After some time of thinking of what to do with her life, Seraphina felt dreading boredom. She has been trying to 'be good' for about ten minutes now but for her, it felt like ten whole years.

"ay~! This won't do!" she exclaimed as she bounced off on the bed.

She grabbed her phone that the female servant hand to her together with her keys and purse. When her smartphone opened, tons of text messages popped up one after another.

Most of the text messages came from the contact name: Unknown Creature. She could imagine his ever annoying quirky tone with his messages.

"boss! Can you lend me money?"

"ey~ I'll pay you back with a 10% interest!"

"Aiya! Boss, don't ignore me!"

And a pile of complaints and accusations went so forth. She could sense that the sender was utterly bored and must have been lost his money in gambling.

"tsk. This gambling addict! Does he thinks I'm his ATM?!" Seraphina clicks her tongue in annoyance. Suddenly, a brilliant idea pops on her mind.

Scrolling through her gallery, fortunately, she took some photos of hot gorgeous ladies she hooked up with a few days ago. She sends some photos to his annoying messages.

After the photos were sent, it only took a minute for 'unknown creature' to reply.

"WTF! What on earth is the drug you used to hook up with them?!"

Seraphina giggled then replied, "drug? My oozing cuteness alone is much effective than any drug!"

Unknown Creature: "..."

Seraphina cracks up when she got no more response from Unknown Creature. In her mind, she could envision the person throwing his phone somewhere and venting his anger to his housemates.

"hehe. Riggs must be too envious." she murmurs mischievously.

Seraphina let down her phone and stared at the cream-colored ceiling for a while. After she had her fun teasing Riggs on the phone, there isn't anything to do. Slowly, the set aside boredom seeps through her, again.

Left with nothing to do, Seraphina decided to break her oath and get wild once again. After all, she did try to behave for about twenty minutes but she reached her limits.

"well, at least I experience romance for once." she mumbles before grabbing her things and left the spacious room.

Peeking outside the penthouse, she sighted no one which gave her relief. It seems that the gentleman doesn't mind if she leaves or not. Well, they are stranger anyway and there is no way he'd keep someone like her.

"what a nice fellow." Seraphina murmurs realizing that perhaps, the majestic man felt bad if he kicked her out. So, he was probably just waiting for her to leave in her own volition.

"well, no harm has taken." Without giving much thought about it, Seraphina leisurely left the premises to have some fun.


Master, the wo-- I mean your wife left the suite." Max reported. He was about to call her 'woman'  alas, he remembered that his master calls her wife. Thus, he corrected himself. After all, Dragon is the boss and his words are the rules -- no matter how absurd it was.

Dragon: "..."

"Master, shall I send our men to follow her?" Max courtly inquired hearing no response from his boss.

"No need. Let her go."

"Yes!" with that note, Max left the spacious office of Dragon. Since he already discussed his other concerns, there is no need to linger on the office any longer.

When Max left, Dragon glance at the brown envelope on top of his desk. It contains information about the girl. Since Max is his right-hand man, he already searches the unknown girl's identity even without an order from him. Furthermore, her capabilities were incredibly suspicious. Hence, his action was understandable.

"So her name is Seraphina…" he murmurs.

On her profile, aside from her misconduct and constant hopping courses, there isn't much suspicious about her. She always skips classes and rarely attend school or to be precise, she only shows up when exam days. Alas, even with that, her scores always reached the passing grade.

Though her scores are just enough to make it pass the exam, he must admit that she was commendable because it seems that she deliberately stops answering her test sheet when she made the cut.

Well, what did he expect? Based on her personality, these pieces of information are correct. Moreover, his resources will never fail to get what he wants -- especially, something like digging someone's information.

And about her fighting skills, it's stated that she was a young heiress of a respected company in country x. Hence, since wealthy kids are being trained since young to protect themselves -- that must be the answer. It's just that she is a genius and reaps all the benefits for the years of training.

"She's a free-spirit, I can't take that away from her. It's best that she remains a memory to me…" Dragon stated to the other person inside the room.

The man standing wordlessly on the shadow as if he had no presence of aura didn't bother to answer and just obediently listen.

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