Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 170 - waste a lot of unborn specimens

"Boss!" The moment Seraphina entered the mansion where her A team was staying, a lady who's oozing with s_e_x appeal with her red tight dress greeted Seraphina.

Her short black her bounce as she instantly skips her steps away from Wren and Ace who's playing cards with her -- throwing herself to Seraphina in Luciano disguise.

Just when her lips could come close to Seraphina, it was covered by the slender hands of Rex which made her frown.

"Rex!" she shouted in detest.

"Venus, that's very inappropriate."  Out of nowhere, Leon's figure was already beside Seraphina. After he said his piece, he swiftly tries to steal a kiss on Seraphina's cheeks. Alas, Seraphina raised her hand. Thus, Leon's lips landed on the back of her hand.

"That's also inappropriate." Seraphina emotionlessly stated. However, even if she was cold, she looks rather cute with her bouncing fats on her face.

Venus and Leon frown as if the whole world wronged them. They were so excited to see Seraphina since it's been a while since they saw her. But she was still cold as ever.

"Boss, don't you miss me?" Venus dejectedly inquired. Though with her cute pretend, her m_a_t_u_r_e appearance was akin to a seductress which made Seraphina's brows twitch.

Riggs' voice was heard coming from outside. Hence, he ridiculed her the very first thing he saw her. Next to him was the huge figure of Tito which greeted her in high-spirit.

Riggs: "Yo, boss! I'm guessing you waste a lot of unborn specimens, eh?"

Tito: "Boss! Good to see you back!"

Scanning the faces of her confidants, Seraphina's brows arc. She spoke, "I see you lot had so much free time seeing you all here."

"Not everyone, boss" A mechanical voice was heard around the living room's mansion. Though the person was not present, Seraphina doesn't need to guess who was speaking -- it was none other than X.

Seraphina slightly massages her temple as she knew that X was present. Since all CCTV planted around the house were following her the moment she steps her foot on the mansion, so, she said everyone was there.

"I am utterly insulted that I was forgotten too." Jack who had a lit cigarette clipped in between his lips chimed in. Seraphina raised her head to see his figure leaning at the second-floor railings.

Seraphina was speechless by the unusual welcome she receives. Normally, they won't welcome her like this or to be precise, they won't even bother to stop whatever they are doing.

"What's up with you guys? Are we in trouble?" Seraphina suspicion was piqued about this grand charade. However, everyone just shrugs their shoulder nonchalantly.

"They were just concerned about you." Ace who kept his silence sitting on one of the set sofas responded. Next to him was Wren who's waving his hand as if saying 'hi'.

"Oh," Seraphina nodded in understanding.

'It was probably because of that incident.' Seraphina thought inwardly.

Just as everyone kept their silence, Tito broke the foreboding atmosphere as everyone was reminded about what happened two months ago.

Tito:  "Dinner! I prepared a grand feast!"

Leon: "Great!"

Riggs: "Man, I'm starving... "

One after another, everyone headed to the dining area following Tito's gigantic physique. Seraphina just stares at their back with a complex look. Just as everyone left, Rex spoke.

"Boss, about the blueprints -- it's a good thing we got it."

"Fill me the details after dinner." Seraphina responded solemnly. Although she had an idea what kind of thing it was, she was still uncertain what's its use. Alas, now that Rex stated his comments, she took the matter in great importance. After all, Rex will only speak if it was an important discussion.


[on the dining table]

Seraphina perched on the head seat. Indeed, Tito prepared a huge feast. Seeing the mouth-watering dishes on the table, Seraphina licked her lips in excitement. Even though she ate a lot of high-class dishes, alas, Tito's dishes were incomparable.

If only he can be a chef, he'll surely make it big. However, his talents in these aspects had been isolated in the underworld. Well, he has been associated with the previous Luciano's organization for almost his whole life. Thus, his cookings were isolated only for them to taste.

"Ey, boss, you're drooling. Try dieting sometimes." Riggs gave Seraphina a quick side glance before he spats his dismay.

"You should learn basic table manner first before spatting your insults, duh?" Venus sassed back targeting Riggs. She then turned her attention to Seraphina before offering her a dish.

"My dearest boss, I cooked this one. Try it."

"Since when did you cook anything?" Leon with his innocent lazy voice instigated.

"Shhh!" Venus hushed his insensitivity as she glared at Leon as if warning him to shut his mouth.

"Dig in!" After placing the last dish, Tito excitedly spoke which everyone immediately executed and shamelessly eats.

Seraphina glances at each of their faces. Alas, before a smile form on the side of her lips, seeing the two last empty seats, a sudden melancholy prick her heart. Nonetheless, she shrugs the ominous emotion as if to save it for someone else to vent.


[Country S]

A private helicopter landed on a buildings helipad. Few men in a suit welcomed Dragon as he exited the private chopper.

"Greetings to Master." The men in suit welcome in unison.

"What happened?"Dragon immediately spokes without halting in his tracks.

"Master, it seems like the blueprints for the next transaction was stolen along with the last one." Max instantly went through the important details following his master's tracks.

Hearing the report, Dragon's expressions darken as his aura emitted a seemingly deadly poison that can choke one near his vicinity. The crowd that was following him could feel a cold run down their spine as they felt his ominous mood.

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