
Chapter 082

Chapter 082 Don’t Touch This Mirror (For Flowers, For Recommendations, For Various Kinds)

Brothers, give me some strength, throw some flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for various kinds. For the sake of my diligence in updating, please give me some strength! ! !


“Don’t go there!”

A few people just wanted to rush over, but unexpectedly Jiang Yuye shouted angrily, and at the same time he quickly tore a piece of cloth from his sleeve and put it on his face.

The death of the leaflet is very sudden. According to Jiang Yuye’s judgment, there are only two possibilities, one is death by smell, and the other is death by touching poison.

However, Xiaoye was silent when she died, and she didn’t even make any struggle or panic. She died suddenly, and she didn’t even realize that death had come.

He can’t tell which kind it is now, but no matter which kind it is, this mirror can’t be placed here.

Buried, together with Xiaoye’s body, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.


Lao Hu looked very anxious. He wanted to go over and see if Xiao Ye was still saved. This is the responsibility of a soldier, and it is also the duty and mission of a soldier.

It’s just that Jiang Yuye is an expert in this field after all. He doesn’t allow himself and others to act rashly, and he is indeed a little embarrassed.

He asked himself that “Sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique” is also a mess, but he just didn’t see the doorway.

“This mirror should be infected with poison, and this kind of poison generally has only two possibilities of causing death. One is to destroy nerves through smell, which will cause your brain to bleed, and the other is touch-type poison. , the former is intangible, and the latter believes that I should not need to explain it to you?”

Jiang Yuye glanced at Lao Hu. There was a reason why he didn’t let the Mojin trio go up. In this era, technology was not so developed, so some deadly things could not be seen or touched at all.

Now that the ‘plot’ has changed slightly, he doesn’t want to make anyone in the Mojin trio get swept up.

Thousands of turns and hundreds of turns, the mystery of longevity, Jiang Yuye can still use them for the time being, so they cannot be allowed to die no matter what.

After saying this, Jiang Yuye took out a pair of gloves from his arms and put them on his hands. The gloves were made of gold silk and processed by countless skilled craftsmen. Processed this mirror.

It’s just… Before doing this, he looked directly at Professor Hao, then smiled coldly, and said, “I already told you about the way, you killed Xiaoye, don’t take it casually in the future. There is a limit to my patience when the shit pot is on someone else’s head, if you’re messing with me…”

He didn’t say what he said next, but the meaning was self-evident, this guy is just a jerk, and if he doesn’t do something good, he will cause trouble.

Fortunately, the people who died were all members of the archaeological team. If this guy killed the people around him, Jiang Yuye wouldn’t be so polite, and he probably would have killed him immediately.




Everyone looked at his back leaning over, even Professor Hao didn’t say anything, he just took a step back subconsciously.

He didn’t expect that he would kill Xiaoye, this… how is this possible?

This kind of situation has subverted his imagination a bit. ?

Jiang Yuye’s words just now were vaguely still in his ears, “He caused people to die, he killed Xiaoye, it was him!”

“Impossible, impossible, this is impossible!” He covered his head in pain, and his voice sounded hysterical.

It wasn’t him who wanted to kill Xiaoye, it wasn’t him, Jiang Yuye did everything. Yes, it was Jiang Yuye who did it. He knew that this would happen, so why didn’t he destroy it in the first place! ?

It’s him, it’s him, it’s him who killed Xiaoye, it’s him!

At this moment, Professor Hao’s mental state has been a little distorted due to the excessive psychological pressure, and even the faint look at Jiang Yuye is full of badness!

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