
Chapter 065

Chapter 065: Longevity, Pain, and Disadvantages (Seeking Flowers, Seeking Evaluation, Seeking Various)

10 Updates, brothers, give some strength and throw something, please.


Everyone was chatting, and even Professor Hao, including his two students, were suspicious. Jiang Yuye said that there must be a tomb under this water source?

They don’t know how to find dragons and acupoints, or feng shui positioning, but if there is really a tomb in the Western Regions below, then he can barely make a contribution.

“Are you so sure that there must be a tomb below?” Others were very excited, but Professor Hao disagreed. His relationship with Jiang Yuye was not very good. If there was a tomb under the water source, he might admire him. Two, but now…

Hehe, he thinks this is pure nonsense.

Just look at the stars, look at the moon, determine the orientation of the Big Dipper, and then conclude that there is a tomb below, this… This is too much of a child’s play, isn’t it?

“As I said, I can’t be 100% sure, but there is a 99.9% chance that there is a tomb below.”

Jiang Yuye didn’t bother to write ink with this guy. Professor Hao was just a jerk in the ‘original book’. If he can’t do anything, he will die first.

You must know that mausoleums are usually accompanied by organs and poisons. To be honest, it is not easy for Tie Hanhan like him to survive until now.

He has already made a plan. He will go down and pry open the tomb of the sacrifice, and then test and test Lao Hu and Fatty.

Sometimes you have to give the younger generation a chance to exercise, and Fatty and Lao Hu can be regarded as in the ‘original book’ anyway.Touching the golden iron triangle, Jiang Yuye worried that these two goods would be completely useless if they were not given a chance to display their ambitions.

A great genius also needs practice. Similarly, a great talent also requires hard work and hard work. Lao Hu has talent in this area, and Fatty is suitable for being a reckless man in charge. The complementarity formed by the two is the essence of Mo Jin Xiaowei. where.

Touch Jin Xiaowei, if you combine it, you will live, if you divide it, you will die. It is exactly such a superficial truth.

“then you……”

“I’ll go down first. After I find the tomb, you all climb down the ropes one by one.”

Jiang Yuye ignored Professor Hao at all, this guy is a funny guy, and it’s not certain whether he can live to see the sun the day after tomorrow, why should he compete with a dead person?

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yuye walked over to the camel and took the ropes, lamp sticks, and military daggers in his backpack with him. As for the things he harvested today, he just threw them into the backpack.

There is nothing good in the tomb of Prince Gumo. The reason why they are led in is to let them see the world.

Fatty and Lao Hu are okay to say, they have met Hong Gai in Niuxin Mountain in the past. As for Xue Li Yang’s ability is not bad, it’s a pity that she has too little knowledge.

There are many mechanisms in “The Ancient City of Essence”. It can be said that if one is not careful, he will die there. He must be fully prepared. Otherwise, he will be dragged down by his teammates. what.

Longevity, longevity, not only longevity, but also longevity has unimaginable pain and drawbacks that ordinary people can’t imagine. When he traveled to the Qin Dynasty and obtained longevity through the ‘Patriarch System’, he always felt that he was lucky, but one day, After his body had undergone some strange changes, he was eager to find a solution.

Although he doesn’t know how to get rid of the drawbacks, he believes that as long as he follows the mission of the ‘Patriarch System’, he will eventually be able to understand the past, present and future.

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