinner.

"At that time, Mr. Tao's side should also know about this matter soon.

"If Mr. Tao is not stupid, he will know whether he should retaliate in the future.

Qin Baohong said to Lin Jiang'an.

Lin Jiang'an heard Qin Baohong say this.

Sure enough, it's still an old fox.


Sure enough, the ginger is still old and spicy.

Since Qin Baohong said so here.

Lin Jiang'an did not insist any longer.

Let Liu Shuangxi go and get the shop and the construction of Mantanani Island right.

Su Yumei heard what Lin Jiang'an said to Liu Shuangxi on the side.

His eyes widened suddenly.

waited until Liu Shuangxi left.

Su Yumei immediately walked over.

"Xiao Lin, what else are you hiding from us?What shop?What Mermaid Island?"

Su Yumei asked with a gloomy face as she turned to Lin Jiang'an.

Lin Jiang'an smiled slightly.

said to Su Yumei.

"Mom, I was thinking I'd tell you when everything was done.

"I bought a shop of more than 400 square meters and made an island on the high sea, named Mermaid Island.

"However, the shop has not yet been transferred, and the island has not yet been built.

"So, I didn't tell you.

Lin Jiang'an said to Su Yumei.

Su Yumei heard Lin Jiang'an say this.

Suddenly I shuddered.

It's a villa, it's a shop, it's an island.

That's how much it costs to get it done.

How could Delin Jiang'an, who had always been poor and ghostly, suddenly have so much money.

"Didn't I say before that I got the corpse of a sea monster and sold it for 300 million.

"I didn't lie to you, it was indeed sold for 300 million.

Lin Jiang'an said to Su Yumei.

Su Yumei's whole person was dumbfounded.

The surprise came too quickly and violently.

I couldn't bear it for a while, and the whole person was stunned.

Sitting on the sofa in a daze.

Looking at the antique decoration, you can see the rich villa at a glance.

Take a deep breath.

He looked up and said to Lin Jiang'an.

"I don't care if you lied to us or not, and I don't care where your money came from.

"But, no matter what, don't bother us.

Su Yumei said coldly to Lin Jiang'an.

Lin Jiang'an was stunned for a moment.

Then he smiled wryly and nodded.

Su Yumei chose a bedroom for herself and Qin Baohong on the first floor at this time.

went to the top again and chose the master bedroom to Qin Muxue.

Then let Lin Jiang'an live in the side room on the second floor.

Qin Baohong was angry.

was directly scolded back by Su Yumei.

"Do you really believe that this money was earned by Lin Jiang'an selling sea monsters

?" "What if it was really stolen and robbed?" "

I can't hurt our daughter."

Su Yumei said angrily to Qin Baohong.

Qin Baohong was speechless by Su Yumei's words.

Thinking of my legs for so many years.

Thanks to Su Yumei's care.

I can only sigh.

Haosheng comforted Lin Jiang'an.

Sighed and went to the bedroom.

Lin Jiang'an didn't say anything.

hugged Qin Muxue upstairs.

Put Qin Muxue on the bed in the master bedroom.

Looking at Qin Muxue, she kept frowning in her sleep.

I couldn't help but feel distressed.

Gently took off Qin Muxue's shoes.

gave Qin Muxue a trace of true anger again.

Seeing Qin Muxue's expression, he was much more relaxed.

Only then did I breathe a sigh of relief.

When I turned around, I saw Su Yumei walking in with a cold face.

I can only smile bitterly.

Get up and leave.

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