Two choppers descend on Seraphina's main headquarters. The one that was piloted by Wren and the other one with Rex. As soon as Seraphina and the rest left the helicopter, Riggs banter was the first they heard aside from the roaring rotor sound coming from the choppers.

"Damnit! I haven't had enough throwing rocks at those scoundrels!" Massaging his nape, he stretches it as if to ease the pain.

"How childish." Venus sassed.

Seraphina kept silent in the midst of their conversation. When she had a glimpse of Leon's figure on the side of her eyes, she immediately pulled out a pistol the without further ado, she opened fire-- grazing his cheeks.

Her action immediately shuts everyone as their eyes widen in disbelief. It's been so long since they saw their boss being mad. Surely, Seraphina's temperament was unpredictable. But, when she got angry, there's no turning back. Fortunately, Leon is a comrade. Thus, he will probably receive punishment for his disobedience.

Leon used his thumb to wipe the slight wound on his cheeks before l_i_c_k_i_n_g the blood that taints his thumb.

"Erm, I better go grab some snacks~." Riggs murmurs as he tries to sneak out. Alas, Tito's huge body block his way.

"No one leaves." Tito profoundly stated. His usual gentleness was gone and only his solemn stature was left. It was as if he was on cue seeing Seraphina's mood. Indeed, Leon did anger her at some point. Despite that they can joke around Seraphina, that doesn't mean they can disobey her in any way -- especially on a mission.

After Seraphina grazed Leon, she immediately opens fire aiming at his other cheeks -- grazing it again. Alas, Leon didn't move a muscle as he stared back at Seraphina's jet black eyes. After the second bullet deliberately missed Leon, she fired again on his legs -- just wounding it, enough to make it bleed.

Seeing her precise marksmanship, Ace's eyes shimmer in awe. Hitting Leon was a piece of cake, but grazing her target just enough to make it bleed was harder than expected. On the other side, Riggs shakes his head -- feeling upset.

'Damn, I'll surely bring popcorn next time.' Riggs swore inwardly. Though their comrade was now under Seraphina's gunpoint, there's not a bit of pity or remorse seen on their expression. Instead, they sternly watch how things unfold.

The very reason why Tito wants them to witness this scenario to pose a warning to everyone -- they shan't disobey their boss, Luciano. Although it wasn't needed to witness how Seraphina punish Leon because before joining her and swore their oaths, they experience her wrath a couple of time. Alas, this only proves that Luciano might be a cool guy, but if they disobey or betray her, they should expect the worst.

After grazing both Leon's legs and cheeks, Seraphina finally shot him on both shoulders missing his vital parts. Without a word, another two bullets penetrated Leon's both legs. Finally, Leon grimaced in pain yet, he neither complain nor utter a word as he kneels miserably.

Blood soon taints the ground from Leon's wounds. Seraphina's cold eyes without any emotion stare at him for a moment, she spoke. "Leon, you, your life is solely mine. Whether I take it or not, that's up to me to decide."

After Seraphina said her piece, she starts taking strides inside the mansion. Riggs glance at Leon's figure before nonchalantly follows Seraphina from behind. One after another, none of them took pity on Leon and just went inside without a word.

Rex was the sole one who approached Leon. Only the tinkling sound of blood could hear after everyone left. Alas, despite his injuries, Leon giggles in amus_e_m_e_nt. If one witness his odd reaction, they might think that he is a deranged man.

"My dearest is as possessive as ever."

"Leon, don't twist Luciano's words," Rex commented as he supports Leon to get up. Alas, Leon treated Rex advise as an air. Seraphina's words ring to him over and over again which gave him glee inside his heart.


Given that Leon's action was for her own good, alas, it was rather risky. If Dragon wasn't a man of honor than she expects him to be, it will be inevitable to wage a war with him if Leon unexpectedly dies.

She doesn't want to fight him just yet -- since there is no apparent reason for her to be on Dragon's bad side. This also serves a great reminder to her team that they mustn't be too reckless on their assigned mission. Because Seraphina, as their leader, would go all out if they died in the hands of an enemy. Whether it was their fault or not -- she'll surely go on a killing spree.

"Boss, about the last piece…" X spoke snapping back Seraphina on her trance.

"It's alright. At the least, it didn't land on the third party." Seraphina reassured.

Since the weapon won't be successfully built without the other blueprints, it wouldn't pose a threat for now. Moreover, it was separated by three organizations; to her, to Dragon, and to the other unknown organization. Thus, if any one of them makes a move, it'll be considered reckless.

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