"I just don't like him bragging about it." Slowly unveiling the little towel that was covering her face, Seraphina slightly moves her gaze to the man leaning behind the headrest of the sofa she was sitting. She spoke,

"You, What was that dramatic entrance for?" Her sudden instigation made Riggs froze in that very instant.

'Dammit! She remembers!' he panics inwardly.

"Hehe, boss~ you see, the itsy-bitsy thing that you gave to me was blinking nonstop. I was just doing my job." Riggs explicate sounding like an angel that descended from the heavenly realm.

Primarily, he thought that she didn't mind his action. Or she had forgotten about it since she was literally laughing after the mass shooting. Alas, why would she ask about it now?

Seraphina let a heavy sigh when she heard Riggs half-hearted explanation. However, before her words could leave her mouth, Tito's puzzled voice was heard. By the looks of it, he seemed to not understood her brief explanation about Tuna's case, he asked.

"Boss, why? They are you men." referring to how can she command his men because she was the head boss in the first place.

Alas, Seraphina is not the same tyrant anymore because she knew the capabilities of her enemies. Also, she couldn't risk her grandfather's life just yet.  

"Right, boss. Why?" Riggs also chimed in to completely divert her attention away from him.

"You think so? In my opinion, they are Luciano's men."

"huh?" Tito and Riggs both shot her a bewildered look by her complex rationale.

'She is Luciano, isn't she?' They thought in unison inwardly.

While Riggs and Tito were pondering trying to find out the meaning behind her words, Wren, on the other hand, had a ridiculing expression on his face as if staring at an idiot.

"Oh ho, I can't believe you considered yourself as part of our boss body yet this simple words, you can't understand. Boss, don't worry, I, Wren Tanaka clearly understood you." from a disappointed tone to smug affirmation, Wren proudly spouted his statement. Riggs when he heard his smug statement, he spoke using Wren's native language,


"Uh, Riggs, Don't compete with me because I can speak more languages than you." Wren states in a matter of factly tone using Nihongo.

"You can try." Riggs rebutted nonchalantly with full of confidence.

"Stop, princesses. Care to explain, boss' words?" Tito who was still delved in Seraphina's words inquired. He was unbothered by their nonsense bantering because he was more interested in Seraphina's plan. Since she seemed tight-lipped about her plans compare before -- he knew Wren is the best person to interpret her words so that he could understand her better.

"Uh, right. What our goddess boss said means she doesn't trust her own family. After all, we've been inactive for a long time and have you forgotten? She despises the previous Luciano? Also, we're not here in the first place if she trusts that family except you, Tito. because you're a simpleton just like that one over there --" Wren was explaining his assumptions yet, his last sentence was interrupted by Riggs and Tito who was displeased when he stated facts about them.

"Hey!" -Tito

"Do want to die?" - Riggs

Beneath the small towel that covering Seraphina's face, a subtle smile formed on the corner of her lips about where this conversation is going. Although she could not see them, however, she could clearly envision their funny expression when Wren didn't let his chance to diss them slip. She somewhat felt relieved being surrounded by these hoodlums that would want to understand her instead of doubting her.

"What? Don't you want me to finish?" Wren who's feigning innocence about his ridiculing note, rebutted in return which silences the both of them.

Of course, in their squad, every one of them was always curious about their boss' plans and way of thinking. Thus, they will willingly put everything on the truce if it'll benefit them of the information about their enemies. What more if something like a piece of Seraphina's thoughts will be offered to them -- they will concede in an instant.

Wren cleared his throat as he straightens his back, he spoke. "Good." after a paused, he continued,

"Anyway, if our boss ever wanted to kill those lowly-rats, she had every reason to do so. Those old men pioneers or whatever they call themselves couldn't say anything. And, it won't affect his reputation as the Don." Wren stated proudly as if he cracks the greatest mystery of all time. Although it was a small thing, he was still proud for some reason.

"Boss, did I get it right?" Wren then turned his attention towards the laid back figure of Seraphina seeking for a compliment. By the next second, he saw Seraphina raised her hand in a thumbs-up without unveiling the towel covering her face.

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