Shiki was very confident that the Wild Elephant Man could stop the blow, and looked around intently as the Little Elephant Man intercepted the Hidden Shadow Serpent’s hand.

At this moment, Uchiha Hui, who was still lurking, burst out, directly pounced on the four seasons, suddenly raised his legs, rotated his figure, and shouted:

“Konoha Rigid Whirlwind!”


The kick accompanied by the sound of breaking air hit the four seasons, meat. The visible Chakra condensed on the feet and brought up a blue hurricane, really blowing out at high speed like a whirlwind.

Looking at the sudden attack, Shiki’s face changed, and he said in a low voice:

“Puppet Substitution!”

A tall coffin-like thing appeared where Shiki was standing, blocking the blow for him.


With the sound of a dull voice, the little wild elephant man also turned around, gritted his teeth and said: “Sure enough, there is another person, listening to the tone of those two little girls, that is, you killed Nobita?” ”

After speaking, the Ono Elephant Man was about to form a seal to attack Uchiha Hui, at this moment, Yue Xiyan had rushed to the front of the Ono Elephant Man like a gust of wind to attack, Yue Yue Xiyan waved the ninja knife in his hand at high speed, and the shining ninja knife turned into a silver glow.

At the same time, Mitarashi’s protective attack also arrived.

“Destroy the chaotic snake!”

The little wild elephant man faced the attack of the second daughter at the same time, and there was no room for distraction at all, so he could only shout angrily: “Damn! ”

Uchiha Hui did not participate in the siege of the Ono Elephant, but looked at the black coffin in front of him guardedly, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes: “Sha Shinobu’s puppet master, he is really a troublesome opponent, I don’t know how many puppets he has.” And there must be a lot of ninja and poison in the puppet, and it is very strong in itself, and it takes a lot of effort to dismantle one. So, where is the ontology? ”

With this in mind, Uchiha Hui intends to quickly find Shiki and solve him, otherwise it will be too wasteful of Chakra to dismantle a puppet, and Uchiha Hui decides to open the Sharingan.

Mo Xuangouyu emerged, the whites of his eyes were replaced by blood red, and the extremely cold and murderous aura began to pervade, and his eyes revealed a line of sight that seemed to be able to see everything.

Uchiha opened his chakra eyes and carefully observed the situation around him.

Before Uchiha could find where Shiki was, the pitch-black puppet that looked like a coffin suddenly opened its coffin board.

Unlike the usual thought of the puppet hiding in it, through the open coffin board, you can see a large number of gears and lines inside, as well as ninja tools all over the place.

There is actually a set of pulley connection mechanisms at the bottom of the coffin, which is actually the puppet itself, and it seems that as long as it moves, it can automatically project ninja tools, even if it is stationary in place, it can release ninja tools under the control of the puppeteer.

Unlike the usual puppets used in battle, this puppet is completely a movable ninja battery!


Hundreds of thousands of books were densely shot from the puppets. Out, completely paved with Uchiha’s vision.

The overwhelming Senbon was like a large number of machine gun bullets, cutting through the air one by one, one after another, turning into silver lines, and shooting towards Uchiha.

Under the insight of Uchiha Hui’s equivalent to the three-hook jade chakra eye, he clearly saw that the tip of each thousand books needle shone with a dark green luster, presumably it was a poison that was difficult to lift.

Although there are many Senbon, in the eyes of Uchiha Hui, it is just a large number of thin needles approaching slowly, and it is by no means a troublesome thing.

Facing the incoming Senbon, Uchiha Hui kicked his legs fiercely, his figure retreated violently, his hands quickly sealed, and he completed ninjutsu in a second and a half, and shouted:

“Fire Escape Phoenix Flower Art!”

The air suddenly became scorching, and a large number of scattered flames were spewed out by Uchiha, hitting Senbon with precision.

The mass-produced senben turned into molten iron, but the colored venom attached to it did not melt and fell to the ground.

The ground suddenly became potholed and corroded into hundreds of small pits.


White smoke rises from the crater and slowly dissipates into the air.

When the venom corroded the ground, the ink Xuan Gouyu behind Uchiha’s sunglasses turned rapidly, almost connecting into a black circle, and he detected the movement of the four seasons.

With a sharp step on the ground, he swooped away, and the whole person burst out like a bullet.

“Qiu”, facing the incoming Uchiha Hui, Shiki smiled grimly: “It’s late.” ”

Shiki waved his right hand, his five fingers moved slightly, and the five chakras pulled over the last five detonation charms used to set the trap before Mitarashi Red Bean, and a hint of ridicule flashed in his eyes: “Placing traps of this magnitude in front of the puppeteer can only provide the effect of ninja tools.” ”

When such a thought crossed Shiki’s mind, Uchiha had already rushed to Shiki, looking at the sixteen detonation charms in Shiki’s hand, his face did not fluctuate at all, and the moment he found Shiki, he found that he could not stop Shiki from destroying all traps while obtaining the detonation charm.

Shiki had already prepared for Uchiha’s attack this time, and sneered:

“Puppet Substitution!”

Shiki repeated his old trick and replaced the position of the puppet and himself again, but out of caution, he did not directly switch places with the black coffin again.

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