Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 146 - necessary countermeasure

"He is indeed Max's men." Still staring at the lifeless body of the man, Alexander Han started in certainty.

"Young Master… do you have to do this yourself?" Though Thomas Yang was hesitant, he still mustered his courage to spat his concern. He doesn't want his master to turn just like his brother alas, it seems he's becoming more and more ruthless. Whether it will be an advantage or the other way, he was worried.

"Tom, this is my atonement for being powerless. I can only move forward." Alexander Han responded emotionlessly.

"I beg my pardon, young master." Thomas Yang hangs his head low as he apologizes for questioning Alexander Han.

He already anticipates that one of these days, Alexander Han's hand will be inevitably tainted with blood. Hence, his master could only toughen his heart -- yet, how dare he spouted his nonsensical concern?

Alexander Han wordlessly left the underground chambers. Thomas Yang soon followed suit after glancing at the lifeless body for the last time.

Indeed, his master could only take a step forward each time. There is no turning back. This is his fate of being a Han albeit he realized it late.

Just when they exited the mansion's underground place, one of Thomas Yang's subordinate reported.

"Sir, Miss Yue was spotted returning to the sparkling hotel -- alone." Fortunately, Alexander Han had his few men secure the venue until the end of the banquet, hence, the moment they saw a suspicious speeding car approaching the place, everyone was on high alert.

However, the person who exited the car was revealed to be Seraphina, thus, they immediately updated the situation since it rose their suspicion.

"What?" Thomas Yang gasped in disbelief. Earlier, it is said that Seraphina left the premises with young master Jin. Alas, her, returning alone means something went wrong. Alexander Han's brows knitted.

"Analyze the situation and prepare necessary countermeasure. Make sure not to raise any suspicion. I'm going." Alexander Han gave his orders as he rushed outside. He gestured the man who reported to him to follow him together with Thomas Yang.

As they headed to Alexander Han's car, the little assistant filled them up with a complex explanation. Though there wasn't any information on a specific reason why would she be back in an abrupt manner?

For some reason, Alexander Han's heart race -- troubled. He hopes that maybe he was just being paranoid or thinking too much. Yet, his instinct says otherwise. Recalling her condition back in the Isla De Paz, Alexander knew the extent of her risky nature and might end up endangering her own life.

Before, he didn't feel anything aside from remorse and self-blame. But now that she became an important person to him, all hell will break loose if something like that would happen to her.

"Did you contact Mr. X?"  By this time, they reached the luxury vehicle of Alexander Han, his authoritative tone demanded as he turns his head behind him.

Thomas Yang: "Mr. X said he would be busy tonight so we can't contact him."

"Send our best men to the location." Without delay, Alexander Han hopped inside the driver's seat the sped off leaving Thomas Yang and the other assistant in a daze.


Seraphina gazes the only door in that floor. Seeing that there is a gap, leaving the door half closed -- as if the person anticipates her, she smirks. She was not a bit hesitant if this were all a trap. Instead, she willingly steps forward.

As soon as she entered the presidential suite, she was welcomed with rose petals scattered on the floor. As expected of the luxury suite, it was grand and marvelous. However, Seraphina didn't give much thought about the room's aesthetic as she searched for a certain someone.

Alas, he wasn't there. Glancing at the open glass door on the right side of the other corner, she leisurely made her way to where it was leading.

The moment she steps foot inside the room -- the awe-inspiring view of the city light immediately caught her eyes as the room was surrounded with floor to length transparent glass. Scanning at the surrounding, a familiar majestic looking man was sitting elegantly as he was swirling the red-liquid inside the wine glass.

A second had passed, Dragon slowly sips the wine. At the same time, his bewitching gaze slightly raises to meet hers.

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