Golden island

Chapter 180

Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi originally thought that Lin Jiang'an had left the Golden Island with him.

are ready to return to their villa estate.


There was a flash of light in front of my eyes.

I ended up in a castle.

As soon as he came to the castle, Wang Yuanqi, the Sea Dragon King, saw a velociraptor with a mouth and a pair of brown eyes, staring at him coldly.

Rao is sea dragon king Wang Yuanqi has been through the wind and waves in his life, and when he suddenly saw the velociraptor that appeared in front of him, he was also frightened and his little heart twitched.

I almost pumped myself out.

I almost foamed at the mouth.

"Damn, Brother Lin, you actually caught a velociraptor dragon, it's too hanging. "

It's not the first time Liu Shuangxi has been here, he has also seen a velociraptor before, and now he sees that there is one in the castle on the bank of the Lin River.

That's called an excitement, excitement.

Lin Jiang'an smiled faintly.

waved his hand and said in a calm tone: "I used a little means, and I caught it, it was average, not worth mentioning." "

Silently pretended to be a comparison.

Sure enough, the Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi and Liu Shuangxi both looked at Lin Jiang'an with admiration.

The owner is a cow.

Easily caught such a big guy.

It's a velociraptor yet.

Cow pen cow pen.

And then.

There was a roar overhead.

Liu Shuangxi and Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi hurriedly looked up at the top of the castle.

I saw a wind god pterosaur standing there more than eight meters tall, with its head down, staring at itself with brown eyes.

was so frightened that Liu Shuangxi and Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi were all full of excitement.

Directly squatted on the ground.


Compared to this Aeolian Pterodactyl, it was more than a little bit bigger, and it looked like it was definitely a behemoth.

Almost three stories tall big guy.

The huge wings are 11 meters long.

Just one glance makes people's hearts surge and their hearts are extremely frightened.

"Damn, Brother Lin, you won't take such a big bird again.

Liu Shuangxi's eyes widened, and he said to Lin Jiang'an in panic and shock.

Lin Jiang'an smiled flatly and shrugged his shoulders.

"It's average, it's just a little trick. Lin Jiang'an said lightly.

and silently pretended to be a comparison (*^▽^*).

Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi ┌ (。 Д。 )┐。

opened his mouth wide, looked at Lin Jiang'an with admiration and fear.

Although I thought that Lin Jiang'an was quite bullish before, I didn't expect Lin Jiang'an to have such a bull's nose.

Such a huge bird can be subdued.

It's shocking.

Other words.

The video that is now circulating on the Internet is all true.

the groove.

Before, the Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi thought it was fake.

"What is the big bird, this is the wind god pterodactyl, the overlord of the sky. Lin Jiang'an snorted and stretched out his hand to give Liu Shuangxi a brain meltdown.

Liu Shuangxi bared his teeth and cracked his mouth in pain, but he admired Lin Jiang'an even more.

Ringo is the cow than o( ̄▽ ̄)d.

Even an air overlord like the Wind God Pterodactyl was captured and raised as a bird.

"Brother Lin, how is the corn that I said I was going to plant. Liu Shuangxi got up and asked excitedly at Lin Jiang'an.

Lin Jiang'an smiled.

took the Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi and Liu Shuangxi directly to the top of the castle.

Look around.

A large lake comes into view.

It's instantly refreshing.

And then.

Around the big lake, a series of ten-acre wide corn fields appeared in front of everyone.


Patches of corn have begun to grow, and they look verdant.

It's just spectacular.

An acre of corn field may look so-so.

However, in this way, a circle around the great lake reached a corn field of ten acres in width.

It was nothing short of a miracle.

"It's the most shocking cornfield I've ever seen, it's amazing.

"If the corn is ripe, when it's time to harvest, it's enough to feed a small country." "

It's just amazing.

Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi rubbed his hands excitedly and said to Lin Jiang'an.

Lin Jiang'an looked a little proud.

This is an achievement that I have worked on for a long time.

I am still very happy to be recognized and admired.

"Brother Lin, what are you doing with those small rivers around the cornfield?" Liu Shuangxi asked at Lin Jiang'an with some confusion.

Lin Jiang'an rolled his eyes.

said to Liu Shuangxi: "It's not to stop those beasts, dinosaurs, those beasts, dinosaurs want to drink water, and they destroyed a lot of cornfields before, but fortunately I came up with this idea."

"It's a lot of work, but it's also very effective, and the beasts, dinosaurs, and some of the beasts that want to drink water are drinking directly from the moat around the cornfield.

"Those who don't want to drink water in the moat river will not run into the river and swim into the cornfields.

"So, you know, it's still a great idea.

Lin Jiang'an said without blushing and without a heartbeat.

Well, that's really the idea of Bright Moon.


Take it yourself and compare it, no problem.

Heard Lin Jiang'an say this.

Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi was directly stunned.

, being able to operate like this is simply a god operation.

I didn't think of this reason before.

Liu Shuangxi slapped his ass directly: "Brother Lin's nose, Brother Lin's might, when the time comes, make these into small videos, Brother Lin will definitely be able to become popular."

Lin Jiang'an grinned.

He waved his hand.

"It's still going to be low-key, low-key.

Lin Jiang'an smiled bitterly and said, "Even if Mermaid Island is opened in the future, I don't want others to know that I am the master." Hearing

Lin Jiang'an say this.

Sea Dragon King Wang Yuanqi nodded.

I was too high-profile at the beginning, so much so that I became the target of others.

So much so that now, I can't keep a low profile if I want to.

You can't even enjoy your old age in peace.

can only continue to be high-profile.

Once you keep a low profile, the hungry wolves around you who are eyeing you will pounce directly and tear yourself to pieces.

"That's better, Brother Lin still buys the seafood shop and decorates it well, which can be regarded as an identity cover.

Liu Shuangxi thought for a while and said to Lin Jiang'an.

Lin Jiang'an snorted.

said to Liu Shuangxi: "This method is good, you can do it." "

That's when it happened.

The mermaid Kyaukyue and Lee so-so heard the movement.

Hurriedly ran up.

I saw Lin Jiang'an coming.

The mermaid Kyaukyue and Li Xiuxiu both looked happy.

Couldn't be more excited.

Immediately, they all ran towards the bank of the Lin River one by one.

The mermaid Jiaoyue threw herself directly into Lin Jiang'an's arms: "Master, I thought you didn't want me anymore."

Li Xiuxiu hugged one of Lin Jiang'an's arms.

Constantly shaking.


"Jiang'an, people know it's wrong, please, don't be angry with me, in the future, I will do whatever you ask me to do. "

Wang Yuanqi, the Sea Dragon King on the side, Liu Shuangxi ······


o o(╥_╥)

This is special.

It's a big winner in life.

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