The tail of the ten thousand snakes “brushed” and swept out, fast as lightning, and pumped heavily on the head of the crane.


The snake’s tail sinks into the sand, and a large amount of yellow sand flows down the head of the crane like a waterfall.

Shouhe, who was in pain, suddenly exerted his strength and roared angrily: “Ah-”

Shouhe pushed away the ten thousand snakes at once, and then inhaled sharply.

The big snake pill narrowed slightly at this moment, and in an instant he struck, quickly completed the seal, and drank low:

“Water escape, break the stream!”

The air suddenly damps. Run, a large amount of water appeared out of thin air and gathered into the hands of the big snake pill.

The snake’s eyes froze, and the water in the big snake pill’s hand turned into a huge water ball with a diameter of ten meters, which was enough to accommodate more than a hundred or ten people, and he caused the water ball to turn into a water wave again and suddenly struck.

With the ferocious momentum of crashing on the shore, the water formed majestic waves and washed fiercely onto the mouth of the crane.

The blue haze goyu in Uchiha’s eyes rotated slightly, copying this ninjutsu while observing Shouzuru.

Breaking the rushing stream, this move Water Escape and the spiral pill added with the wind attribute Chakra can be combined into the Hurricane Water Vortex Technique, which is enough to resist the Fire Escape Wind Escape combination ninjutsu that had escaped from the hands of the original Hokage.

At the same time, a flash of essence flashed in Uchiha’s eyes: “It’s really in the head.” It’s really lucky to be in the forehead position, so that you don’t need to break much yellow sand to make a seal. ”

Although Shouzuru did not release an attack, the accelerated convergence of Chakra just now still allowed Uchiha to judge the peculiarities of his Chakra flow.

The breaking stream rushed to Shouhe’s mouth, and the force of its envelopment forced Shouhe to stop inhaling.

Ten thousand snakes took the opportunity to twist their bodies, and the tail of the snake went directly around Shouhe, and after wrapping Shouhe a few times, Ten Thousand Snakes spat out snake letters and mocked: “You tanuki is useless except that it is a little older than me.” ”

Shouhe likes to bury everything in front of him with wind and sand, and the feeling of being pasted by running water makes it very atmospheric, and at this time he was actually entangled and ridiculed, which made Shouhe completely fall into anger and roar suddenly:

“Wind Escape Practice Air Bomb!”

Endless wind. The flow emerged, the wind attribute chakra piled up in large quantities, and countless chakra balls appeared.

With the roar of the guarding crane, the fierce wind swept the heavens and the earth, and a large number of aerial bombs were shot out wantonly.


A drill shell hit the ground, instantly punching a large hole and exploding.


A drill aerial bomb crashed into the cliff, and the cliff cracked a huge crack, and at the same time, the whole slipped downward.

And the ten thousand snakes who were close to Shouhe endured twenty training aerial bullets, the snake scales cracked, blood flowed all over the body, and it had to let go of Shouhe.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Hui knew that he would drag it on, and said directly to the big snake pill: “It’s okay, Captain Big Snake Pill, the position is the forehead.” ”

Hearing this, the big snake pill immediately reacted: “Good! I’ll send you over now. ”

Saying that the big snake pill instantly completed the seal, he drank:

“Evil snake winding!”

A giant python was instantly channeled out, holding Uchiha Hui, and suddenly rushed towards the top of Shouhe’s head from the body of the ten thousand snakes.

Shouhe forced the snakes to unwind them by attacking. Around, was about to pursue further, suddenly felt before. Chakra of that ninja who teased himself.

When Uchiha Hui was hiding on Ten Thousand Snakes, it was not so obvious because of the huge amount of Chakra covered by Ten Thousand Snakes, but at this moment, with him being headed by the Great Snake Pill towards Shouzuru’s head. Sending, Shouzuru immediately detected his Chakra.

Shouzuru suddenly stretched out his claws and shot towards Uchiha.

How could the big snake pill let Shou Tsuru get his wish, shouting: “Ten thousand snakes! ”

As the shout of the big snake pill came out, the ten thousand snakes slammed into the crane with the head of the snake.


There was a loud noise, and the two giant beasts collided with each other again.


In the Sha Ninja base camp, Luo Sha calmed Sha Ninja who passed by his side again, and suddenly heard a loud noise.

He looked up and saw that the big snake pill was driving ten thousand snakes to fight with Shouhe, he was shocked that the big snake pill could still retain such power, at this moment, he suddenly noticed that the big snake pill used ninjutsu to pass something to Shouhe’s head through the snake.

Not to mention the things that came out through the snake, even the giant python that normally seemed extremely huge seemed to be small against the background of ten thousand snakes and Shouhe, and Luo Sha could not see clearly what the big snake pill did from a distance.

A hesitant look flashed in Luo Sha’s eyes: “What the Great Snake Pill does will definitely be unfavorable to Sha Ren and cannot be let go, but I am afraid that my current state will be easily suppressed by the Great Snake Pill.” No, there shouldn’t be much Chakra left in the Great Snake Pill, so he will mainly attack through his psychic beasts. I at least have to confirm what Orochimaru did. ”

Thinking of this, Luo Sha instantly froze.


Luo Sha used the teleportation technique to rush to the battlefield.


Uchiha Hui managed to reach Shouzuru’s head with the evil snake of the big snake pill, and if he was alone, I am afraid that just approaching Shouzuru would be blown hard by its wind pressure, and it would be impossible to really climb on its body.

The crane is incomparably huge, its body. Bits are completely big for ordinary people. A piece of desert.

Feeling the sand-like ground constantly shaking under his feet, Uchiha Hui knew that he would be fine for the time being, although Shouhe could slap himself like a mosquito, but as long as the ten thousand snakes were still delaying, it would not allow Shouhe to attack successfully, thinking that Shouhe would not indiscriminately launch ninjutsu to bombard him.

Uchiha frowned, began to look around the scene, felt troublesome, and said to himself in a deep voice: “It looks the same everywhere, you can still see the difference when you look at it from a distance, standing on Shouzuru’s body can only be distinguished by tattoos.” ”

In Uchiha’s eyes, except for some sand that will show violet, he is no different from standing in the desert, as for the flow of Chakra?

With a huge amount of Chakra everywhere in the desert under his feet, he couldn’t tell it by this now.

Uchiha, who knew that time was short, moved quickly and rushed in one direction according to the impression in his memory. _

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