Good Girl Gone Bad: Queen Of The Underworld

Chapter 183 - Gorgeous who? oh, that's me.


"Gorgeous who? Oh, That's me." Seraphina smirks -- ending the joke that didn't even have the chance to start. The scarred man smirks back in mirth. He instantly likes Seraphina's humor. Unfortunately, he was Dragon's woman. Hence, her death was already set in stone along with their target, Dragon.

"Miss gorgeous, I must commend your bravery, unlike those men inside." Still, the man spats his compliment with a touch of insults towards Max.

"I need a car and in return, you can make me your hostage." Seraphina demanded -- delving through her main concern. She doesn't have more seconds to spare chatting nonsense with the man as Dragon was losing more blood by every second that is being wasted.

The man gleams in amus_e_m_e_nt seeing Seraphina's deadpan expression. He doesn't know if she was brave or just ignorant. It was as if he heard the greatest joke for the day as he let out continues creepy chuckles.

"Miss, why would I do that?" he answered in between his laughs. Seraphina smirks. No one knows the reason behind her curled lips but they could feel the dark aura she emits.

"What will you do to a man who's on a brink of death? Don't you want pieces of information? Hmm, well, you can kidnap him and get him treated but in my opinion, it's not profitable at all. I suggest you let him go and think a better plan." Seraphina advises in a trivial manner.

"Pretty girl, why would you think we need him alive?"

"Oh, right. You won't let this opportunity to slip because you're afraid that if he didn't die today, you won't get a peaceful sleep in the future, no?" although the man was referring to other concern, Seraphina provoke him by saying her insults.

The scarred man was rendered speechless by the belittling insults from an innocent looking girl. Indeed, despite her princess shell, she was rather a sharp tongue vixen. The scarred man scoffs as he gestured to the person nearest him which his subordinate instantly executed.

The subordinate raised his rifle, aiming at Seraphina and without hesitation, he opened fire. Unfortunately, the bullet missed her. The man who fired at Seraphina widens his eyes in disbelief. He was sure that his accuracy was precise and would unlikely miss her but, how come the bullet didn't land on her?

"Captain Long, watch out!"

Grabbing the chance while everyone was shocked, Seraphina swiftly slid to the car's hood between Captain Long and her -- taking the scarred man off guard. A kick instantly lands on the man's abdomen which made him staggered miserably on the ground. Seraphina unleashed her strength in that powerful strike -- enough for the man who was called Captain Long to grimace in pain.

As he coughs, Captain Long was disoriented by the girl's paramount strength. After all, a normal strike, whether it was a surprise attack would not be this painful. Coughing his heart out, Seraphina's figure pounces on top of him as a pistol muzzle was abruptly shoved inside his mouth, making his lips bleed by the rough force.

"What, gorgeous? I must also commend your bravery harming my man. Now, do as I say while I'm asking nicely." Seraphina whispers which tickle the man in a horrifying way. Unlike her indifference earlier, she was now way too dangerous and the bloodl_u_s_t along with her voice was unrestrained -- exposing the real person behind the harmless looking mask.

Captain Long didn't respond from the shock until Seraphina shoved the pistol's muzzle deeper that almost choked him to death. Just before Captain Long could nod, Seraphina snatched the pistol clipped on his waist before firing it to the person at the corner of her eyes.

Surprisingly, even though her eyes were fixed towards Captain Long's wide open eyes, while her right hand was holding tightly on the pistol's handle with its muzzled choking Captain Long -- who would have thought that her senses towards her surroundings were heightened to a different degree. Hence, despite her position, her accuracy towards her target hit the spot -- successfully making a head shot.

"You're letting my man go or I'll make you eat your own flesh before dismembering you, bit by bit." Seraphina finally snapped as her eyes scream bloodbath that pierced through Captain Long's very soul.

The proud and boastful Captain Long earlier turned to a stone statue before Seraphina's inhumane gaze. He finally understood the reason behind her smirks earlier -- her smirks weren't her only front but a warning. Alas, he was too blinded to see it as he gradually lowered his guard.

None made a reckless move as their hostility before the she-devil in front of them might cause a catastrophe. After all, their confidant who tries to strike her while she wasn't looking was now lying in his own pool of blood.

On the other hand, Max and the driver were dumbfounded as the scene before them unfold.

"She -- she didn't kill him for real, right?' Max silly thoughts resurfaced. Even though they were surrounded by killings and murder, he can't believe his eyes! After all, most of the time, Seraphina was a bright, harmless girl around Dragon.scream

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