X was startled by the sudden intrusion of the long-haired man with his gold-rimmed glasses. Thus, he accidentally pressed the speaker button.

"Take Jack with them." With that last note, Seraphina hangs up the call.

The light coming from the numerous computer monitors shrouded X's obscure room. Therefore, he saw Jack's expression darken when he heard the last words from the other line.

"Huh! Serves you right!" X mocks Jack. He stood with both of his hand in his waist, X petite and small body akin to a teenage boy with delicate features that haven't yet fully grown convey the impression of a spoiled brat.

He was used to being alone and only the tapping sounds of the keyboards were the only noise could be heard in his place. Thus, when he heard the creaking sound of the door followed by the turning on and off of the lights, he was frightened out of his wits.

"Did you perhaps collided with the enemy?" Jack coolly inquired. If he hadn't heard wrong, it was an unfamiliar voice that he's sure it wasn't their confidant black cat.

"What nonsense!" X defended instantly. He continued, "that's boss, eh! He's using a voice changer because he takes after me!" X proudly stated. Jacks straight thick brows knitted,

"What makes you believe that it was him and not someone imposing as him?"

"Because I'm a genius and a reliable MAN! Only Big Daddy can use the phone I gave him. I modified it for him alone." X's boasts, again. He specifically called himself a man to justified his age.

"I see. What does he mean to take me with whom?" Jack nonchalantly acknowledges X's explanation unvexed with his boastful prattles.

"Right, I have a mission for you." X's seriously blurted out imitating Luciano's stance, alas, Jack smack him in the head.

"You're BD now, huh?" an imaginary angry sign pomp on Jack's forehead immediately.

"Jack, you bastard! It's just a spur at the moment." X's cheerful voice turned dejected. He continued while he was rubbing his poor inflicted head.

"Well, Boss wants you to help his men to rescue a dying organization."

"Why would I do that?" Jack found himself a seat and leisurely perched there.

"Yes, why would you do that? Because he'll kill you." X explained in a grave expression. After all, his boss seems he was serious on backing up that organization. And if they failed, even if X wanted to reunite with Luciano again, he'll surely need to anticipate a beating.

'Boss, I take it back. I'm not reliable.' he grieves inwardly sensing that he'll have a hard time dealing with his confidant.


After she hangs up, Seraphina spun her seat out of boredom.

"Living a double life is truly a pain." she murmurs. Just as she's spinning on her seat, a light knock was heard.

"Come in."

"Chairwoman, you were asking for me?" Henry Man inquired after he bowed respectfully. Seraphina halts her spinning chair, then turned her gaze on Henry Man's direction. Feeling a little dizzy, she blinked a few times before speaking.

"Uh, wait, I see two Henry." Henry Man patiently waits for her to recover.

"Dress up accordingly tonight, Mr. President." She stated in a trivial tone as she massages her brows. Henry Man was stunned by her address.

"Chairwoman, what…" The ever composed Henry Man was disoriented by the news, thus, he stammers.

"You heard me right. I'll appoint you as the new president of the new Yue empire." Seraphina indifferently informed him as if it was nothing. Henry Man was trying to absorb her words and he couldn't believe that she was saying this stuff to him.

"Chairwoman… how could I--" Henry Man was in complete disbelief. He could not understand what she was planning. After all, George Yue is the second biggest shareholder of the company and him being the newly appointed president will cause a turmoil in the internal affairs.

"Henry, Henry… do you really think I want this company and stay here for the rest of my life? Nah, I simply don't want to waste my Gramps hard work and let that George sc_u_m bear its fruit… well, you can also say I kinda need it. Don't worry, I'm still the chairwoman and hold the biggest share… all you have to do is be loyal to me and to Gramps-- no question, just do your work. You'll benefit greatly but, if you ever, even the slightest idea of turning your back on me, I can't guarantee your safety." Seraphina gazes directly on Henry Man's eyes. She unleashes and showed a bit of her fangs to intimidate him. Her expression was enough to discern that she was threatening him and certain that she was resolute about it.


"Understood, Chairwoman. Thank you for the opportunity." Henry man recollected his senses then bowed deeply to her. This conversation only proves him one thing:

Seraphina is a dangerous person. It doesn't matter if her claims of having an amnesia are true or not but it's clear that he chose the right decision to side with her.

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