Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 154 - isn't nice?

"Turn right"

"No, no! left!"

"Straight, straight, then… wait, I think this is not the way! Turn around, baby!" Seraphina was frustrated as she instructs the route. Dragon could feel his patience was also running thin.

It's been hours that they've been driving aimlessly around the city. Since Seraphina was drunk, she gets all the road mix up making them going back and forth from their starting point. The cycle continues for god know how many times.

"Just tell me where are you planning to go." Despite his irritation, Dragon deeply inhaled and exhaled subduing his building annoyance.

"Baby, there! Turn right! This is the right way! I'm sure this time!" Ignoring his statement, Seraphina affirmed.

Dragon sigh helplessly. She already said this sentence numerous time with the same affirmation tone, yet for some reason, thinking about being entangled with this woman -- it's not actually bad. His building irritation dissipated when he quickly glance to her. Following her instruction, Dragon wordlessly turns the steering wheel with uncertainty to their destination.

After some time, they were out of the city. And after more minutes, Seraphina seemed to remember the right routes to the place she wanted to go. Reaching a desolate underhill, Seraphina giddily spoke.

"Baby, we're here! Come! Come!" she hastily fiddles to unbuckle her seatbelt and hopped out of her convertible car without even using its doors. Then, she excitedly grabs the canned beers they purchase earlier.

"Baby, bring the other drinks and snacks with you, alright?" Seraphina reminded him merrily.

Though Dragon was wordlessly following her lead, his hostility rose. Right now, there are numerous conclusion circling in his head on why would she drag him in this kind of place: one of them is taking his life here. However, he still wanted to see the end of this roller-coaster night.

Reaching the peak of the hill-like place, Dragon scans the area and nothing seems amiss which cross the possibility of an ambush. He then turns his attention to the girl who sat nonchalantly on the inch length grass while opening a can of beer.

Sensing that the beautiful man was still standing on the distance, Seraphina turns her head to him, She pats the space on her side as if inviting him to take a seat "here!"

Though their surrounding was shrouded with dim darkness, under the shimmering light of the moon, he still could see her radiating smile.

Regardless of all the possibility of her ill intention, Dragon still sat on the ground -- not too close nor too far making a distance between them. Seraphina then shamelessly shoves him the beer that she took a sip then opened another one for herself.

"Baby, isn't nice?" Seraphina states as her gaze peered at the distant city. Dragon followed her gaze and saw the scenery of the beautiful city lights from his position. Its light has different colors that definitely look fascinating. The seemingly miniature cars stuck in a traffic jam seem peaceful from afar.

Dragon didn't notice it earlier as he was too focused on her intention and concludes a lot of things in a short amount of time. Alas, Seraphina's real intention was to enjoy the scenery of the seemingly quite city from afar. Indeed, from their position, only the howling wind could be heard and when he peered at the city lights, he could not help but appreciate the view.

Though it is indeed his turf and knows every little dirty secret in this city or rather, in the whole country -- However, tonight, the city appeared conflict-free which cause a subtle smile on the corners of his lips.

For the record, Seraphina kept her silence in the longest time. She didn't want to disturb the tranquility surrounding her. A few days ago, out of boredom, she decided to be a ghostbuster and went to an adventure of finding restless spirits. Unknowingly, she was led to this place. Although she didn't found any ghost but this beautiful scenery instead, she thought her efforts are worth it.

"Hmm. It's nice." Dragon was the first one to break the silence -- answering her question earlier. "May I know your name?"


A light crash was heard caused by Seraphina's body collapsing to the grassy ground. Glancing at the empty bottle of can beers, Dragon let out a light sigh. The person who drags him around since earlier seemed to pass out.

"How did you manage to consume them in a short time on your honeymoon?" Dragon mumbles. He didn't even notice that in the midst of their relishing the scenery, she was also consuming almost all the beers they brought.

While him on the contrary, he hadn't touched the beer she shoved to him. Gazing at the can of beer on his hand, he smiled. Then, without a word, he gulped a mouthful of the bitter liquor.

If it's from another person, there is no way he would cater the leftover of others -- or to be precise, no one would dare. Yet, being reminded that she had a sip before handing it to him, he unhesitantly drank it.

"This is an odd way of sealing a marriage." Since they never sealed their marriage with a kiss earlier, the thought of the indirect kiss is somewhat heartwarming.

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