"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" Seraphina brazenly approaches a group of men in their lousy gangster digs. Hearing a familiar voice, the group of rogues turns their head to its source. Seeing a familiar face from a few days ago, they smirk.

"Isn't this the dumb Dora few days ago?" An ugly man spoke in amus_e_m_e_nt.

"Haha! Babe, why don't you join us?" another man chimed in. Their eyes were filled with mockery and l_u_s_t.

"Boss, this girl is the one I'm talking about." another picaroon informed the bald man in the middle who seemed to be their boss.

The bald man nodded in acknowledgment then he examines Seraphina's appearance, he smirks. "Pretty girl, you're not bad. Come here."

"Join you? I'm sorry, baldie. Your ugly faces might affect my flawless delicate face -- Now, where's my money?" Seraphina dissed which made the bald leader's face distort.


"Huh, little girl, I don't know what money you are talking about but… why don't you take a seat to discuss your concern?" Though the leader was annoyed, he still held back. After all, this girl in front of him looks like a refreshing delicacy.

"Tsk tsk. Baldie, I told you, your hideous face is contagious. You should be glad that a pretty girl like me still approach you despite that fact." Seraphina frowned as she states her reminder trivially.

"Such a sharp tongue, girl. You might be ignorant but you should know who and who should not offend. Men, help her take a seat." Her last remarks snapped the bald's man last straw of leniency, hence, he gestured his man to force her instead. His underlings smirk and jolted from their seat ready to execute their boss' orders.

Alas, as their grotesque figures draw closer to her, Seraphina spoke in disdain, "Peasants, let's not make it hard for us."

"You!" they were enraged by her constant insults about their appearance thus, without self-restraint, they storm on her in unison.

Everyone who's witnessing the scene unfolds before them pitied the stubborn girl. These rogues are known for their illegal activities and their fearlessness about the law. Many night clubs banned these cl_u_s_ter of gangster-like men, however, for some reason, there are still few night clubs that welcome them with open arms.

Though it's risky to go in the same night club with them because every time they are present, a brawl would take place -- disturbing the lively place. It was also the reason why some of the guests left earlier when they saw them appear. While some crooked minded people anticipate a great show coming.

However, just as everyone thought that the girl would end up being these hoodlums prey, the few felons who attacks her abruptly collapsed to the ground. The crowd's jaw almost dropped to the floor as they didn't know what actually happened.

Moments ago, these men were about to strike her, alas, the girl's counter was too fast to trace with their eyes. They could only grasp the scene where the men slumped to the concrete floor.

"What-- what happened?!"

"Hey, did you saw what happened?"

"Too fast--"

"Awe --awesome."

The crowd murmur in a daze. They question their colleagues or the person beside them if they saw what occurred. However, none knew what really happened. The bald man seeing his men being beaten up by the delicate looking girl dilated his eyes in disbelief.

Seraphina stepped on one of the defeated hoodlum's backs while dusting off her hand. She looks at the bald man who's shocked silly by the turn of events. "Phew, Baldie, I am now a family guy so I needed the money your men stole from me -- I needed to support my wife, you see," Seraphina spoke in a matter-of-factly tone.

Indeed, these men took advantage of her couple of days ago and successfully stole her purse. She didn't mind it at first but the multiple wedding she paid and all the spending she did almost drained her pocket money. Thus, when she saw these group of scoundrel entering the premises, she felt that God blessed her dearly.


Dragon was pondering on where the wild girl went as she surely took her some time to come back. Not far away, he notices that the crowd was hovering as if they were watching a great show. However, he already had too many actions in his life thus, it didn't pique his interest.

Staring at the lollipop in his hand, a subtle smile involuntarily form on the corners of his lips.

"Hey, that pitiful girl, why is she digging her own grave?"

"I know right? They must have done something to her."

"*sigh* I don't know if she is brave or just ignorant."

"We better get out of here and find other clubs to party."

Dragon unintentionally overheard the group of ladies gossiping. Somehow, he had a hunch that the person they are talking about was the person who drags him around. Though she has beaten his men earlier, part of him felt troubled for some unknown reason.

Hence, he abruptly stood up to check if it was her or not. Soon after, his hunch came out as right.

"Baldie, I am now a family guy so I needed the money your men stole from me -- I needed to support my wife, you see."

The very first thing dragon heard were Seraphina's statement. He then glances at the men on the ground -- some unconscious while other's are gritting their teeth probably from pain. In the end, the men ended up similarly like the men who're guarding him earlier.

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