Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 177 - Meeting my baby~!

After ripping her fats with great effort, Seraphina buried her disguise in the backyard pit she dug. Currently, she was at her private quarters in country Y. Feeling relieve and light after the heavy fats were taken off, a satisfied smiled form on the corners of her lips.

Checking the time, Seraphina rushed to have a quick shower before going to the lab facility. After finishing her routine, Seraphina immediately got on her black sports motorbike as she sped away.


After the whole process in accessing the research facility, Seraphina finally arrived at the floor where Doctor John always receives her.

"Sera --" Doctor John with his usual humorous tone stop midway seeing Seraphina's blotchy skin. His brows knitted in confusion on what she has done to herself.

'Don't ask. Just give me the meds." Seraphina rolled her eyes as she leisurely sat on the usual sofa she sits on. Doctor John gesture to his lackey before perching beside Seraphina.

"Dearie, why didn't you followed the proper instruction on taking off your disguise?" Doctor John inquired with concern. Since her disguise was special, it also needs a special technique to take it off. Seeing that she had red spots on her skin, he already knew that Seraphina took it off in a rush manner.

"I have a flight -- I'm meeting my baby~!" Seraphina proudly boasts without restraint. Since she considers Doctor John as her trusted friend and even if someone will kill him, he'll keep his mouth zipped.

Alas, Doctor John's expression was indiscernible. After a moment of contemplation, he finally breaks his silence.

"Sera, are you sure about this?"

"About what?"

"About you, in a relationship with a man, you don't know." Doctor John solemnly questions her. Seraphina's brows arc, she scoffs.

"My friend, I told you, I'm a big girl now. Just let me be happy for now -- let tomorrow worries itself." Seraphina was too focused on the fact that she was meeting Dragon in a few hours from now, thus, she didn't get Doctor John's hint behind his words. After all, she never mentions that she started her relationship with Dragon in a whim.

When the junior researcher held out a special ointment for Seraphina's skin, Doctor John wordlessly passed it to her.


"Hehe, that's what I like about you. Thanks, frenny! You're the best!" Seraphina merrily snatched the ointment before she jolted from her seat and was about to leave. Alas, Doctor John gave her a last piece of advice.

"Sera, please, don't let love cloud your judgment."

"Hehe, it won't" Seraphina stuck her tongue out before continuing her steps towards the elevator. After the elevator door closes, Doctor John's worried face was written all over his face.

"This little girl…" he mumbles in concern. Seraphina's reassurance will never convince him since she didn't pick up the message behind his words earlier.

He wasn't worried that Dragon might hurt her but, when the truth behind her life and the man she loves would be laid before her, Doctor John was more worried that the heartbreak she might experience -- he's afraid that it would snap her.

After all, Seraphina was a vengeful person. And a simple heartbreak to anyone -- however, in Seraphina's case, it might change her views regarding love. Alas, even if he wanted to help her, he can't. He could only pray for her well-being and prolong Seraphina and Dragon's relationship until they had enough of each other.


Unlike the last time, the 18-hour flight felt forever to Seraphina. If only she could fast forward the time, she will -- for her to arrive and see her the person she misses the most. After grabbing her small luggage, Seraphina rushed towards the exit, alas, she spotted the stand-out profile of Dragon.

Turning her attention to his direction, her expression instantly lit up. Dragon, on the other hand, smiles as his hand involuntarily raise and waved at her. Seeing her innocent, gleeful smile directing to him, his cold heart instantly warms up.

It's only been a week since he last saw her, yet, an inexplicable excitement circled inside him.

"Baby! I miss you!" Seraphina without any self-restraint throws herself at him. Catching her petite figure, Dragon hugged her back receiving the warmth from her body.

"Hmm." he hummed as if saying the feeling was mutual.

Under each other's presence, Dragon and Seraphina automatically went inside their own little world and their surrounding was muted -- escaping from the reality of life. Both could feel their exhausted bodies relaxed from the hell week of pretense.

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