Golden island

Chapter 146

Grill meat in hand.

Accompanied by beautiful women.

If only I had a good wine in hand.

Look at the way the dire wolf drools.

Lin Jiang'an asked the dire wolf to go out and catch two big platypuses and came back.

Peel and disembowel and clean.

Marinate slightly.

Bake on the heat.

"Zilazila. "

Oil drips down.

Make a sizzling sound.

A tantalizing aroma rises.

Sprinkle with salt and sprinkle with cumin.

Suddenly, the aroma became more intense.

The fragrance made Lin Jiang'an want to eat a roast big platypus.

Rich aromas rise from the castle.

Spread out all around.

The eyes of many carnivorous beasts were all looking in the direction of the castle.

It's just an electric light above the castle that illuminates the night like day.

But it made these beasts stop.

He could only keep roaring loudly in the night.

This didn't affect Lin Jiang'an's good mood too much.

What annoyed Lin Jiang'an the most were the velociraptors who kept approaching and trying to keep getting closer.

Looking at the black and white junction of the velociraptor more and more.

It looks like there are twenty or thirty heads.


They are tempted by the aroma of barbecue.

Rely on yourself to act quickly.

began to constantly provoke Lin Jiang'an.

Constantly getting closer to the castle.

"These velociraptors are a bit excessive.

Lin Jiang'an gritted his teeth.

Throw a skewer of kebab directly on the ground.

Walk up the walls of the castle.

Look down.

I saw that a velociraptor had already crept under the castle wall.

Trying to climb up the wall bricks.

Lin Jiang'an sneered.


If only this castle could allow you velociraptors to climb straight up.

Lao Tzu is not surnamed Lin.


As more and more velociraptors began to gather under the edge of the wall.

When I started stacking arhats.

Lin Jiang'an couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat in his head.


If you can't get these velociraptors to die sooner.

Maybe it's possible that these velociraptors will climb the walls.

When the time comes.

But it's troublesome.

Gritted his teeth.

Lin Jiang'an hurriedly lifted a stone weighing dozens of catties from the wall.

Smashed down where the velociraptors had gathered.

"Boom. "

Roar ······

". There was a loud bang.

A scream resounded through the night sky.


The entire mountain forest seemed to be silent in an instant.

Even the beasts that roared in the night seemed to have been pressed the pause button.

No more loud roars.

Lin Jiang'an narrowed his eyes.

Look down.

I saw the velociraptors below scatter and flee.

The unlucky velociraptor head that was hit by himself was directly scooped.

The rest of the velociraptors didn't give up on their tragic death.

The two velociraptors directly grabbed the body of the velociraptor and fled quickly.

Run all the way to the intersection of black and white.

The rest of the velociraptors pounced directly.

The carcass of the velociraptor was quickly devoured.

When Lin Jiang'an saw this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Squinted his eyes.

Lin Jiang'an felt that if he didn't teach these velociraptors a lesson.

Something like this will happen in the future.

I thought about it for a while.

Lin Jiang'an decided to catch a live velociraptor dragon.

Whether it's a research on a velociraptor or not.

Or to deter those velociraptors.

It's a great solution.

"Made, go catch a velociraptor

Lin Jiang'an rubbed his hands.

I looked at the velociraptors who were still wandering back and forth at the junction of light and night.

I thought about it.

Let the dire wolf quietly leave the castle through the back door.

Brought some lamb kebabs that were already grilled to myself.

Walked out the back door as well.


A man and a wolf found a place to hide.

Lamb skewers are interspersed with each other to form a triangle.

The needle tips are hidden in the lamb.


Throw these interspersed lamb skewers on the ground.

A man and a wolf dug a deep pit in the ground.

Enough for one man and one wolf to squat down.

Then he found a plank.

Cover one man and one wolf.

Then, a man and a wolf just held their breath.

Quietly wait for the arrival of those velociraptors.

Velociraptor though sinister and cunning.


IQ is always the IQ of reptiles.

How smart could it be.

Driven by appetite.

Lin Jiang'an didn't believe that these velociraptors didn't take the bait.

This made Lin Jiang'an feel like he used a wooden frame to catch sparrows when he was a child.

When I was a child, I used a branch to hold up one side of the wooden frame.

Sprinkle some grain from it.

Then tie a string to that branch.

Wait until a little sparrow enters under the wooden frame to eat the grain.

Pull it suddenly.

You will be able to use a wooden frame to catch the sparrow inside.

There was a faint excitement in my heart.

"Roar. "

Velociraptors have a great sense of smell.

Soon two velociraptors sensed the aroma.

Cautiously ran towards this side.

The cold brown eyes were full of vigilance.

Glance around.

See that there is no danger.

Quickly ran to the mutton skewers that were thrown on the ground by Lin Jiang'an.

It made Lin Jiang'an surging for a while.

As long as the velociraptor eats the lamb skewers that he threw on the ground.

When the time comes, he will be able to catch the velociraptor 100%.


What disappointed Lin Jiang'an was.

After the two velociraptors came running.

Just sniffed the lamb skewers on the ground with the tip of his nose.

Didn't eat at all.

Directly turned around and ran away again.

Be cautious.

It's so discreet.

Lin Jiang'an secretly scolded these two velociraptors for being really special.

With this guts, you can only mix in the woods.

When you get to the grassland, you don't have to be eaten by those big predators.


Lin Jiang'an is patient.

Get on your stomach on the ground and try not to let yourself gasp for air.

Turning his head to look at the dire wolf lying on his stomach.

Seeing the dire wolf, he looked extremely patient.

The old face flushed slightly.

I can't even compare to a dire wolf who can endure it.


Lin Jiang'an simply lay on the ground and practiced the first layer of the Taixuan Gong Method.

Wait until the true qi has been running for a big week.

Lin Jiang'an saw that the two velociraptors who had originally run back had run back again.

This time.

The two velociraptors did not hesitate in the slightest.

Immediately bit down hard at the lamb skewers on the ground.

"Puff puff puff ······

". The tips of the three iron skewers rushed out of the mutton in an instant.

Pierced into the mouths of the two velociraptors.

A velociraptor screamed directly and fell to the ground.

The tip of the iron skewer stabbed directly into the velociraptor head. ,

and the other velociraptor had better luck.

Just pierced the mouth and tongue of this velociraptor

The tip of the iron skewer skewed straight out of the throat, chin, and neck of this velociraptor dragon.


Lin Jiang'an immediately shouted angrily.

Lift the plank directly.

Jumped to his feet.

Rushed towards the velociraptor that had not yet fallen.

A punch slammed into the head of the velociraptor .

Directly smashed the head of this velociraptor into a blank head.

Right now.

Dire wolf roared.

Leap out.

The huge body slammed directly into the body of this velociraptor .

Directly pressed the still alive velociraptor to the ground.

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