Goldfinger is a bit strange

Chapter 1016 Why not? (1/2)

At the dividend distribution meeting, each household received their own passbook.

Then they lined up in several rows, holding their passbooks in their hands, and took a group photo.

Zhang Ganzi was the most dazzling, holding a passbook in one hand and two thousand yuan in the other, with his mouth open as if shouting something.

Of course, everyone present heard: "I am a million-yuan household, we are a million-yuan village!"

After the excitement, everyone couldn't help but study: "Building motorcycles is much faster than farming?"

When the old branch secretary heard this, he quickly gave a shot: "This land is our foundation. Without the accumulation of previous years, what can our cooperative use to contract the overhaul factory, and what can we use to import production lines and recruit talents?"

That's the reason, and everyone figured it out.

Zhang Ganzi stuffed the passbook into his wife's arms: "Then I'll go feed the pigs first."

After saying that, he ran out of the house.

The others were about to go home, but the old branch secretary stopped them and just gave out the Jiapigou Literature Award.

The award ceremony was much simpler than Writer Mo had imagined. Holding the bankbook of 500,000 yuan in his hand, Writer Mo was filled with emotion.

He vowed that he would only write more and better works to report to the simple folks in Jiapigou.

Liu Qingshan's family received the most dividends.

Even the share of Grandpa's family, Master's share, and Shanxing's share were almost 10 million.

Liu Qingshan didn't need this money, so he naturally gave it to his family for safekeeping.

In fact, the family couldn't spend so much money. Sometimes, when there was too much money, it was really just a number on the bankbook.

"Keep it all for our little Lulu." Mother put away her share.

As for the bankbook of Grandpa's family, it was given to Grandma for safekeeping; even the bankbook of the dumb grandfather was given to him for safekeeping.

The dumb grandfather gestured with a smile, and then handed the bankbook to Liu Qingshan.

Master meant that Liu Qingshan should collect all the dividends from these years and then build a special TCM training school in Bishui County.

Liu Qingshan naturally firmly supported Master's idea that TCM training should be a self-contained system and should not be measured by Western medicine norms and standards like in later generations.

"Count me in." Li Tie suddenly spoke up.

The amount of dividends he received from Longteng Company every year was no less than this.

Liu Qingshan waved his hand: "Tiezi, you should save this money to marry a wife."

Li Tie blushed slightly and looked at Vera beside him. Vera's face was also flushed.

These two people are also quite interesting. They have been together for such a long time and are engaged, but they are still in a pure relationship.

Even Liu Qingshan, the senior brother, couldn't stand it and quickly arranged a wedding for them before the New Year.

Liu Qingshan plans to take time out tomorrow to go to the county to confirm the matter of the TCM training school. There should be no problem.

The next day, Lin Zizhou and his team hurried back to Beijing. Such good news should be reported as soon as possible.

In 1992, the name of Jiapigou, a village worth one million yuan, was expected to cause heated discussions across the country.

Writer Mo stayed behind to hang out with Writer Lu and Writer Gao Wenxue for a while.

After Liu Qingshan sent Lin Zizhou and his team on the train, he drove to the county government.

Compared with previous years, Bishui County has also undergone significant changes.

The roads on the street have been widened a lot, and there are more and more buildings on both sides of the road, but residential buildings have not yet started to be built.

The most eye-catching building is the Longteng Commercial Building, which opened on New Year's Day this year.

Yes, this can be regarded as Liu Qingshan's contribution to his hometown, because Longteng Commercial Building is still far from radiating to the county level.

When the New Year's Day opening ceremony was held, Xiao Cui and Tie Niu came specially to preside over the ceremony.

Although it is a small county, the turnover on the opening day reached an astonishing one million, which is estimated to have squeezed the consumption power of Bishui County residents for at least two or three months.

Because of the existence of several large factories, Bishui County has developed well in recent years, which is obviously stronger than the surrounding counties.

The overall living standard is also higher, and the consumption capacity is still good.

It is said that there is a plan to expand Bishui into a county-level city.

As long as you are willing to work, at least you don’t have to worry about your job, which is not easy.

Now every family has many children, and the most worrying thing is that when the children grow up, they don’t have a proper job and it is difficult to support the family.

And the Tongyi Food Factory now has nearly 10,000 employees, which has greatly solved the employment problem.

When Liu Qingshan entered the county government, it was still the same here, still the original office building.

Liu Qingshan had contacted Lao Zhou, who had been the county magistrate for several years. He was over 55 years old and basically had no hope of promotion. He was satisfied to retire in this position.

"Brother Qingshan, you are such a busy man."

Lao Zhou warmly welcomed Liu Qingshan into his office and personally made a cup of tea for Liu Qingshan with a white porcelain pot.

"Brother Zhou, please stop working." Liu Qingshan is closest to these old friends who have come all the way together. When he came here, of course he was not polite.

Old Zhou made another phone call, and soon, Secretary Wang also came down.

His situation is similar to that of Old Zhou. Last year, the city wanted to transfer him to be the director, but Secretary Wang was reluctant to leave.

There is also a benefit of not implementing the cadre rotation system at this time, that is, local people have some feelings for their hometown.

The three of them sat together and chatted, and Secretary Wang said happily: "Qingshan, congratulations on your Jiapigou, becoming a million-yuan village, which really brings honor to our Bishui County!"

Lao Zhou also laughed loudly: "Secretary Wang told me this morning that he would go to your village to ask for a wedding drink."

These two people also know that Bishui County has benefited from Jiapigou's reputation and will soon become famous throughout the country.

The first million-yuan village is completely in line with the above-mentioned general policy of getting rich through hard work, and it must be set up as a model and then highlighted.

As long as Jiapigou is promoted, Bishui County must be mentioned.

"We still can't find two parents-in-chief in our village." Liu Qingshan agreed with a smile.

That's what he said, but Secretary Wang and Lao Zhou knew well: Together, they, the county magistrate and secretary, were not as influential as the old branch secretary in Jiapigou.

The old branch secretaries are all registered in the province and even at the top.

Not to mention Liu Qingshan, who was sitting in front of them, chatting and laughing with them.

While chatting, the topic turned to companies in the county, and Lao Zhou joked:

"Brother Qingshan, you have eaten up the dairy factory again this year. All the companies in our county are about to fall into your trap."

Secretary Wang didn't like jokes and said sternly: "It's really thanks to you, Jiapigou, otherwise, the workers in these factories would not be able to pay their wages, and they would not go to the county every three days to report the situation."

When he praised Jiapigou, he was praising Liu Qingshan, because everyone knew that the real helmsman of Jiapigou Cooperative was Liu Qingshan.

In the past two years, with the vigorous development of the economy, the old pattern has been rapidly broken. Factories that have been operating for decades suddenly cannot sustain themselves.

Liu Qingshan knows that this situation will get worse and worse, and it will not be broken or established, but it will leave too much sadness in this painful process.

Fortunately, Bishui County had the support of Liu Qingshan and Jiapigou Cooperative, which allowed many factories to transform smoothly.

After chatting for a while, Liu Qingshan explained his intention.

I heard that Grandpa Mute was going to run a traditional Chinese medicine training school, and of course the county strongly supported it.

You know, Grandpa Mute is now a benchmark figure in Bishui County, the kind who has been written into the county annals.

Of course, it is no longer called the County Chronicle, but the Yearbook, but the essence is still the same.

The most important thing is that it does not require any money from the county and can expand the influence of Bishui County. Why not?

Lao Zhou followed up and made suggestions: "I will grant you a piece of land to build a new school building. The investment will be too high. Brother Qingshan, do you think this will work? The technical school in our county has not enrolled students in the past two years. Everything in the school building is idle. There are cafeterias and dormitories, they are all ready, I wonder if you would like to take them over? "

In the past few years, every county basically had a kind of vocational school called a technical school. As the name suggests, it trains technical workers.

This is not something anyone can apply for. You have to eat commercial food. Otherwise, it will be popular if you don’t eat commercial food.

After graduation, you can be assigned to work in factories and companies.

However, in recent years, factories have not been able to operate, so accordingly, technical schools have also been unable to operate.

Of course Liu Qingshan also knew about the technical school, which was just outside the north gate of the county. He would pass by it every time he came to the county.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems quite suitable. It can be mounted with simple repairs.

However, this was a matter assigned by the master, and the master paid for it, so Liu Qingshan had to bargain with the county.

So he smiled and said: "Brother Zhou, why does it sound like you are dumping the burden on us?"

"Haha, this is called everyone getting what they need." Lao Zhou also laughed. He and Secretary Wang discussed it and basically decided on the tone.

Including the land and all the school's facilities, the total price is five million, and it is sold in a package.

How should I describe this price? Cheap is absolutely cheap. That piece of land alone will be worth tens of millions in the future.

But in 1992, few people could come up with such a huge sum of five million.

Moreover, the county also has a condition: some of the remaining janitors from the original school must continue to be employed.

As for the school’s teachers, they have long been placed in other schools.

This was no problem, otherwise we would have to recruit new people. Liu Qingshan nodded and agreed, but still negotiated the price to four million.

It would also be good for Master to save some money and use it for teaching in traditional Chinese medicine training schools.

After deciding on this matter and having a meal at the county guest house at noon, Liu Qingshan happily went back to report to his master.

The mute grandpa was also in a hurry, so he asked Liu Qingshan to drive him and take him to see it in person the next day.

Lao Zhou also accompanied the leaders of relevant departments, and several cars drove to the gate of the technical school together.

There are several red brick buildings and a four-story teaching building. Because it is outside the city and occupied by horse racing, the campus is surprisingly large. Liu Qingshan estimated that it is at least as big as a dozen football fields.

The iron gate was locked. After shouting several times, I saw an old man walking slowly towards this side: "What are you doing?"

The accompanying secretary shouted loudly: "This is County Magistrate Zhou of the county. He is here to visit with his guests. Open the door quickly!"

When the old man heard this, his face was obviously a little panicked.

And at this moment, I saw several figures coming out of one bungalow and running into the distance.

What's going on?

Everyone was a little confused, but the secretary was smarter: "They must have stolen things in exchange for money. Don't let them run away!"

March, early spring.

To view the latest chapters, download the Aiyueshuo app. The latest chapters are already in the Aiyueshu app. The website no longer updates the latest chapters. A corner in the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou.

The gloomy sky was gray and black, revealing a heavy depression, as if someone had splashed ink on rice paper, and the ink soaked the sky and smudged the clouds.

The clouds overlapped and blended with each other, diffusing crimson lightning, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

It was like the roar of gods, echoing in the world.

Please download the Aiyue Novels app to read the latest chapters for free without ads. The bloody rain, with sadness, fell on the earth.

The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the dim red blood rain.

The city was in ruins, everything was withered, collapsed houses could be seen everywhere, and blue-black corpses and pieces of meat were seen everywhere, like broken autumn leaves, silently withering.

The streets that were bustling in the past are now bleak.

The sandy road that was once crowded with people is no longer noisy at this moment.

Only blood mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper remained, unable to distinguish one from the other, shocking.

Not far away, a broken carriage was stuck in the mud, full of sadness, with only an abandoned rabbit doll hanging on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff had long been soaked into wet red, full of eerie weirdness.

The turbid eyes seemed to have some resentment, looking alone at the mottled stones in front.

There, a figure was lying.

This was a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, with tattered clothes, full of dirt, and a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The boy squinted his eyes and did not move. The biting cold penetrated his shabby coat from all directions, swept through his whole body, and gradually took away his body temperature.

The website is about to close, download the Aiyue app to see the latest content for free. But even if the rain fell on his face, he did not blink, staring coldly at the distance like a hawk.

Following his gaze, a skinny vulture was gnawing on the rotten corpse of a wild dog about 70 feet away from him, and occasionally vigilantly observed the surroundings.

It seemed that in this dangerous ruin, it would instantly take off at the slightest movement.

Download the Aiyue Novel app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. And the boy, like a hunter, patiently waited for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally completely immersed its head in the belly of the wild dog.

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