Slowly, his usual composed mind became cloudy as his body leaned closed to her.

However, just as his lips were an inch away from her, his brows knitted when he senses that Seraphina wasn't retaliating or moving.

Glancing at her, she seems rather excited about what was about to happen.

"*sigh* whatever." Dragon gritted his teeth in annoyance, then he tossed himself away from her.

He doesn't know why but he was triggered just the thought of her careless nature and bold attitude. After all, she held multiple weddings before him. Who knew if she lives with any man before.

Alas while he's testing her, her breath with a faint smell of alcohol mix with sweet minty fragrant caught him off guard. It sparks and tempts his nature as a man. Though he's never been aggressive to any woman, his mood around her was unstable.

"Why did you stop in the good part, eh?" Seraphina frown disheartened by his self-restraint.

"Stop throwing yourself at me."

"Huh? Baby, did you forget who threw himself who first?"

Dragon: "..." Yet, no matter how speechless he was on the inside -- on the surface, his feign nonchalance was kept on cue.

Seeing him not admitting his wrongs, Seraphina sees him in a new light. Though he looks upright and dignified, he was rather shameless which she likes.

"Well… since we're stranger, why don't we get to know each other?" She suggested brightly. Dragon's brows arc waiting for her more suggestions.

After an hour, both of them sat in the living room with tons of beers and snacks laid above the table. Dragon just got from the shower and change his expensive suit to casual comfortable shirt and pajama.

He sighs helplessly seeing the stuff on the table. Just an hour ago, she suggested they should bond through drinks since they are both awkward individuals.

However, he sensed that it wasn't a good idea but since she insisted, she let him order his standby men to run an errand for her.

'She just got sober yet she wanted to get wasted again.' He thought.

Seraphina excitedly opens a can of beer then she took a sip first before sliding it to him then she opened another beer for herself. Dragon's brows knitted seeing her drinking the beer before giving it to him.

"Why do you always do that?"

"Hehe. Because I'm greedy." She shamelessly admitted without batting an eye. She cleared her throat before she continues,

"So, let's start with the introduction. My name is Sera."


"yes, call me Sera. For the rest of my name, I'll give you one alphabet every month." With a smug grin, she stated in a trivial tone.

"You are?"

Dragon paused for a moment before answering her inquiry, "Ryu-- Ryuzaki."

"Japanese?! You don't seem like it."

Dragon: "..."

"Well, parents are weird. They name their children just because they like the name or whatsoever without giving much thought about it. *sigh* I remember someone having named spaghetti because her mom likes eating pasta when she was pregnant." Seraphina prattle without probing further about his name. She added,

"Good grief. At least he's not named Meatball. That's the worst." she giggled as if pitying the person she was talking about.

The night went on with most of her blabbering about stuff. The supposed get to know each other turned to 'get to know Sera'.

On another hand, Dragon listens to her odd and nonsensical stories. Though he hates listening to stupid things, he found himself reeled in with her tales and adventure -- uncertain if they are true or not. Even so, he doesn't mind.

So far, aside from their name, she didn't ask any more information about him as she went on with her continues blabbering.

The atmosphere turned harmonious and gleeful with every drink they consumed. Even if they only had each other's company, they felt contented.

Who would have thought that their abrupt, unconventional first encounter will bring a huge impact in their future days?

Currently, Seraphina was talking about her misconduct as if she was rather proud of it. Alas, Dragon felt his surrounding went to a mute as his gaze was fixed on the girl's moving lips. He could not hear anything that she was saying but instinctively he understood her.

'Sera… what have you done?' He subconsciously thought as ripples of unknown emotions circled inside him -- making their presence known.

A few days ago, he already decided to consider her as a part of his memory. Alas, this time, he wants her by his side -- despite the dark world he was moving because he is selfish like that.


Unbeknownst to both of them, Dragon's men felt trouble since the girl was with their master. Her drunken condition from a few days ago was still embedded into their minds and prayed for their master's safety.

Alas, Dragon ordered them to not bother them so they could only hope it will be a peaceful night.

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