Seeing the green prawns in the Spring Warm kernels, Dou Wang also chuckled twice. He turned around and placed the green prawns on the stone slab into her kernels as well, and then lifted the water bucket.

"Warm Spring, let's go."

Hearing that there was something delicious to eat, Chun Xiao immediately went along with his mother and washed himself clean, then changed into a set of clean clothes.

Chun Xiao felt wronged as he hugged Wangzhige's neck and pouted. He felt that his sister had not treated him well today, so he had no choice but to coax her.

"Big sister is making delicious food. If I talk to you and get distracted, the food will not taste good anymore."

When Lin Chunnuan heard that his sister ignored him, in order to make the food taste better, he also quieted down, and quietly stretched out her neck to watch her actions. Lin Chunnuan used a rolling pin to turn the dried skin into powder, and put it into a small bowl, then poured some soy sauce into the bowl. There was no MSG, the powder from the shrimp shell was still a substitute, and at this time, the seasoning was still too little.

"Come here, each of you come one at a time. Have a taste, if it tastes good, then we'll go and fish more prawns in the future. At that time, I'll let you guys eat enough."

In one hand, Lin Chunnuan was holding four peeled green prawns, and it was already white and tender now. In the other bowl was Lin Chunnuan's simple seasoning.

"Can this be eaten?"

Seeing the white and tender meat, it looked to be very tasty, but Dou Wang had indeed never eaten this before, nor had Zhang Liu.

"Mom, do you not know what this thing is called?"

Zhang Liu nodded.

"I saw it when I was washing clothes by the river, but everyone called it an ugly little fish. Because it had so many claws, no one dared to eat it."

"Then try and see if it tastes good. See if you like this taste. It can be eaten directly, or with seasonings."

Zhang Liu was still a little hesitant. She had seen this kind of little thing swimming around in the water before.

"I'll eat, I'll eat."

Little Chun Xiao was not afraid, since her elder sister said it was delicious, then it must be delicious.

With that, Dou Wang carried Lin Chunxiao to the chair and sat him down. Chun Xiao held onto the edge of the table, stretched out his hands and grabbed a piece of prawn meat, dipped it in the water, and poured it into another bowl. After that, he dipped the soup into his own mouth and poured the seasoning juice onto the table.

"Oh, delicious."

He put the remaining half of the prawn meat back into the sauce and stuffed it all into his mouth. This time, he did not swallow it as quickly as he could.

Upon hearing his son say it was delicious, Zhang Liu also picked up a piece of meat and broke off a small piece with his hands. At first, there was no smearing on the meat, but after putting it into his mouth, he chewed it carefully.

He broke off another piece and dipped the sauce into his mouth. This time, the taste was different. The fragrance was stronger, as if there was something inside the soy sauce.

"What's in the soy sauce? It smells so good."

Because he had only cracked a little, Zhang Liu only had enough time to savor the taste before the prawn meat disappeared. There was only half a prawn left, and as Zhang Liu was smeared in the sauce, he fed it into his son's mouth.

"Come, Chun Xiao, eat."

Although she could not eat anymore after knowing that her mother had given it to her, Chun Xiao was still unable to endure the deliciousness of the prawn. He ate the prawn that was brought to his mouth in the end, and at the same time, pointed at Second Sister.

"Second Sister, it's delicious."

Seeing that his mother and brother both said that it was delicious, Chun Jiao also hurriedly picked up the prawn meat and took a small bite, just like his mother.

"The taste is different, but it's all delicious."

Even though they were all delicious, it was obvious that the little girl preferred to eat the ones with seasonings on them. She dipped the remaining prawns in the seasonings and then slowly chewed them, savoring the taste. At this moment, there was only one shrimp left in the bowl, lying there alone.

"You want to eat, Wangzhige?"

Seeing that Dou Wang had not moved, Lin Chunnuan reminded him to hurry up and taste the prawn.

"Go ahead, I'm not hungry."

Lin Chunnuan was amused by his words.

"I'm not hungry, this little meat is not meant to be hungry, I'm just letting you guys taste it. If it tastes good, we can go fish more from now on. It has many ways to eat, I can slowly cook for you."

Seeing that Dou Wang preferred to not move, Lin Chunnuan pushed the bowl towards him.

"Wangzhige, I've eaten this before, so I know its taste, there's no need to taste it. Quickly try it and give me a suggestion."

Only then did Dou Wang take the prawn off, but he still split it into two halves, one of which was given to Chun Wen while the other half took a small bite for himself. After tasting the prawn and nodding his head, he also dipped the prawn in the seasoning, before putting it into his mouth.

"En, it's delicious. Spring, warm spring. You can eat."

He dipped in some seasonings and put the prawn meat into his mouth. It really was delicious, and it also tasted purer than in his previous life. Perhaps because these were all wild, the prawns in his previous life were mostly artificially raised, so the taste was naturally much worse.

In the end, she still left a mouth for her little brother and stuffed it into his mouth. Little Chun Xiao was satisfied with what she had said.

"Chun Xiao likes it, we'll go and fish some for him in the future. We'll make more for him, eating prawns is good for his brain."

He wanted to say that it was better to eat shrimp shells to replenish calcium, but when those words were about to reach his mouth, he swallowed them back. In the future, he would get some shrimp shells to break to serve as MSG, and he would then add calcium to the fresh and fragrant shrimp shells to replenish his calcium.

After finishing the prawns, Zhang Liu led the two little ones to sleep. After Dou Wang helped warm Spring Water for a bath, he went back to his own room, and the warm spring water quickly cleaned himself up. Although bathing was very comfortable, but in the kitchen, without any door to hide, Lin Chunnuan didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

"Wangzhige, I'm done bathing. Come over."

Looking at the slightly dirty water basin, Lin Chunnuan felt a little embarrassed. However, her mother was already coaxing her little brother and sister to sleep, so she could only call Dou Wang to pour water for her.

The two of them poured water out of the courtyard together. Lin Chunnuan cleaned the basin quickly and helped Dou Wang to mix the water, then took out another water basin and soaked the entire family's clothes before bringing them into the courtyard. Borrowing the moonlight in the courtyard, Lin Chunnuan sat on a small stool and began to wash his clothes.

"Let me do it. Aren't you going to get up early tomorrow?"

After Zhang Liu coaxed his younger son and daughter to sleep, she came down to wash his clothes and change eldest daughter back.

"It's alright, Mother. I'm almost done with the washing."

Lin Chunnuan poured some soap and water from a small jar on her clothes and started to rub it hard. Seeing his daughter's small hands, Zhang Liu couldn't bear to let her do all this.

However, in the Lin Family, even these things that could be harvested from the mountains did not have the ability to be used by Zhang Liu and the few children. After all, they had to be harvested from the mountains, and the only person who could work in the mountains was Lin Daqing.

The old lady had never been willing to let Zhang Liu and the rest use their clothes. When Zhang Liu washed his own clothes, she could only go to the river side and smash it with a hammer. It was very tiring.

Now that he saw that Dou Wang was doing well as an eleven-year-old child and did not lack water, Zhang Liu was speechless towards the Lin Clan's old lady. It was not like he needed to spend money to buy things, it was just to spend some effort to gather things on the mountain.

"Go and bring the dirty clothes over as well. Mother will wash them as well."

Zhang Liu casually mentioned to her daughter that Lin Chunnuan would immediately stay in that place. She wanted to say, Mother, I'm eight years old now, I can already become a wife.

"Oh, I'll get it."

After he finished speaking, Zhang Liu felt that he had been too reckless. He stood up and shook his hands twice, then opened the door and entered the house.

"Wanggood, sit in the basin and don't come out. Auntie will take your dirty clothes out to wash."

"No need, Auntie. I'll knead two of them myself after I finish my shower."

Dou Wang was so shocked that he hid himself in the water basin. Zhang Liu walked over and picked up the clothes on the side.

"There's no need to be polite with Auntie. Auntie can just do the small jobs like washing clothes in the future. Go and do the big work with Hot Spring."

Knowing that Dou Wang had always helped Zhang Liu in earning money in the spring, Zhang Liu was very grateful to him. Now that she was living with someone else, how could she not do some work to express her feelings?

If her brother-in-law did not have a daughter-in-law around, it would be hard to refuse, even clothes would have to be sent to her before her. Second Aunt of the Lin Family was not a diligent person, even the clothes of Second Uncle Lin and Lin Chunming were all dirty to the point that she would only wash them once, which was not proper at all.

"Then I'll be troubling you, Aunt."

Seeing that his aunt directly carried the clothes out, Dou Wang could only thank her for her back. At the same time, he was secretly glad that someone at home was so inconvenient, so he could bring his change of clothes in.

Thinking that he usually went back to his room naked after showering, Dou Wang wanted to laugh a little. Since there was someone else in his house, today was different. He wiped himself clean, put on his clothes and brought water out to pour. When he passed the courtyard, he saw Chun Wen squatting beside his aunt. The two ladies were talking in a low voice, and Dou Wang suddenly stopped walking. This kind of warm scene was the warmth he had been waiting for a long time.

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